Easy to use, high-performance and flexible VHDL implementation of Pipelined Wishbone B4 bus interconnect. Intended to provide similar easyness and funcionality to generation based tools, but without generating.
- No code generation needed, just add file
,use work.alpus_wb32_pkg.all
and instantiate from the templates. - No steep learning curve, no installation just to get started
- LGPL license for free usage in projects
- Low-latency by default
- High clock achievable using pipeline bridges
- Pipelined Wishbone supports 1 clock per transfer during block cycles
- Compatible with most existing components using adapters
- Shared bus or fully parallel interconnect can be achieved by placing components accordingly
- Pipeline bridging allows nearly unlimited number of masters and slaves
_____________ ________ ____________
[master0]<->| | |pipeline| | |<->[slave0]
|master_select| <-> |_bridge | <-> |slave_select|<->[slave1]
[master1]<->|_____________| |________| |____________|<->[std_slave_adapter]<->[slave2]
Supports a most commonly used subset of Wishbone B4 specification:
- Classic cycles only for simplicity (registered feedback burst modes not supported).
- Pipelined mode (vs. Standard mode): one clock per transfer during bursts. Both master and slave can control transfer rate.
- 32-bit data and address bus. Trivially modifiable for other data widths.
- Byte addresses for readability. Address signal is always "downto 0" and 2 LSBs are zero.
- Interconnect is so far transparent regarding endianness.
Alpus Pipelined Wishbone consists of parts:
Record types alpus_wb32_tos_t
and alpus_wb32_tom_t
are named according to signal direction
to master (tom) or to slave (tos). This makes signal naming simple and consistent. Signals are always 32 bits wide, but
slaves can decode only those data/address bits that are really used.
use work.alpus_wb32_pkg.all;
signal mybus_tos : alpus_wb32_tos_t;
signal mybus_tom : alpus_wb32_tom_t;
master0: my_master port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
wb_tos => mybus_tos,
wb_tom => mybus_tom );
slave0: alpus_wb_test_slave port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
wb_tos => mybus_tos,
wb_tom => mybus_tom );
Master select component (alpus_wb_master_select) is used to connect multiple masters to one slave. Implemented as combinatorial VHDL entity (registers only for arbitration state).
Simple Slave select functions (alpus_wb32_slave_select_tos, alpus_wb32_slave_select_tom) used to connect multiple slaves to one master. This is a combinatorial VHDL function selecting a slave based on address and mask. Use alpus_wb32_slave_select_tom to select between two slaves. It can be nested, but you may need to balance it manually. NOTE: this doesn't support addressing multiple slaves in one bus cycle.
Full Slave select component TBD
Address translation can be implemented by trivial VHDL expressions.
A complete interconnect is built from these blocks. You can connect all masters to a single shared bus and then connect the shared bus to slaves. Or you can have one slave_select for each master and one master_select for each slave, enabling full parallel accesses.
Example connecting two masters to a shared bus, and the bus to three slaves:
-- Connect the masters to shared master_common_tos/tom bus
master_sel: alpus_wb_master_select generic map (
) port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
master_side_tos(0) => master0_tos,
master_side_tos(1) => master1_tos,
master_side_tom(0) => master0_tom,
master_side_tom(1) => master1_tom,
slave_side_tos => master_common_tos,
slave_side_tom => master_common_tom );
-- Connect the slaves to the shared bus, mapping each slave to their addresses with mask
slave0_tos <= alpus_wb32_slave_select_tos(x"00000000", x"0000f000", master_common_tos);
slave1_tos <= alpus_wb32_slave_select_tos(x"00001000", x"0000f000", master_common_tos);
slave2_tos <= alpus_wb32_slave_select_tos(x"00002000", x"0000f000", master_common_tos);
master_common_tom <= alpus_wb32_slave_select_tom(x"00000000", x"0000f000", master_common_tos, slave0_tom,
alpus_wb32_slave_select_tom(x"00001000", x"0000f000", master_common_tos, slave1_tom, slave2_tom) );
- Adapter for Standard mode masters/slaves (alpus_wb32_stdmode_adapter) allows interfacing to legacy components with non-pipelined wishbone. The mode for each side is set independently. This functionality is also available in Pipeline bridge. Note that non-pipelined slaves will appear as having zero ack latency.
- Pipeline bridges (alpus_wb_pipeline_bridge) can be added anywhere to break long combinatorial paths. They add latency but increase clock frequency. Which path to pipeline is set by generics. Note that registering the stall line adds one wait state, and ack latency is reduced by one (may become negative!).
bridge: alpus_wb_pipeline_bridge generic map (
REG_STALL => '1',
) port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
master_side_tos => master_tos,
master_side_tom => master_tom,
slave_side_tos => slave_tos,
slave_side_tom => slave_tom );
- CDC bridge (alpus_wb_cdc_bridge) (TODO) for clock domain crossing. Simple unbuffered slow variant and a fast variant using async fifos?
- Adapter for bus width (TODO)
- Adapter for avalon/axi etc buses (TODO)
- Cyc is high for whole full burst access from first stb to last ack. Needs to go down between cycles for multi-mastered buses.
- Transfer request happens when stb is high and stall low (addr/data/we) => master may delay transfers by deasserting stb and slave by asserting stall
- Response for both read an write happens when ack is active
- Block or RMW transfers: multiple stb accesses (R-R/R-W/W-R) under one cyc are atomic
- "Registered feedback" cycle is needed for pre-known bursts
- Classic vs Pipelined mode: classic mode leaves stb high until ack, in pipelined mode new stb cycles would start another pipelined access even if ack has not yet arrived
- Specification available at https://cdn.opencores.org/downloads/wbspec_b4.pdf
The tb/ folder includes a testbench with an example design using most features. The test master and slave may be useful as templates when creating new designs.
The example design, with unregistered paths from master to slave, runs at nearly 200 MHz on Artix7 speed grade 1.
Antoher small example of usage is in my alpus_riscv_cpu repo.