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An interactive Menu app where restaurant customers can view available menu items by category and restaurant staff can create and delete dish items on the menu.

Steps to follow

  1. Copy the folder to SymfonyMAMP and rename to "web". Then cd to "web"

  2. Install dependencies using composer install

  3. Install front-end dependencies using npm install

  4. Do the migration:

    • Open file .env in "SYMFONY-MAMP" folder (not the "web" folder!)
    • Rename database to DATABASE_NAME=MenuDB .
    • Open Docker > symfony-mamp_www_1 > CLI
    • cd to "web" folder
    • Run php bin/console make:migration
    • Run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  5. Start Docker container SYMFONY-MAMP

  6. Visit URL: http://localhost:8007/ to see the app

  7. Use Crtl + C to stop the watch

Tech stack

  1. Symfony
  2. PHP
  3. MySQL
  4. SymfonyMAMP


Website template by Colorlib downloaded from Themeslab. Images from Unsplash