- Run
$> docker-compose -f traefik/docker-compose.yml up --build -d
$> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
the command
$> docker-compose -f traefik/docker-compose.yml up --build -d
will create a traefik magento and then in the docker-compose.yml change the indicated data in the comments
If starting a new project go into the fpm container and run:
./bin/magento setup:install \
--base-url=http://<project_name>.local/ \
--db-host=<db_project_container>_dbSO_1 \
--db-name=<db-name-from-the-env-file> \
--db-user=<db-user-from-the-env-file> \
--db-password=<db-password-from-the-env-file> \
--admin-firstname=<admin-first-name> \
--admin-lastname=<admin-last-name> \
--admin-email=<admin-email> \
--admin-user=<admin-user> \
--admin-password=<admin-password> \
--language=en_GB \
--currency=GBP \
--timezone=Europe/London \
--use-rewrites=1 \
--search-engine=elasticsearch7 \
--elasticsearch-host=reverse-proxy_elasticsearch_1 \
And do not forget to replace what is in the <>
with the correct data
- Install docker on the machine that you are working on
- Clone the project
- Copy the directories and files :
- .docker
- mysql-dump (In this folder please add the mysql database dump file to be imported on the docker container instances )
- mysql-conf
- mysql-integration-dump
- nginx-conf
- .env
- docker-compose.yaml
on the magento root project folder
- modify .env file accordingly to the project needs
- On the dump file for the mysql database run:
$> cd mysql-dump
this will replace the base url to the one desired to have locally
$> cd mysql-dump $> sed -i 's/website.co.uk/website.dev.local/g' livedb.sql
- Run
$> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build -d
- to stop the docker cotainers ( *nix command < linux and osx > )
$> docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
- In case there is a need to remove all of the containers:
$> docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
$> docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
$> docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
$> docker system prune -a
then run the
$> docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml up --build -d
to rebuild everything once again
- Adjust the memory for the system ( in the
change the line 144 from
fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "memory_limit=4G \n max_execution_time=18000";
to the required memory limit for php depending on your system )
- the same is available for the
change the line 1
memory_limit = 4G
to the same memory limit value as the nginx
- If on linux / windows WSL do remember to update the
as root user ( in the/etc/sysctl.conf
$> sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
at the bottom of the file add the following lines
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 5242880
- save and exit then reload sysctl on linux
$> sudo sysctl -p
On OSX or on Windows with HyperV if the docker container for mysql and or elasticsearch restarts, do make sure to have the specs set up properly within docker-desktop
- 3 CPU's
- 6 GB ram
- 3 GB swap
- and a minimum of a 40gb disk image size And set the file sharing to the project folder and the folder containing the project folder.