Here is the revised full manual for µBench:
- µBench Manual
- Microservice Model
- Service-Cell
- Work Model
- Internal-Service Functions
- Run a µBench Application
- Toolchain
- Benchmark Strategies
- Benchmark Tools
- Monitoring and Tracing
- Installation and Getting Started
µBench generates dummy microservice applications consisting of a set of (micro) services that call each other to satisfy a client request. Each service has a different ID (e.g., s0, s1, s2, sdb1) and performs the following tasks:
- Executing an internal-service, i.e., a function, that stresses specific computing resources (CPU, disk, memory, etc.) and produces some dummy bytes to stress network resources.
- Calling a set of external-services, i.e., the services of other service-cells, and waiting for their results.
- Sending back the number of dummy bytes produced by the internal-service to the callers.
Services communicate with each other using either HTTP REST request/response mechanisms or gRPC. Users can access the µBench microservice application through an API gateway, an NGINX server, that exposes an HTTP endpoint per service, e.g., NGINX_ip:port/s0, NGINX_ip:port/s1, etc. These endpoints can be used by software for performance evaluation that loads the system with service requests, such as our Runner, ApacheBench, JMeter. µBench services report their observed performance to a global Prometheus monitoring system. The underlying platform (e.g., Kubernetes) running the µBench microservice application can report its metrics to Prometheus too.
Each service is implemented by a main software unit that we call service-cell. A service-cell is a Docker container that contains a Python program executing the internal and external services that the user has chosen for the specific service. After the execution of internal and external services, it returns a number of dummy kBytes.
When a service-cell is executed, it has an identifier (e.g., Sx) collected from environment variables. It imports the Python files with the code of the custom functions (custom internal-services) possibly defined by the user. Then, it reads the workmodel.json
file to figure out based on its identifier which internal and external services it should execute when serving a request. As described later, the workmodel.json
file is a kind of "DNA" of a µBench application that describes for each service what local job (internal-service) it must do and what other downstream services it must call (external-services) before sending back a response.
The workmodel.json
file and the portfolio of Python files with the code of the custom functions are imported by the service-cell through specific Kubernetes ConfigMaps.
For performance monitoring, a service-cell exposes a set of metrics to a Prometheus server.
Optionally, a µBench service (i.e., a POD) can be associated with a sidecar container that runs a real software, e.g., a database, that interacts with the main container of the service-cell. This way, µBench can be used to evaluate the performance of real software in a microservice architecture.
The description of a µBench application, i.e., the set of internal and external-services run by service-cells, is contained in a global file named workmodel.json
, which all service-cells access via a K8s ConfigMap (named mub-workmodel
). The workmodel.json
file is made by a key per service as shown below.
"s0": {
"external_services": [{
"seq_len": 100,
"services": [
"probabilities": {
"s1": 1
"seq_len": 1,
"services": [
"probabilities": {
"sdb1": 1
"internal_service": {
"compute_pi": {
"mean_response_size": 10,
"range_complexity": [
"request_method": "rest",
"workers": 4,
"threads": 16,
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m",
"pod_antiaffinity": false,
"replicas": 1
"sdb1": {
"external_services": [],
"internal_service": {
"compute_pi": {
"mean_response_size": 1,
"range_complexity": [
"request_method": "rest",
"workers": 4,
"threads": 16,
"pod_antiaffinity": false,
"replicas": 1,
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m"
"s1": {
"external_services": [{
"seq_len": 100,
"services": [
"probabilities": {
"s2": 1
"internal_service": {
"colosseum": {
"mean_response_size": 10
"request_method": "rest",
"workers": 4,
"threads": 16,
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m",
"pod_antiaffinity": false,
"replicas": 1
"s2": {
"external_services": [{
"seq_len": 100,
"services": [
"probabilities": {
"sdb1": 1
"internal_service": {
"compute_pi": {
"mean_response_size": 15,
"range_complexity": [
"request_method": "rest",
"workers": 4,
"threads": 16,
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m",
"pod_antiaffinity": false,
"replicas": 1
In this example, the µBench application is made by four services: s0, s1, s2, and sdb1 (that mimics a database). The internal-service of s0 is the function compute_pi with parameters range_complexity
(uniform random interval of the number of pi digits to generate; the higher this number the higher the CPU stress) and mean_response_size
(average value of an expneg distribution used to generate the number of bytes to return to the caller).
The external-services called by s0 are organized into two external-service-groups described by JSON objects contained in an array. The first group contains only the external-service s1. The second group contains only the external-service sdb1. External-services belonging to the same group are called sequentially, while those in different groups are called in parallel. Specifically, upon receiving a request, a different per-group thread is executed for each external-service-group. Each per-group thread randomly selects a number of seq_len
external-services in its group and invokes them (e.g., an HTTP call) sequentially, according to a given calling probability
. If seq_len
is greater than the size of the external-services-group, the involvement of the external-services of the group is controlled exclusively by the calling probabilities.
In the considered example, the service s0 surely calls s1 because seq_len is greater than the size of the external-service-group and probability of s1 = 1, and for the same reason it surely calls sdb1 in parallel, because s1 and sdb1 belong to different external-service-groups of s0. Consequently, s1 surely calls s2 and s2 surely calls sdb1.
This way of involving microservices per request is called stochastic-driven. µBench also offers a trace-driven approach, see Benchmark Strategies.
Additional information includes the number of parallel processes (workers
) and threads
per process used by the service-cell to serve client requests, the request_method
it uses to call other services (can be gRPC
or rest
, and, currently, must be equal for all), optional specification of CPU and memory resources needed by service-cell containers, namely cpu-requests
, cpu-limits
, memory-requests
, memory-limits
(see k8s documentation), the number of replicas
of the related POD, the pod_antiaffinity
(true, false) property to enforce pods spreading on different nodes.
An internal-service is a function that users can define as a Python function. The Docker image of the service-cell provides a default function named compute_pi
that computes a configurable number of decimals of pi to keep the CPU busy.
To stress other aspects (e.g., memory, storage, etc.), the user can develop his custom functions and save them into the subfolder CustomFunctions
. In this way, µBench supports the continuous integration of new benchmark functions without the need to change the remaining code.
As input, your function receives a dictionary with the parameters specified in the workmodel.json
As output, your function must return a string used as the body for the response given back by a service.
Note1: Each custom function must have a unique name, otherwise conflicts will occur. Also, you can specify more than one custom function inside the same Python file. Note2: The Python libraries (imports) needed for the custom function must be included in the service-cell container. If necessary, edit the
file ofServiceCell
and rebuild the container. Then, push it to your own repository, and use this new image inConfigs/K8sParameters.json
def custom_function(params):
## your code here
## the response of the function must be a string
response_body = "the body must be a string"
return response_body
The built-in function compute_pi
computes an N
number of decimals of the π, where N
is an integer, randomly chosen in an interval [X
] for each execution. The larger the interval, the greater the complexity and the stress on the CPU. After the computation, the compute_pi
function returns a dummy string made of B
kBytes, where B
is a sample of an exponential random variable whose average is the mean_response_size
So the input parameters of compute_pi
"range_complexity": [X, Y]
"mean_response_size": value
Some custom functions are already available in the CustomFunction
folder that contains also related Readme documentation.
µBench can support the execution of real software within a service-cell by using sidecar containers that share the namespaces with the main container of the service-cell. For instance, a user can include a MongoDB database in the sdb1 service by changing the workmodel.json
as follows:
"sdb1": {
"external_services": [],
"sidecar": "mongodb",
"internal_service": {
"mongo_fun": {
"nreads": [10,20],
"nwrites": [10,20]
Where sidecar
is the name of the docker image to be used as sidecar and mongo_fun
is a possible (TODO) function executed by the service-cell as internal-service, which interacts with the sidecar MongoDB by executing a random number of reading and writing operations within the uniform interval 10,20. However, any internal-service function can be used.
µBench exploits an underlying container orchestration platform to deploy the service-cells forming a µBench application. The deployment task is done by a per-platform deployment tool that takes as input the workmodel.json
, and possible platform configuration files, and eventually uses the platform API to carry out the final deployment. Currently, µBench software uses Kubernetes platform only and includes a Kubernetes deployment tool, named K8sDeployer, that must run on a host that has access to a Kubernetes cluster through kubectl
The K8sDeployer uses the workmodel.json
file and other config files to create the Kubernetes resources used to run the µBench microservice application. In particular, the K8sDeployer runs the following Kubernetes resources:
Type | Name | Description |
Deployments | sx | Deployments of service-cells (no databases) |
Deployments | sdbx | Deployments of service-cells of databases |
Deployment | gw-nginx | Deployment of NGINX API gateway |
Services (Node Port) | sx | Services of service-cells (no databases), port 80 |
Services (NodePort) | sdbx | Services of service-cells of databases, port 80 |
Service (NodePort) | gw-nginx | Service of NGINX API gateway, port 80, nodeport 31113) |
ConfigMap | gw-nginx | ConfigMap for nginx configuration |
ConfigMap | internal-services | ConfigMap including custom functions of internal-services |
ConfigMap | workmodel | ConfigMap including workmodel.json |
The K8sDeployer takes as input a JSON file, like the following one, which contains information about the path of the workmodel.json
file (WorkModelPath
) and custom functions (InternalServiceFilePath
) to be stored in the related ConfigMaps, and Kubernetes parameters. The Kubernetes parameters are the Docker image
of the service-cell, the namespace
of the deployment, as well as the K8s cluster_domain
and the URL path
used to trigger the service of service-cells. Between the deployment of a service-cell and the next one, there is a waiting period equal to sleep
seconds to avoid K8s API server overload.
The user can change the name of the output YAML files of µBench microservices by specifying the prefix_yaml_file
. NGINX gateway needs the name of the K8s DNS service and this value is stored in dns-resolver
(be careful that some K8s clusters can use coredns
instead of the default kube-dns
). Deployment of NGINX can be avoided by changing nginx-gw
to false. The K8s NGINX service type is those reported in nginx-svc-type
. It is possible to change the K8s scheduler used for the deployment of the µBench application by changing the key scheduler-name
Using this information, K8sDeployer generates YAML files for running the µBench app, puts them in the OutputPath/yaml
folder, and then applies them on Kubernetes, unless no-apply
is true. To move the µBench application to another cluster, simply transport these YAML files. Similarly, these YAML files can be used to remove the µBench application from the cluster, with the exclusion of the generated namespace that should be manually removed.
"K8sParameters": {
"namespace": "default",
"image": "msvcbench/microservice_v5-screen:latest",
"cluster_domain": "cluster",
"path": "/api/v1",
"sleep": 2,
"scheduler-name": "default-scheduler",
"nginx-gw": true,
"nginx-svc-type": "NodePort",
"no-apply": false
"InternalServiceFilePath": "CustomFunctions",
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"WorkModelPath": "SimulationWorkspace/workmodel.json"
from the K8s Master node as follows
python3 Deployers/K8sDeployer/ -c Configs/K8sParameters.json
If the K8sDeployer finds YAML files in the YAML folder, it will ask whether the user prefers to undeploy them before proceeding. The undeploy operation removes all files YAML files and, if no-apply
is false, removes also the related Kubernetes resources.
Take care of controlling the eventual completion of the deployment/undeployment operation with kubectl get pods
can contain the keysreplicas
to enforce these properties for all Pods of the µBench application, overriding possible values inworkmodel.json
. For instance,"replicas": 2
implies that every service will have 2 replicas.
To simulate large microservice applications, µBench provides a toolchain made by two software, ServiceGraphGenerator and WorkModelGenerator, that support the creation of complex workmodel.json
files by using random distributions whose parameters can be configured by the user.
The following figure shows how they can be sequentially used with the K8sDeployer to have a µBench application running on a Kubernetes cluster.
In short, the ServiceGraphGenerator creates a random dependency graph among microservices by using the Barabási-Albert (BA) algorithm. The WorkModelGenerator assigns each microservice a job, i.e., an internal-function, and an amount of resources (CPU limit, MEMs/requirements, replicas, etc.). All this information is included in the workmodel.json
file that is used by K8sDeployer to deploy the µBench application on a Kubernetes cluster.
The ServiceGraphGenerator can be used to randomly generate the dependency graph among µBench's microservices and the strategies used to span the graph while serving a user request. The nodes of the graph are the microservices and a link exists between service A and B if service A calls service B, that is, B is an external-service of A. A link can have a weight that is the probability of actually performing the call A->B while serving a user request.
The ServiceGraphGenerator creates a servicegraph.json
file that includes this graph information, which will be eventually included in the workmodel.json
file describing the µBench application.
Literature studies show that the building of a realistic dependency graph can be done by using the Barabási-Albert (BA) algorithm, which uses a power-law distribution and results in a topology that follows a preferential-attachment model. For this reason, the ServiceGraphGenerator creates random dependency graphs following the BA model.
The BA algorithm builds the graph topology as follows: at each step, a new service is added as a vertex of a directed tree. This new service is connected with an edge to a single parent service already present in the topology. The edge direction is from the parent service to the new child service, this means that the parent service includes the new service in its external-services. The parent service is chosen according to a preferred attachment strategy using a power-law distribution. Specifically, vertex i is chosen as a parent with a (non-normalized) probability equal to Pi = diα + a, where di is the number of services that have already chosen the service i as a parent, α is the power-law exponent, and a is the zero-appeal parameters i.e., the probability of a service being chosen as a parent when no other service has yet chosen it.
As previously mentioned, to simulate parallel and sequential calls of external-services, the whole set of external-services of a microservice is organized in external-service-groups. The ServiceGraphGenerator creates a configurable number of equal external service groups for each microservice and inserts external-services into these groups according to a water-filling algorithm.
The ServiceGraphGenerator configures the probability of calling external-services using two different models: a constant model that assigns the same probability to all external-services and a random model that randomly chooses the value of the calling probability in the range (0,1).
To simulate the presence of databases in a µBench microservice application, the ServiceGraphGenerator adds to the dependency graph some database-services that only execute their internal-service. The other services select one of these databases as external-service with a configurable probability.
The ServiceGraphGenerator takes as input a JSON configuration file (ServiceGraphParameters.json
) as the following:
"ServiceGraphParameters": {
"vertices": 2,
"external_service_groups": 1,
"power": 0.05,
"seq_len": 100,
"service_probability": {"model":"const", "params":{"value":1}},
"zero_appeal": 3.25,
"dbs": {
"nodb": 0.2,
"sdb1": 0.79,
"sdb2": 0.01
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutputFile": "servicegraph.json"
There are two services (vertices = 2
), and each service has a single external_service_groups (external_service_groups=1
). For each group, 100 external-services are sequentially called (seq_len=100
). When seq_len
> vertices
all external-service of a service group are sequentially called. Regarding the weights of the link of the dependency graph, i.e. the calling probabilities, the ServiceGraphGenerator allows using a random ("model":"random"
) distribution in the range (0,1) for extracting the value of such probabilities or using a constant value for all, as in the example. In any case, these probabilities can be fine-tuned a posteriori by editing the produced servicegraph.json
The configuration in the example provides also the presence of two databases, sdb1
and sdb2
. sdb1
is used by a service with a probability of 0.79, sdb2
with a probability of 0.01, and in the remaining cases, the service does not use any database.
The figure below reports a possible service graph generated with these parameters where sdb2
has been never chosen by services and therefore not included in the microservice application.
The ServiceGraphGenerator generates and saves to the OutputPath
directory two files: the servicegraph.json
and the servicegraph.png
for easier visualization of the generated service graph, like the one shown before. The name of these files can be changed with the key OutputFile
This is an example of the servicegraph.json
file generated by the ServiceGraphGenerator. The related service graph is shown in the above figure. We note that this is a part of the workmodel.json
file previously presented. The other part will be created by the WorkModelGenerator.
"s0": {
"external_services": [
"seq_len": 100,
"services": [
"probabilities": {
"s1": 1
"seq_len": 1,
"services": [
"sdb1": {
"external_services": []
"s1": {
"external_services": [
"seq_len": 1,
"services": [
To run ServiceGraphGenerator
python3 ServiceGraphGenerator/ -c Configs/ServiceGraphParameters.json
We illustrate four examples of ServiceGraphParameters.json files that can be used to create dependency graphs with different topological properties:
An Highly Centralized Hierarchical Architecture with Most of the Services Linked to One Service (Excluding the DB Services):
"service_probability": {"model":"const", "params":{"value":1}},
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutputFile": "servicegraph.json"
"service_probability": {"model":"const", "params":{"value":1}},
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutputFile": "servicegraph.json"
"service_probability": {"model":"const", "params":{"value":1}},
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutputFile": "servicegraph.json"
"service_probability": {"model":"const", "params":{"value":1}},
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutputFile": "servicegraph.json"
The WorkModelGenerator generates the workmodel.json
describing internal and external-services of service-cells and that is used by deployers to eventually run the microservice application. For the configuration of external-services, the WorkModelGenerator imports those specified in a servicegraph.json
file manually edited or automatically generated by the ServiceGraphGenerator. For the selection of functions to be associated with internal-services of service-cells, the WorkModelGenerator singles out these functions at random and according to configurable probabilities.
The Examples
directory contains some examples of workmodels that can be used for testing purposes.
The WorkModelGenerator takes as input a configuration file (WorkModelParameters.json
) as the following one
"type": "function",
"value": {
"name": "compute_pi",
"recipient": "service",
"parameters": {
"range_complexity":[50, 100]
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m"
"f1": {
"name": "colosseum",
"recipient": "service",
"probability": 0.0,
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m"
"f2": {
"value": {
"name": "loader",
"recipient": "database",
"parameters": {
"cpu_stress": {"run":false,"range_complexity": [100, 100], "thread_pool_size": 1, "trials": 1},
"memory_stress":{"run":false, "memory_size": 10000, "memory_io": 1000},
"disk_stress":{"run":true,"tmp_file_name": "mubtestfile.txt", "disk_write_block_count": 1000, "disk_write_block_size": 1024},
"mean_response_size": 11
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m"
"f3": {
"value": {
"name": "loader",
"recipient": "service",
"parameters": {
"cpu_stress": {"run":true,"range_complexity": [1000, 1000], "thread_pool_size": 1, "trials": 1},
"memory_stress":{"run":false, "memory_size": 10000, "memory_io": 1000},
"disk_stress":{"run":false,"tmp_file_name": "mubtestfile.txt", "disk_write_block_count": 1000, "disk_write_block_size": 1024},
"sleep_stress":{"run":false, "sleep_time": 0.01},
"mean_response_size": 11
"cpu-requests": "1000m",
"cpu-limits": "1000m",
"replicas": 2
"type": "metadata",
"databases_prefix": {
"value": "sdb"
"override": {
"type": "metadata",
"value": {
"sdb1": {"sidecar": "mongo:4.4.9"},
"s0": {"function_id": "f1"}
"ServiceGraphFilePath": {
"type": "metadata",
"OutputPath": {
This file includes a set of function-flavor that are possible internal-service functions. For each service-cell, a function-flavor will be used as internal-service according to a configurable flavor probability.
Many function-flavors (f0
, f1
, f2
) can use the same python base-function (e.g., loader
is used by f2
and f3
) but with different parameters.
Each function-flavor is represented as JSON object with a unique ID key (f0
, f1
, f2
, f3
) and whose values are: the parameters
taken as input by the function, e.g., the compute_pi
function uses mean_response_size
and range_complexity
Other keys are the recipient
of the function-flavor (database
or plain service
); the name
of the base-function to be executed; the probability
to be associated to a service-cell; the optional keys workers
and threads
that are the number of processes and threads per process used by service-cells that run the function-flavor to serve client requests; the optional key replicas
for choosing the number of replicas of service-cells that run the function-flavor; the optional keys cpu-requests
to control the cpu/memory resources associated to the service-cells running the function-flavor (see k8s documentation).
The description of external-services is imported through a servicegraph.json
file located in ServiceGraphFilePath
metadata that can be manually made or automatically generated by the ServiceGraphGenerator.
The method used to carry out external-service calls is specified in request_method
metadata ("rest" or "gRPC"). Prefix to identify databases is in databases_prefix
The override
metadata can be used to enforce the use of a specific function for a service avoiding the random selection and to assign sidecar containers to a service-cell. In the above example, the service-cell that implements the database identified as sdb1
has a mongo sidecar container. Moreover, the service-cell that implements the service s0
uses the function with ID f1
The final workmodel.json
file produced by the tool will be saved in the OutputPath
. The filename workmodel.json
can be changed with the key OutputFileName
To run the WorkModelGenenerator
launch the following command:
python3 WorkModelGenerator/ -c Configs/WorkModelParameters.json
Autopilots are sequential executors of the toolchain. An autopilot sequentially runs the ServiceGraphGenerator
, the WorkModelGenerator
, and the Deployer
Currently, the Autopilots
folder contains an Autopilot tool for Kubernetes in the subfolder K8sAutopilot
. It uses the following configuration K8sAutopilotConf.json
file, whose keys specify the paths of the run tools and their configuration files.
"RunServiceGraphGeneratorFilePath": "ServiceGraphGenerator/",
"RunWorkModelGeneratorFilePath": "WorkModelGenerator/",
"RunK8sDeployerFilePath": "Deployers/K8sDeployer/",
"ServiceGraphParametersFilePath": "Configs/ServiceGraphParameters.json",
"WorkModelParametersFilePath": "Configs/WorkModelParameters.json",
"K8sParametersFilePath": "Configs/K8sParameters.json"
Run the K8sAutopilot
python3 Autopilots/K8sAutopilot/ -c Configs/K8sAutopilotConf.json
For stochastic benchmarks, a user sends an HTTP GET to service s0
and this request will span a random set of services according to the calling probabilities specified in the workmodel.json
For trace-driven benchmarks, a user sends an HTTP POST request to the gateway and includes, as body, a JSON object that represents a trace
, i.e., the exact sequences of the services to be spanned for serving the request. An example of the structure of a trace is given below:
The key is the service executing the requests, while the value is a list of external-service groups to be contacted in parallel. Microservices in an external-service group are requested sequentially. Since in microservice applications the same services are often requested multiple times and the structure of a JSON object does not allow duplicate keys, we have encoded a specific service with its name (e.g., s0
) followed by a escape sequence (__
) and a random number. This is not mandatory, but necessary when you need to have the same microservice repeated at the same JSON level.
In the example trace, microservice s0
has a single external-service group consisting of microservices s24
and s28
, which are called sequentially. In turn, s28
has a single group of external-services consisting of the microservices s6
and s20
. Consequently, the sequence of the called microservices is: s0
, then s0
, then s28
, then s28
To change the sequence of calls from sequential to parallel the JSON trace should be the following:
In this case, microservice s0
has two groups of external-services consisting of microservices s24
and s28
that are called in parallel. In turn, s28
has two groups of external-services consisting of the microservices s6
and s20
. Consequently, the sequence of the called microservices is: s0
, then s28
In the Examples
directory, there is the Alibaba
folder with a collection of applications obtained from processing the real Alibaba traces, in the same directory we can find the Matlab scripts used for the processing of the traces.
To use these applications, first, we need to unzip the file inside the Examples/Alibaba
directory. As a result of this operation, we obtain the trace-mbench
directory within two folders: par
and seq
├─ Examples
│ ├─ Alibaba/
│ │ ├─ Matlab/
│ │ ├─ traces-mbench/
│ │ │ ├─ par/
│ │ │ │ ├─ app2/
│ │ │ │ ├─ app3/
│ │ │ │ ├─ ...
│ │ │ ├─ seq/
│ │ │ │ ├─ app2/
│ │ │ │ ├─ app3/
│ │ │ │ ├─ ...
Each folder contains 29 applications, each one with a set of traces. The difference between the traces in the two folders is that traces in the par
directory execute downstream requests in parallel, whereas the traces in the seq
directory execute requests in sequence.
In each app folder, you will find a service_graph.json
file that represents the app's service graph and its traces. The service_graph.json
does not contain any external services, because the sequence of external services to be called is specified by the trace sent via HTTP POST.
To benchmark an app generated from Alibaba trace, the following steps must be performed:
Create a
file that contains theservice_graph.json
file of the application you intend to test. As for the remaining information in theWorkModelParameters.json
file, we were unable to derive it from Alibaba's traces, so the user must make his or her own choices. For example, a possibleWorkModelParameters.json
file for sequential application No. 18 is as follows. In this case, all microservices stress the CPU through the loader function, the average size of responses is 11 kBytes, and Kubernetes' requests and CPU limits are set to 250m.{ "WorkModelParameters":{ "f2": { "type":"function", "value": { "name": "loader", "recipient": "service", "probability":1, "parameters": { "cpu_stress": {"run":true,"range_complexity": [100, 100], "thread_pool_size": 1, "trials": 1}, "memory_stress":{"run":false, "memory_size": 10000, "memory_io": 1000}, "disk_stress":{"run":false,"tmp_file_name": "mubtestfile.txt", "disk_write_block_count": 1000, "disk_write_block_size": 1024}, "mean_response_size": 11 }, "workers":8, "threads":128, "cpu-requests": "250m", "cpu-limits": "250m" } }, "request_method":{ "type": "metadata", "value":"rest" }, "databases_prefix": { "type":"metadata", "value": "sdb" }, "override": {}, "ServiceGraphFilePath": { "type": "metadata", "value":"Examples/Alibaba/traces-mbench/seq/app18/service_graph.json" }, "OutputPath": { "type":"metadata", "value":"SimulationWorkspace" } } }
Generate the
file with theWorkModelGenerator
by running the following command:python3 WorkModelGenerator/ -c Configs/WorkModelParameters.json
Deploy the application with
by providing as input theworkmodel.json
file created in the previous step and by using the following command. If necessary update properly theConfigs/K8sParameters.json
python3 Deployers/K8sDeployer/ -c Configs/K8sParameters.json
To send a trace-driven request, we can send an HTTP POST to the NGINX access gateway with the JSON file of the trace as the body. For example, we can use the bash command
to send the first trace of sequential application n. 18.curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<access-gateway-ip>:31113/s0 -d @Examples/Alibaba/traces-mbench/seq/app18/trace00001.json
µBench provides simple benchmark tools in the Benchmarks
directory, for stochastic-driven benchmarks only. Besides this tool, you can use other open-source tools, e.g., ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool as it follows, where <access-gateway-ip>:31113
is the IP address (e.g., that of K8s master node) and port through which it is possible to contact the NGINX API gateway:
ab -n 100 -c 2 http://<access-gateway-ip>:31113/s0
Another benchmarking tool we have used successfully is Apache JMeter through which both stochastic and trace-driven benchmarks can be run.
and Runner
are two tools used to load a µBench microservice application with a sequence of HTTP requests and observe its performance both through simple metrics offered by the Runner and by Prometheus metrics.
The Runner
is the tool that loads the application with HTTP requests sent to the NGINX access gateway. It can use different workload_type
, namely: file
, greedy
, and periodic
(see later).
The Runner takes as input a RunnerParameters.json
file as the following one.
"ms_access_gateway": "http://<access-gateway-ip>:<port>",
"workload_type": "file",
"workload_files_path_list": ["/path/to/workload.json"],
"workload_rounds": 1,
"thread_pool_size": 4,
"workload_events": 100,
"rate": 5,
"ingress_service": "s0",
"result_file": "result.txt"
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"AfterWorkloadFunction": {
"file_path": "Function",
"function_name": "get_prometheus_stats"
The Runner
can be executed by using:
python3 Benchmarks/Runner/ -c Configs/RunnerParameters.json
We recommend executing the
outside the nodes of the cluster where the microservices application is running, with the purpose of not holding resources from the running services.
File mode
In file
mode, the Runner
takes as input one or more workload description files whose lines describe the request events, in terms of time and identifiers of the service to be called. This makes the test reproducible. We can see an example of a workload file below.
{"time": 100, "service": "s0"},
{"time": 200, "service": "s0"},
{"time": 500, "service": "s0"},
{"time": 700, "service": "s0"},
{"time": 900, "service": "s0"},
{"time": 1000, "service": "s0"}
The Runner
schedules the events defined in the workload files and then uses a thread pool to execute HTTP requests to the related services through the NGINX access gateway, whose IP address is specified in the ms_access_gateway
The workload files are specified in the workload_files_path_list
parameter as the path of a single file or as the path of a directory where multiple workload files are saved. In this way, you can simulate different workload scenarios one after the other.
The Runner
sequentially executes one by one these files and saves a test result file whose name is the value of result_file
key and the output directory is the value of OutputPath
key. Also, you can specify how many times you want to cycle through the workload directory with the workload_rounds
parameter, as well as the size of the thread pool allocated for each test with thread_pool_size
. The parameters workload_events
, rate
and service
are not used for file
Greedy mode
In greedy
mode, the Runner
allocates a pool of threads. Each thread makes an HTTP request to a service defined in the key ingress_service
(e.g., s0); when the response is received, the thread immediately sends another request.
Overall, the number of sent requests is the value of workload_events
. The parameters workload_files_path_list
, workload_rounds
and rate
are not used for greedy mode.
Periodic mode
In periodic
mode, the Runner
periodically sends HTTP requests at a constant rate
to a service defined in the key ingress_service
(e.g., s0). To manage concurrent requests, the Runner uses a thread pool. The parameters workload_files_path_list
and workload_rounds
are not used for periodic mode.
After each test, the Runner
can execute a custom python function (e.g., to fetch monitoring data from Prometheus) specified in the key file_name
, which is defined by the user in a file specified in the file_path
Result File
The result_file
produced by the Runner
contains five columns. Each row is written at the end of an HTTP request. The first column indicates the time of the execution of the request as a Unix timestamp; the second column indicates the elapsed time, in ms, of the request; the third column reports the received HTTP status (e.g., 200 OK), the fourth and fifth columns are the number of processed and pending (ongoing) requests at that time, respectively.
1637682769350 171 200 6 5
1637682769449 155 200 8 6
1637682769499 164 200 9 6
1637682769648 134 200 11 7
1637682769749 155 200 14 9
1637682769949 191 200 18 12
1637682770001 158 200 19 12
1637682769299 928 200 20 12
1637682770050 181 200 20 11
1637682769253 966 200 20 10
1637682770100 175 200 21 10
1637682769399 900 200 22 10
The TrafficGenerator
is a tool for generating a workload.json
file for the Runner
by using an exponential distribution for requests' inter-arrival times.
It requires as input a TrafficGeneratorParameters.json
file as the following one:
"request_parameters": {
"mean_interarrival_time": 500,
"stop_event": 1000
"OutputPath": "SimulationWorkspace",
"OutoutFile": "workload.json"
The ingress_service
parameter indicates the name of the service that acts as the ingress service of the microservice, in this example s0
As request_parameters
, you need to specify the mean inter-arrival times in ms (mean_interarrival_time
) and the number of requests (stop_event
The TrafficGenerator
will generate a file called workload.json
and it will save it to the path specified from the OutputPath
The TrafficGenerator
can be executed as follows:
python3 Benchmarks/TrafficGenerator/ -c Configs/TrafficParameters.json
With the following steps, you will deploy on your Kubernetes environment: Prometheus, Prometheus Adapter and Grafana
µBench service-cells export some metrics to a Prometheus server running in the cluster. The exported metrics are:
- mub_response_size: size of the request response in bytes;
- mub_request_latency_milliseconds: request latency including the execution of internal and external services;
- mub_internal_processing_latency_milliseconds: duration of the execution of the internal-service
- mub_external_processing_latency_milliseconds: duration of the execution of the external-service
- mub_request_latency_milliseconds_bucket: histogram of request latency including the execution of internal and external services;
- mub_internal_processing_latency_milliseconds_bucket: histogram of duration of the execution of the internal-service
- mub_external_processing_latency_milliseconds_bucket: histogram of duration of the execution of the external-service
By using Istio and Jaeger tools the monitoring can be deeper. To install the monitoring framework into the Kubernetes cluster read this manual.
In this section, we describe how to install and use µBench.
The quick way is to use a µBench Docker container, even though for extending the code may be better to run µBench directly in your host.
To gain initial experience with µBench, without the burden of configuring a production-grade cluster Kubernetes, you can use minikube to create the cluster. However, to carry out research activities, it is recommended to use a production-grade Kubernetes cluster.
A quick way to gain initial experience with Kubernetes and µBench is to create a local Kubernetes cluster with minikube. It is enough to have Docker installed (and running) in your host, or any other virtualization driver supported by minikube.
After installing minikube software, you can create a single-node Kubernetes cluster with
minikube config set memory 8192
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube start
You should see something like this when minikube is using Docker as virtualization driver
😄 minikube v1.28.0 on Darwin 13.1
✨ Using the docker driver based on existing profile
👍 Starting control plane node minikube in cluster minikube
🚜 Pulling base image ...
🔄 Restarting existing docker container for "minikube" ...
🐳 Preparing Kubernetes v1.25.3 on Docker 20.10.20 ...
🔎 Verifying Kubernetes components...
▪ Using image
🌟 Enabled addons: storage-provisioner, default-storageclass
🏄 Done! kubectl is now configured to use "minikube" cluster and "default" namespace by default
It is useful to take note of the IP address of the master node of the cluster
MASTER_IP=$(minikube ip)
Minikube automatically configures the $HOME/.kube/config
file to access the cluster with minikube kubectl
CLI from the host.
To create a production-grade Kubernetes cluster you need a set of real or virtual machines and then you can use different tools to deploy Kubernetes software such as kubeadm or kubespray.
To access the cluster from a host, you must install kubectl
into the host and configure the file $HOME/.kube/config
to get the right of accessing the cluster. If your host is the master-node, this step is already done. Otherwise, follow the official documentation.
µBench software is packaged in a Docker image, named msvcbench/mubench
, which contains
- latest µBench software in
folder kubectl
tools for controlling the backend Kubernetes cluster- a bash script
for installing the µBench monitoring framework in the cluster, which is made of Prometheus, Grafana, Istio and Jaeger.
This container has been built with the Dockerfile in muBench/Docker
folder of the repository.
If you use a minikube Kubernetes cluster and minikube uses Docker as a virtualization driver, you have to run the µBench container in the same Docker network of minikube as follows
docker run -d --name mubench --network minikube msvcbench/mubench
For other cluster configurations, you can run the µBench container in the default Docker network with
docker run -d --name mubench msvcbench/mubench
After running the container, it is necessary to provide the container with the .kube/config
file to allow accessing the Kubernetes cluster from the container.
In the case of a minikube cluster, you can get the config file from your host with
minikube kubectl -- config view --flatten > config
Otherwise, you should use,
kubectl config view --flatten > config
Open the produced config
file and make sure that the server
key is equal to
server : https://<MASTER_IP>:<API_SERVER_PORT>
Where MASTER_IP is the IP address of the master-node of the cluster and API_SERVER_PORT is the port of the Kubernetes API server.
- For a minikube Kubernetes cluster the API_SERVER_PORT is the 8443. Moreover, if Docker driver is used, the
key isserver:
. So both IP and port values have to be changed, e.g., intoserver:
, assuming that is the IP address of the master-node. - For a production-grade Kubernetes cluster the API_SERVER_PORT port is the 6433.
Next step is to copy the modified config file into the µBench container
docker cp config mubench:/root/.kube/config
Now you can enter into the µBench container with
docker exec -it mubench bash
You should see the following terminal and check the ability to access Kubernetes cluster with kubectl get pods -A
root@dc378ff780b5:~# kubectl get pods -A
kube-system coredns-565d847f94-l82fm 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system etcd-minikube 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system kube-apiserver-minikube 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system kube-controller-manager-minikube 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system kube-proxy-qskdb 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system kube-scheduler-minikube 1/1 Running 0 41m
kube-system storage-provisioner 1/1 Running 0 41m
To run µBench directly in a host, the host must have kubectl
installed and the $HOME/.kube/config
file properly configured to access the cluster.
Moreover, the host must have the helm
tool to install the µBench monitoring framework
Clone the git repository of µBench and move into muBench
git clone
Create and activate a Python virtual environment, and install required modules
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install wheel
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Note: If you had errors in installing the required modules, it may be that some of them have not been properly compiled in your device. There could be some missing ffi
dev and cairo
libraries that can be installed with sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libcairo2
, or it may help to install C/C++ building tools, e.g., sudo apt-get install build-essential
, sudo apt-get install cmake
(or sudo snap install cmake --classic
for latest version) on Ubuntu.
µBench uses Prometheus, Grafana, Istio, Kiali and Jaeger to get metrics and traces of generated applications as described here.
The file
installs this framework in the cluster. It can be run either from the µBench Docker bash or by the host shell with
cd $HOME/muBench/Monitoring/kubernetes-full-monitoring
sh ./
To access the monitoring framework you can use a browser of your host and the following URLs
- http://<MASTER_IP>:30000 for Prometheus
- http://<MASTER_IP>:30001 for Grafana
- http://<MASTER_IP>:30002 for Jaeger
- http://<MASTER_IP>:30003 for Kiali
In the case of a minikube Kubernetes cluster that uses Docker driver, you have to get the URL of the services by running these commands from the host. Each command requires a different terminal window as documented here:
minikube service -n monitoring prometheus-nodeport
minikube service -n monitoring grafana-nodeport
minikube service -n istio-system jaeger-nodeport
minikube service -n istio-system kiali-nodeport
NOTE: To get the default Grafana username is admin
and the password is prom-operator
From the µBench container or the host move into the muBench folder and run
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 Deployers/K8sDeployer/ -c Configs/K8sParameters.json
This command creates the µBench application described in Configs/K8sParameters.json
. It uses the Examples/workmodel-serial-10services.json workmodel that specifies an application made of 10 microservices. Clients send requests to s0 and s0 sequentially calls all other services before sending the result to clients. Each service equally stresses the CPU.
You should see an output like this
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# python3 Deployers/K8sDeployer/ -c Configs/K8sParameters.json
Work Model Updated!
Deployment Created!
The following files are created: [...]
We are going to DEPLOY the the configmap: workmodel
ConfigMap 'workmodel' created.
We are going to DEPLOY the yaml files in the following folder: SimulationWorkspace/yamls
Deployment s9 created.
Service 's9' created.
Deployment s0 created.
Service 's0' created.
To see the Pods of the application you can use kubectl get pods
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# kubectl get pods
gw-nginx-5b66796c85-tlvm7 1/1 Running 0 20s
s0-7d7f8c875b-j2wsq 1/1 Running 0 10s
s1-8fcb67d75-2lkcr 1/1 Running 0 11s
s2-558f544b94-hltgn 1/1 Running 0 12s
s3-79485f9857-9r988 1/1 Running 0 13s
s4-9b6f9f77b-cwl58 1/1 Running 0 15s
s5-6ccddd9b47-4br9x 1/1 Running 0 16s
s6-7c87c79cd6-x9knb 1/1 Running 0 17s
s7-5fb7cbff7c-pkfqb 1/1 Running 0 18s
s8-5549949968-x5c2r 1/1 Running 0 19s
s9-9576b784c-26v9k 1/1 Running 0 20s
To load the application you can use the µBench Runner
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 Benchmarks/Runner/ -c Configs/RunnerParameters.json
You should see something like this
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# python3 Benchmarks/Runner/ -c Configs/RunnerParameters.json
############ Run Forrest Run!! ############
Start Time: 09:13:04.291510 - 23/01/2023
Processed request 2, latency 139, pending requests 1
Processed request 13, latency 129, pending requests 1
Processed request 24, latency 139, pending requests 1
You can access Grafana and Jaeger dashboards from your browser to monitor your application. For Grafana, there is a demo dashboard in the Monitoring
folder that you can import.
To observe the service-graph you can access Kiali dashboard from your browser.
NOTE:: Edit Configs/K8sParameters.json if your Kubernetes dns-resolver service is different from
. For instance, in some clusters, it is namedcoredns
To eventually un-deploy the µBench application use the following command:
kubectl delete -f SimulationWorkspace/yamls/
To customize the application, the first task is to generate your service graph and obtain two files servicegraph.json
and servicegraph.png
in the SimulationWorkspace
directory. The .png is a picture of the generated graph. You can specify your service graph parameters by, e.g., editing Configs/ServiceGraphParameters.json
and running
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 ServiceGraphGenerator/ -c Configs/ServiceGraphParameters.json
Note: If you have problems with cairo library this may help on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libpangocairo-1.0-0
Once the service graph has been created, you have to create your work model that describes the internal-service performed by each service of the graph. You can specify your workmodel parameters by, e.g., editing Configs/WorkModelParameters.json
and running the following command that produces a workmodel.json
file in SimulationWorkspace
directory that will be eventually used to deploy your µBench app in the Kubernetes cluster.
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 WorkModelGenerator/ -c Configs/WorkModelParameters.json
To deploy your µBench application in the Kubernetes cluster, you have to edit the Configs/K8sParameters.json
inserting the correct path of your workmodel file, e.g.,
"WorkModelPath": "SimulationWorkspace/workmodel.json"
Then you have to run the K8sDeployer
and monitor the deployment status of your pod and services with kubectl
cd $HOME/muBench
python3 Deployers/K8sDeployer/ -c Configs/K8sParameters.json
kubectl get pods
kubectl get svc
For instance, we see below a µBench application made of two services (s0 and s1) with two replicas, a database (sdb1) and the NGINX access gateway
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# kubectl get pods
gw-nginx-5b66796c85-dz8qb 2/2 Running 0 10m
s0-7758f68966-hgvl8 2/2 Running 0 10m
s0-7758f68966-q9ffx 2/2 Running 0 10m
s1-b6c5dc97c-c4tws 2/2 Running 0 10m
s1-b6c5dc97c-xjwzs 2/2 Running 0 10m
sdb1-5948b568f5-gtl8f 3/3 Running 0 10m
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# kubectl get svc
gw-nginx NodePort <none> 80:31113/TCP 10m
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 19h
s0 NodePort <none> 80:31471/TCP,51313:31907/TCP 10m
s1 NodePort <none> 80:30916/TCP,51313:30451/TCP 10m
sdb1 NodePort <none> 80:32240/TCP,51313:31011/TCP 10m
Note that steps the creation of service graph and of the workmodel and the eventual deployment of Kubernetes can be performed all at once by using the Kubernetes Autopilot
Test the correct execution of the application with curl http://$MASTER_IP
:31113/s0, where $MASTER_IP
is the IP address of the master-node of the cluster, e.g.,
root@64ae03d1e5b8:~/muBench# curl
-+ymMMMMNhs:.` ___ _____ _ _ _ ___ _
-+hNMMMNho//+ydNMm. /_\ \ / / __| | | | | | |/ __| /_\
:smMMMNho//sdNMMMMMMMd` / _ \ V /| _| | |_| |_| | (__ / _ \
-sNMMMds:/smMMMMMMMMMMMMMy /_/ \_\_/ |___| |____\___/ \___/_/ \_\
`omMMMd+:+hNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___
`oNMMdo-+dMMMd+sMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN/-` / _ \| _ \ __| _ \ /_\ | _ \_ _|_ _| |_ _| __|
:mMNy:/hNMMMMMs /MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNo | (_) | _/ _|| / / _ \| /| | | | | | | _|
+Mmo-oNNMMMMMMMddNMMMMMMMMMmdhso+/:::- \___/|_| |___|_|_\/_/ \_\_|_\___|___| |_| |___|
/m+-yNMo-MMMMMMMMMMMNdyo/::/+oshdmNMMMd ___ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _____
--hMMMM-/MMMMMMNho/:/+ydNMMMMMMMMMMMMMh / __| /_\ | | | | | |_ _/_\ | \| |_ _|
.myyMMMNMMMds/:/sdNMMMMMMMMMMMy:-+NMMMh- \__ \/ _ \| |_| |_| | | |/ _ \| .` | | |
-mM/sMMMms/:+hNMMMMMMMMNoodMMMh :MMMMN` |___/_/ \_\____\___/ |_/_/ \_\_|\_| |_|
hMh//yNMMMMs`-mM- :MM` hMMy :MMMMMN: `
+/yNMMm:/NM- sM- :MM` hMMh-:/+sMMMMMMNddNMh` `mNNNmmmmddhhysso+/:-.`
dMMMd:m+ dM dM. /MMo :MMM/ sMMM+ dMMMMh +NN: .MMMMMMN` :Ms :Mh yM+.yMmsNMMMMs
/Moh+ y/ hM dM. /MMo :MMM/ sMMMo....-mMMMMMy++++++++++++sMMMMMMm .M+ `M+ /m -M- /MosMo
:MMhNhyM//NN-`yMm. .hMMh +MMN- `mMMm. -MMMM: hMMM+ `hMMh` `hMMN/ `yMN- :MM/:mMN/yMNsMh
.Mm do.N mh -Md /MMs .MMm hMMd mMMM. oMMN :MM+ +MMm :Mh dd sMd -Mh My
-Mm ho.N dh .Md /MMs `MMN` yMMd dMMM. oMMN -MM+ /MMm -Mh dh oMd .Mh My
-Mm do-M dd `Nm /MMs `MMN` sMMd dMMM. oMMN -MM+ +MMm -Mh dd oMd .Mh Ns
`-- -.`/ :/ oo -yho `mmN` yMMd dMNM. +mmm -mm/ /ddh -ho oo :o/ `:.
Note that in this example the service s0 implements the
internal service that sends back this ASCII ART image. The
function sends back a sequence of random characters.
For other tests refer to Benchmark Tools tools.