w2v-pos-tagger is a project submission to an NLP & IR class in 2017. The task description was as follows:
- Train a part-of-speech tagger for the German language.
- Use the TIGER corpus as training set.
- Use the HDT corpus as test set.
- Map the STTS annotations to the Universal tagset and use the latter as labels.
- Train a POS-tagger model on an SVM using an RBF kernel.
- Write Precision, Recall and F1 score metrics.
- Compare the results to the pre-trained tagger of spaCy 1.x and an NLTK based tagger trained with the ClassifierBasedGermanTagger.
- Describe the results in a course paper.
A few choices of the task requirements were questionable, for example the demand of an SVM classifier and the mandatory usage for a nonlinear kernel, also the requirement for different train/test corpora and the size of the test set itself (full corpus). However, this project stays within the bounds of these constrains.
Defining a design for the feature engineering was part of the challenge. I decided for unigram word vectors as input features for the SVM and applied a comprehensive hyperparameter search for embedding types, vector sizes and SVM hyperparameters. This simple, yet effective, approach of learning a hyperplane separation through the (RBF-transformed) embedding space gave a weighted F1 score of 0.914 for the best models. The approach demonstrates how well static unigram word vectors can represent syntactic language features. The project is described in:
Andreas Funke: Single Token Part-of-Speech Tagging using Support Vector Machines and Word Embedding Features.
Course paper for "Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval" (HHU 2017).Abstract:
Part-of-speech tagging (POS) is a common technique in Natural Language Processing pipelines. It enriches a corpus with grammatical information which can be exploited not only for syntactic but also for semantic evaluation. In this paper we propose an SVM based POS-tagger trained on the TIGER corpus using word embeddings of small dimensionality as input data. The feature-set is based only on the token itself without context of surrounding words. A maximum F1 micro score of 0.919 when tested on the HDT corpus could be achieved.
Create a conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate w2vpos
Install the python package:
python setup.py develop
Download the required part-of-speech annotated corpora:
echo "Please view and accept the license agreement for the TIGER corpus."
xdg-open https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/documents/ressourcen/korpora/tiger-corpus/license/htmlicense.html
curl https://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/documents/ressourcen/korpora/tiger-corpus/download/tigercorpus-2.2.conll09.tar.gz | tar xvz -C corpora/tiger-conll
curl -SL "https://corpora.uni-hamburg.de:8443/fedora/objects/file:hdt_hdt-conll/datastreams/hdt-conll-tar-xz/content?asOfDateTime=2016-02-17T15:38:47.643Z&download=true" | tar xvfJ - -C corpora
In order to train an NLTK based reference model one additional dependency is needed:
git clone [email protected]:ptnplanet/NLTK-Contributions.git lib/NLTK-Contributions
cp lib/NLTK-Contributions/ClassifierBasedGermanTagger/ClassifierBasedGermanTagger.py src/w2v_pos_tagger/
# describe the copora and their labels
w2vpos analyse
# preprocess the corpora
w2vpos preprocess
# train an NLTK baseline model
w2vpos train --baseline
# tag the corpora with spaCy and NLTK
w2vpos tag --baseline
# evaluate the reference inference
w2vpos evaluate --baseline
# learn distributed word vectors as features for the classifier
w2vpos train --word2vec
# train a SVM classifier leveraging those features
w2vpos train --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
# tag the HDT corpus with an SVM model
w2vpos tag --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
# evaluate the performance of all trained models
w2vpos evaluate --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
To analyse the tagset of both corpora, run
w2vpos analyse
To normalize and fix a few issues in the corpora and to persist the results run
w2vpos preprocess
This will cache the pre-processing as csv files in corpora/out/
Additionally, the script will map STTS to the Universal Tagset according to this mapping: https://github.com/slavpetrov/universal-pos-tags/blob/master/de-tiger.map
Before training our own SVM model we will evaluate the POS-tagging efficiency of common
NLP frameworks such as spaCy
and NLTK
. In order to provide a comparable NLTK based
tagger we will train it first.
w2vpos train --baseline
The newly trained NLTK tagger will be saved to corpora/out/nltk_german_classifier_data.pickle
To apply the spaCy and NLTK part-of-speech tagging run
w2vpos tag --baseline
The annotations will be saved to out/annotations/
w2vpos evaluate --baseline
will measure the performance of the newly tagged corpora against the ground truth on several related metrics:
- accuracy
- precision (weighted)
- recall (weighted)
- F1 measure (weighted)
The evaluation results are saved to corpora/out/evaluation/
After these preparations we should have a good understanding of the dataset and the performance of comparable approaches. We can now build our own SVM classifier.
Since we will be using word vectors as features for the SVM we will learn an embedding space from the combined TIGER and HDT corpus by applying good old word2vec.
w2vpos train --word2vec
will generate 16 (default) different word embeddings using the following hyperparmeter sets:
Architecture | Case folding | Dimensionality |
cbow | none | 12 |
cbow | none | 25 |
cbow | none | 50 |
cbow | none | 100 |
cbow | lowercasing | 12 |
cbow | lowercasing | 25 |
cbow | lowercasing | 50 |
cbow | lowercasing | 100 |
skip-gram | none | 12 |
skip-gram | none | 25 |
skip-gram | none | 50 |
skip-gram | none | 100 |
skip-gram | lowercasing | 12 |
skip-gram | lowercasing | 25 |
skip-gram | lowercasing | 50 |
skip-gram | lowercasing | 100 |
The hyperparameters can be customized. For details:
w2vpos train --word2vec --help
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -a {cb,sg} [{cb,sg} ...], --architecture {cb,sg} [{cb,sg} ...]
# Choice(s) for word2vec architecture: cbow ('cb')
# and/or skip-gram ('sg').
# -c {none,lower} [{none,lower} ...], --case-folding {none,lower} [{none,lower} ...]
# Choice(s) for case folding: no case folding ('none')
# or lowercasing ('lower').
# Choice(s) for embedding sizes: list of int > 0.
# -e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
# Number of word2vec training iterations.
The embeddings are saved to corpora/out/embeddings/
The original project trained the embedding for 5 epochs. You may want to increase the number of iterations over the corpus for better performance:
w2vpos train --word2vec --epochs 30
Now, let's train our model. We will use the TIGER corpus as training set.
w2vpos train --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
The hyperparameters of the SVM can be partly customized. You can chose one of the pretrained words embeddings and other training parameters. Start with the defaults and then find additional information in the script's help.
w2vpos train --svm --help
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --verbose
# --no-verbose
# -e EMBEDDING, --embedding EMBEDDING
# Path to a pretrained embedding. Will override
# architecture and dimensionality.Make sure to set the
# `--lowercase` flag if the embedding was trained on a
# lower-cased vocabulary.
# -a {cb,sg}, --architecture {cb,sg}
# --lowercase
# --no-lowercase
# --train-size TRAIN_SIZE
# Train only on a slice of the trainset with length
# `train_size`.
# --shrinking
# --no-shrinking
# --scale Normalize the feature vectors.
# --no-scale
# --C C Soft-margin parameter.
# --cache-size CACHE_SIZE
# Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB).
# --max-iter MAX_ITER Limit the number of iterations.
# --kernel {linear,poly,rbf}
# -m MODEL, --model MODEL
# Specify a custom name for the model. Otherwise a
# unique model id will be created.
We can now tag the HDT corpus using our SVM models.
w2vpos tag --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
The value for --model
can either be a relative or an absolute path containing
a single model, usually a sub-folder of out/models/
The model will predict the Part-of-Speech-tag for each token and the annotations will
be saved to out/annotations/
w2vpos evaluate --svm --model my_first_pos_tagger
will evaluate all previously annotated corpora, print and save a
summary to out/evaluation
under construction
A detailed overview over a large collection of models that was evaluated for the model selection can be found in this document:
The best model from this selection with a weighted F1 score of 0.914 is available here:
To plot the results refer to src/w2v_pos_tagger/plotter.py