This is the handbook for It is published at
This repo replaces the previous version of the handbook, which can be found here:
The handbook is targeted towards datapublishers and datausers:
- datapublishers get guidance on how to publish their data for themselves and on
- datausers find in there instructions on how to use the data via api and how to search for data on
The handbook is implemented with Sphinx.
The handbook uses Python3:
Set up a virtual environment:
python -m venv p3venv
cd ogdch-handbook
With the virtualenv activated: install the requirements:
source p3venv/bin/activate
(p3venv)pip install -r requirements.txt
The documentation can be built locally:
(p3venv)cd docs
(p3venv)make clean
(p3venv)make html
To extract message strings into .pot
make gettext
The generated files will be located in build/gettext/
To generate .po
files for one or more languages, e.g. en
and fr
sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l en -l fr
The generated files will be located in source/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES
Fill in the translated strings in the .po
files. Then do the following to
compile .mo
files and build the translated html files for one language:
make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='en'" html
The html files are always put into build/html/
. If you generate html files
for a second language, they will overwrite the previous ones.
See the sphinx-intl documentation for more details.
No special server is needed:
- go to docs/build/html and
- run
in a browser of your choice
The documentation includes a check of its external links.
You can run it with make:
(p3venv)make linkcheck