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Exporting and using x3d from Mayavi plots

Jussi Nurminen edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

X3D is a free standard for representing 3D graphics, typically using XML.

Exporting from Mayavi

Having created a Mayavi figure with handle fig, you can use mlab.savefig('test.x3d', figure=fig) to export to X3D. Mayavi X3D export is not perfect; see for discussion.

Viewing in Ubuntu

view3dscene seems to work. sudo apt install view3dscene

Viewing in a web browser

From a localhost server

Use something like the following (assuming test.x3d is available on the localhost web server):

    <title>X3D data</title> 			
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''> </script> 
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=''></link>
  <x3d width='800px' height='600px'> 
      <inline url="http://localhost/test.x3d" nameSpaceName="figtest" mapDEFToID="true" onclick=''/>

From a file

Doesn't work directly due to browser security settings. Haven't yet figured it out.