A curated list of resources for creating applications with Hyperledger Fabric
Supply chain - Supply chain PoC App with four organizations exposing a Rest API created in Hyperledger Fabric.
- Monetago - Reduce instances of fraud around receivables financing.
- Tellus - Smart contracts transaction designer without coding.
- Fabric samples - Official maintained samples created by the Hyperledger team and contributors.
- Marbles - Marbles sample created by IBM visually demonstrating all the possibilities.
- Hyperledger composer samples - Official samples for Hyperledger composer.
- Kuma token - Example token implementation.
- Land Ownership Tracking - Sample Hyperledger Composer application that allows government agencies to track ownership and transactions.
- Backend typescript boilerplate - Client boilerplate for interacting with the Fabric network using a REST API (Typescript, Nestjs, swagger, pusher).
- Fabric starter - Starter Application and Deployment Scripts.
- Hyperledger Fabric network boilerplate - Network boilerplate for easily setting up a new network.
- hyperledger-fabric-client-utils - Set of utility functions which can be used to interact with chaincode.
- fabric-node-chaincode-utils - A Nodejs module that helps you build your Hyperledger Fabric nodejs chaincode faster and easier.
- hlf-sdk-go - A third-party Golang Hyperledger Fabric SDK.
- hyperledger-fabric-network-setup - Helper functions for generating configurations for more advanced network setup.
- Chainstack managed blockchain - Deploy a running network in minutes on Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services.
- IBM Cloud blockchain platform - Managing and hosting a live network on IBM Cloud.
- Hurley - Quickly setup your network development environment.
- WorldSibu - Forma - Real Multi-cloud Remote Blockchain Infrastructure Orchestrator.
- Zeeve - Deploy and Manage Blockchain Network on multiple cloud providers like GCP, AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean or On-premise
- hyperledger-fabric-chaincode-dev-setup - Setup which makes it easy to develop Nodejs chaincode.
- hyperledger-fabric-node-chaincode-utils - Utility functions for Nodejs chaincode on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
- fabric-shim-types - Typescript types for the
chaincode package. - fabric-mock-stub - Mock implementation of the
stub for testing Nodejs chaincode. - fabric-shim-crypto-types - Typescript types for the
package. - CCKit - Library for creating and testing golang chaincode, includes extended Mockstub implementation.
- hyperledger composer playground - Online playground for developing applications using composer.
- tineola - Command line interface and packaged chaincode built for offensive security testing.
- Mastering Hyperledger fabric - Master The Art of Hyperledger Fabric using docker-compose, docker swarm and Kubernetes Container Orchestrator
- Mastering Hyperledger fabric - Master The Art of Hyperledger Fabric using docker-compose, docker swarm and Kubernetes Container Orchestrator
- Official docs - Officially maintained docs for the Hyperledger Fabric project.
- Official CA docs - Officially maintained docs for the Hyperledger Fabric project CA client and server.
- Couchdb query docs - Official CouchDB documentation required for writing rich queries.
- Node SDK docs
- Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies - FREE.
- Hyperledger - Blockchain Technologies for Business by Иван Ванков - Youtube series explaining Hyperledger Fabric.
- Hyperledger Fabric - build first network by Иван Ванков - Technical youtube series Hyperledger Fabric.
- Hyperledger Fabric SDK Go: How to build your first app? - Chainhero tutorial on how to build applications on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0.5.
- Hyperledger Development within 21 days
- Hyperledger Fabric dev env setup Kubernetes
- Fabric on Google Cloud Platform
- Write your first Chaincode (v1.4) using Node, Babel, Model/Controller and Test it using Mocha
- Start Developing Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode in Node.js
- Walkthrough of Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK and Client Application
- Deploy a Hyperledger Fabric v2 Web App Using the Node.js SDK
- Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains
- Performance Benchmarking and Optimizing Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform
- FastFabric: Scaling Hyperledger Fabric to 20,000 Transactions per Second
- Hyperledger Fabric and how it isn’t concurrent out of the box.
- Trust your competitor? How you can do that with a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. - Explaining consensus mechanisms in Hyperledger Fabric
- Understanding Hyperledger Fabric Gossip
- Private and confidential transactions with Hyperledger Fabric
- Two Enter, One Leaves - Early attempts to bring Ethereum to Hyperledger Fabric.
- Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (1/3): Fabric Architecture
- Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (2/3): Private Data Collection
- Demystifying Hyperledger Fabric (3/3): Network Traffic Handling, Service Discovery, and Operations Service
- Private data, a built-in “GDPR compliant” solution for Hyperledger Fabric - Theoretical guide on private data and sideDBs.
- A Beginner’s Guide to SideDBs and Private Data for Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs Chaincode - Practical guide on how to write private data chaincode.
- Fantastic queries and where to find them - Guide on how to write rich queries.
- Hyperledger Fabric on Multiple Hosts - Multi-host Hyperledger Fabric deployment using docker swarm.
- Tools that will help create your first Hyperledger Fabric application
- How to deploy (early) production ready Hyperledger Fabric applications using IBM Cloud
- The new and exciting features in Hyperledger Fabric 1.1(-preview)
- How to start writing your Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs chaincode
- How to start testing your Hyperledger Fabric Nodejs chaincode
- How to prevent key collisions in Hyperledger Fabric chaincode
- Tools that will help create your first Hyperledger Fabric application
- On the origins of Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger Fabric smart contract data model: protobuf to chaincode state mapping
- Hyperledger Fabric chaincode test driven development (TDD) with unit testing
- Start Developing Hyperledger Fabric Chaincode in Node.js
- Walkthrough of Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK and Client Application
- How to write unit tests for Hyperledger Fabric Go chaincode - Applied for Fabric v1.x
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