diff --git a/1.8.3/angular-1.8.3.zip b/1.8.3/angular-1.8.3.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19aa4337c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/1.8.3/angular-1.8.3.zip differ
diff --git a/1.8.3/angular-animate.js b/1.8.3/angular-animate.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d05edd09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1.8.3/angular-animate.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4272 @@
+ * @license AngularJS v1.8.3
+ * (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC. http://angularjs.org
+ * License: MIT
+ */
+(function(window, angular) {'use strict';
+var ELEMENT_NODE = 1;
+var COMMENT_NODE = 8;
+var ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-add';
+var REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-remove';
+var EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX = 'ng-';
+var ACTIVE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-active';
+var PREPARE_CLASS_SUFFIX = '-prepare';
+var NG_ANIMATE_CLASSNAME = 'ng-animate';
+var NG_ANIMATE_CHILDREN_DATA = '$$ngAnimateChildren';
+// Detect proper transitionend/animationend event names.
+// If unprefixed events are not supported but webkit-prefixed are, use the latter.
+// Otherwise, just use W3C names, browsers not supporting them at all will just ignore them.
+// Note: Chrome implements `window.onwebkitanimationend` and doesn't implement `window.onanimationend`
+// but at the same time dispatches the `animationend` event and not `webkitAnimationEnd`.
+// Register both events in case `window.onanimationend` is not supported because of that,
+// do the same for `transitionend` as Safari is likely to exhibit similar behavior.
+// Also, the only modern browser that uses vendor prefixes for transitions/keyframes is webkit
+// therefore there is no reason to test anymore for other vendor prefixes:
+// http://caniuse.com/#search=transition
+if ((window.ontransitionend === undefined) && (window.onwebkittransitionend !== undefined)) {
+ CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
+ TRANSITION_PROP = 'WebkitTransition';
+ TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitTransitionEnd transitionend';
+} else {
+ TRANSITION_PROP = 'transition';
+ TRANSITIONEND_EVENT = 'transitionend';
+if ((window.onanimationend === undefined) && (window.onwebkitanimationend !== undefined)) {
+ CSS_PREFIX = '-webkit-';
+ ANIMATION_PROP = 'WebkitAnimation';
+ ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend';
+} else {
+ ANIMATION_PROP = 'animation';
+ ANIMATIONEND_EVENT = 'animationend';
+var DURATION_KEY = 'Duration';
+var PROPERTY_KEY = 'Property';
+var DELAY_KEY = 'Delay';
+var TIMING_KEY = 'TimingFunction';
+var ngMinErr = angular.$$minErr('ng');
+function assertArg(arg, name, reason) {
+ if (!arg) {
+ throw ngMinErr('areq', 'Argument \'{0}\' is {1}', (name || '?'), (reason || 'required'));
+ }
+ return arg;
+function mergeClasses(a,b) {
+ if (!a && !b) return '';
+ if (!a) return b;
+ if (!b) return a;
+ if (isArray(a)) a = a.join(' ');
+ if (isArray(b)) b = b.join(' ');
+ return a + ' ' + b;
+function packageStyles(options) {
+ var styles = {};
+ if (options && (options.to || options.from)) {
+ styles.to = options.to;
+ styles.from = options.from;
+ }
+ return styles;
+function pendClasses(classes, fix, isPrefix) {
+ var className = '';
+ classes = isArray(classes)
+ ? classes
+ : classes && isString(classes) && classes.length
+ ? classes.split(/\s+/)
+ : [];
+ forEach(classes, function(klass, i) {
+ if (klass && klass.length > 0) {
+ className += (i > 0) ? ' ' : '';
+ className += isPrefix ? fix + klass
+ : klass + fix;
+ }
+ });
+ return className;
+function removeFromArray(arr, val) {
+ var index = arr.indexOf(val);
+ if (val >= 0) {
+ arr.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+function stripCommentsFromElement(element) {
+ if (element instanceof jqLite) {
+ switch (element.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return element;
+ case 1:
+ // there is no point of stripping anything if the element
+ // is the only element within the jqLite wrapper.
+ // (it's important that we retain the element instance.)
+ if (element[0].nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return element;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return jqLite(extractElementNode(element));
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return jqLite(element);
+ }
+function extractElementNode(element) {
+ if (!element[0]) return element;
+ for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
+ var elm = element[i];
+ if (elm.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return elm;
+ }
+ }
+function $$addClass($$jqLite, element, className) {
+ forEach(element, function(elm) {
+ $$jqLite.addClass(elm, className);
+ });
+function $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, className) {
+ forEach(element, function(elm) {
+ $$jqLite.removeClass(elm, className);
+ });
+function applyAnimationClassesFactory($$jqLite) {
+ return function(element, options) {
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ $$addClass($$jqLite, element, options.addClass);
+ options.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ $$removeClass($$jqLite, element, options.removeClass);
+ options.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ };
+function prepareAnimationOptions(options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if (!options.$$prepared) {
+ var domOperation = options.domOperation || noop;
+ options.domOperation = function() {
+ options.$$domOperationFired = true;
+ domOperation();
+ domOperation = noop;
+ };
+ options.$$prepared = true;
+ }
+ return options;
+function applyAnimationStyles(element, options) {
+ applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options);
+ applyAnimationToStyles(element, options);
+function applyAnimationFromStyles(element, options) {
+ if (options.from) {
+ element.css(options.from);
+ options.from = null;
+ }
+function applyAnimationToStyles(element, options) {
+ if (options.to) {
+ element.css(options.to);
+ options.to = null;
+ }
+function mergeAnimationDetails(element, oldAnimation, newAnimation) {
+ var target = oldAnimation.options || {};
+ var newOptions = newAnimation.options || {};
+ var toAdd = (target.addClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.addClass || '');
+ var toRemove = (target.removeClass || '') + ' ' + (newOptions.removeClass || '');
+ var classes = resolveElementClasses(element.attr('class'), toAdd, toRemove);
+ if (newOptions.preparationClasses) {
+ target.preparationClasses = concatWithSpace(newOptions.preparationClasses, target.preparationClasses);
+ delete newOptions.preparationClasses;
+ }
+ // noop is basically when there is no callback; otherwise something has been set
+ var realDomOperation = target.domOperation !== noop ? target.domOperation : null;
+ extend(target, newOptions);
+ // TODO(matsko or sreeramu): proper fix is to maintain all animation callback in array and call at last,but now only leave has the callback so no issue with this.
+ if (realDomOperation) {
+ target.domOperation = realDomOperation;
+ }
+ if (classes.addClass) {
+ target.addClass = classes.addClass;
+ } else {
+ target.addClass = null;
+ }
+ if (classes.removeClass) {
+ target.removeClass = classes.removeClass;
+ } else {
+ target.removeClass = null;
+ }
+ oldAnimation.addClass = target.addClass;
+ oldAnimation.removeClass = target.removeClass;
+ return target;
+function resolveElementClasses(existing, toAdd, toRemove) {
+ var ADD_CLASS = 1;
+ var REMOVE_CLASS = -1;
+ var flags = {};
+ existing = splitClassesToLookup(existing);
+ toAdd = splitClassesToLookup(toAdd);
+ forEach(toAdd, function(value, key) {
+ flags[key] = ADD_CLASS;
+ });
+ toRemove = splitClassesToLookup(toRemove);
+ forEach(toRemove, function(value, key) {
+ flags[key] = flags[key] === ADD_CLASS ? null : REMOVE_CLASS;
+ });
+ var classes = {
+ addClass: '',
+ removeClass: ''
+ };
+ forEach(flags, function(val, klass) {
+ var prop, allow;
+ if (val === ADD_CLASS) {
+ prop = 'addClass';
+ allow = !existing[klass] || existing[klass + REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX];
+ } else if (val === REMOVE_CLASS) {
+ prop = 'removeClass';
+ allow = existing[klass] || existing[klass + ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX];
+ }
+ if (allow) {
+ if (classes[prop].length) {
+ classes[prop] += ' ';
+ }
+ classes[prop] += klass;
+ }
+ });
+ function splitClassesToLookup(classes) {
+ if (isString(classes)) {
+ classes = classes.split(' ');
+ }
+ var obj = {};
+ forEach(classes, function(klass) {
+ // sometimes the split leaves empty string values
+ // incase extra spaces were applied to the options
+ if (klass.length) {
+ obj[klass] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return classes;
+function getDomNode(element) {
+ return (element instanceof jqLite) ? element[0] : element;
+function applyGeneratedPreparationClasses($$jqLite, element, event, options) {
+ var classes = '';
+ if (event) {
+ classes = pendClasses(event, EVENT_CLASS_PREFIX, true);
+ }
+ if (options.addClass) {
+ classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.addClass, ADD_CLASS_SUFFIX));
+ }
+ if (options.removeClass) {
+ classes = concatWithSpace(classes, pendClasses(options.removeClass, REMOVE_CLASS_SUFFIX));
+ }
+ if (classes.length) {
+ options.preparationClasses = classes;
+ element.addClass(classes);
+ }
+function clearGeneratedClasses(element, options) {
+ if (options.preparationClasses) {
+ element.removeClass(options.preparationClasses);
+ options.preparationClasses = null;
+ }
+ if (options.activeClasses) {
+ element.removeClass(options.activeClasses);
+ options.activeClasses = null;
+ }
+function blockKeyframeAnimations(node, applyBlock) {
+ var value = applyBlock ? 'paused' : '';
+ applyInlineStyle(node, [key, value]);
+ return [key, value];
+function applyInlineStyle(node, styleTuple) {
+ var prop = styleTuple[0];
+ var value = styleTuple[1];
+ node.style[prop] = value;
+function concatWithSpace(a,b) {
+ if (!a) return b;
+ if (!b) return a;
+ return a + ' ' + b;
+var helpers = {
+ blockTransitions: function(node, duration) {
+ // we use a negative delay value since it performs blocking
+ // yet it doesn't kill any existing transitions running on the
+ // same element which makes this safe for class-based animations
+ var value = duration ? '-' + duration + 's' : '';
+ applyInlineStyle(node, [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value]);
+ return [TRANSITION_DELAY_PROP, value];
+ }
+var $$rAFSchedulerFactory = ['$$rAF', function($$rAF) {
+ var queue, cancelFn;
+ function scheduler(tasks) {
+ // we make a copy since RAFScheduler mutates the state
+ // of the passed in array variable and this would be difficult
+ // to track down on the outside code
+ queue = queue.concat(tasks);
+ nextTick();
+ }
+ queue = scheduler.queue = [];
+ /* waitUntilQuiet does two things:
+ * 1. It will run the FINAL `fn` value only when an uncanceled RAF has passed through
+ * 2. It will delay the next wave of tasks from running until the quiet `fn` has run.
+ *
+ * The motivation here is that animation code can request more time from the scheduler
+ * before the next wave runs. This allows for certain DOM properties such as classes to
+ * be resolved in time for the next animation to run.
+ */
+ scheduler.waitUntilQuiet = function(fn) {
+ if (cancelFn) cancelFn();
+ cancelFn = $$rAF(function() {
+ cancelFn = null;
+ fn();
+ nextTick();
+ });
+ };
+ return scheduler;
+ function nextTick() {
+ if (!queue.length) return;
+ var items = queue.shift();
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+ items[i]();
+ }
+ if (!cancelFn) {
+ $$rAF(function() {
+ if (!cancelFn) nextTick();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ * @ngdoc directive
+ * @name ngAnimateChildren
+ * @restrict AE
+ * @element ANY
+ *
+ * @description
+ *
+ * ngAnimateChildren allows you to specify that children of this element should animate even if any
+ * of the children's parents are currently animating. By default, when an element has an active `enter`, `leave`, or `move`
+ * (structural) animation, child elements that also have an active structural animation are not animated.
+ *
+ * Note that even if `ngAnimateChildren` is set, no child animations will run when the parent element is removed from the DOM (`leave` animation).
+ *
+ *
+ * @param {string} ngAnimateChildren If the value is empty, `true` or `on`,
+ * then child animations are allowed. If the value is `false`, child animations are not allowed.
+ *
+ * @example
+ *
Please click on an element
+ + {{ record.title }} + +{{recipient.gender, select, + male {{{recipient.name}} unwrapped his gift. } + female {{{recipient.name}} unwrapped her gift. } + other {{{recipient.name}} unwrapped their gift. } + }}
+ *{{recipients.length, plural, offset:1 + * =0 {{{sender.name}} gave no gifts (\#=#)} + * =1 {{{sender.name}} gave a gift to {{recipients[0].name}} (\#=#)} + * one {{{sender.name}} gave {{recipients[0].name}} and one other person a gift (\#=#)} + * other {{{sender.name}} gave {{recipients[0].name}} and # other people a gift (\#=#)} + * }}
+ *{{recipients.length, plural, + =0 {{{sender.name}} has not given any gifts to anyone.} + =1 { {{recipients[0].gender, select, + female { {{sender.name}} gave {{recipients[0].name}} her gift.} + male { {{sender.name}} gave {{recipients[0].name}} his gift.} + other { {{sender.name}} gave {{recipients[0].name}} their gift.} + }} + } + other {{{sender.name}} gave {{recipients.length}} people gifts.} + }}
+ + *Request expectations | Backend definitions | |
Syntax | + *.expect(...).respond(...) | + *.when(...).respond(...) | + *
Typical usage | + *strict unit tests | + *loose (black-box) unit testing | + *
Fulfills multiple requests | + *NO | + *YES | + *
Order of requests matters | + *YES | + *NO | + *
Request required | + *YES | + *NO | + *
Response required | + *optional (see below) | + *YES | + *
+ * For historical reasons, this method will also verify non-`$timeout` pending tasks, such as + * pending {@link $http} requests, in-progress {@link $route} transitions, unresolved + * {@link $q} promises and tasks scheduled via + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$applyAsync $applyAsync} and + * {@link ng.$rootScope.Scope#$evalAsync $evalAsync}. + *
+ *+ * It is recommended to use {@link ngMock.$verifyNoPendingTasks} instead, which additionally + * supports verifying a specific type of tasks. For example, you can verify there are no + * pending timeouts with `$verifyNoPendingTasks('$timeout')`. + *
+ *