A contact graph is a type of graph data structure that represents the contacts or interactions between individuals. It is often used to model complex systems or networks, such as social networks.
In a contact graph, each node represents an individual or entity, and an edge between two nodes indicates that there is some kind of interaction or connection between them.
For example, in a social network, a contact graph can be used to identify influential individuals or to understand how information or ideas spread through the network.
Here is an example of a contact graph representing a social network:
digraph G {
Alice -> Bob
Alice -> Eve
Bob -> Charlie
Eve -> Charlie
Charlie -> David
Charlie -> Franck
/ \
Bob Eve
\ /
/ \
David Frank
In this example, the nodes represent individuals (Alice, Bob, Eve, Charlie, David, and Frank) and the edges represent connections between them. For example, the edge between nodes Alice and Bob indicates that Alice and Bob are connected in the social network.
Load testing is an important part of the development and testing process for a contact graph implementation, as it helps to ensure that the contact graph is reliable, scalable, and capable of meeting the needs of its users.
I used the phone number as the identifier.
type User struct {
PhoneNumber string // +1 123 456 789 00
The graph is a dictionary :
// Graph is directed cyclic
type Graph map[string][]User
I implemented these operations on the graph :
type Interface interface {
Lookup(phoneNumber string) []User
RLookup(phoneNumber string) []User
Suggest(phoneNumber string) []User
For the Suggest algorithm, I used a score on different conditions :
// - contacts who have user number
// - contacts of user's contacts
// - contacts with same phone country
// - contacts with same phone area
// - contacts in common (breadth-first search - 2 levels deep)
type Suggestion struct {
User User
Score int
go mod vendor
go run .
Specify graph dataset before running and if dataset do not exists, please generate one.
- Golang (currently used language)
- BoltDB (to load pre-generated persisted data in-memory)
- Bolt is a pure Go key/value embedded database for Go.
- https://github.com/boltdb/bolt
- Run test TestLoadData in store package (it can take a long time depending on the size of the graph - nodes/edges)
- Specify nbOfNodes
- Specify nbOfContactsPerNodes
- Duration : > 3h
- took too much time
- Duration : > 2h
- took too much time
- Duration : 7min 51sec
- Size: 1,85 Go
Lookup returned 50 users
Lookup took : 764ns
RLookup returned 41 users
RLookup took : 718.510447ms
[{{+33 19 03146375} 4} {{+33 50 32320240} 4} {{+33 49 07322510} 3} {{+33 57 32738436} 3} {{+33 10 71318564} 3} {{+33 58 36321918} 3} {{+33 65 05813533} 3} {{+33 67 31601130} 3} {{+33 56 85120779} 3} {{+33 94 93537433} 3}]
Suggest took : 715.096518ms
- Duration : 51sec
- Size: 200 Mo
Lookup returned 50 users
Lookup took : 773ns
RLookup returned 52 users
RLookup took : 54.548192ms
[{{+33 24 30823692} 5} {{+33 89 69843895} 4} {{+33 79 65783203} 4} {{+33 83 43037747} 4} {{+33 90 84058818} 4} {{+33 51 08318861} 4} {{+33 21 57737915} 4} {{+33 10 39649353} 4} {{+33 54 79944275} 4} {{+33 55 27711804} 4}]
Suggest took : 61.44685ms