Contains scripts related to Zim desktop wiki prints the latest edited notes. In command line prints to the console. In Zim (using custom tools), prints in the active page (replacing the selected text)
1- usage in Zim custum tools:
download the file. Under linux don't forget to make it executable, chmod +x
add the following line to a new costum tool:
under linux: if the file is in for example home directory
~/ %n 10
under windows: if the file is in for example "c:"
python c:\ %n 10
check the box which says: Output should replace the current selection in any page that you want to see the output select a temporary text, then run the tool and it will replace the selected text with the links to the last n (here: 10) modified pages. To make the links effective, press CTRL+R to refresh the page.
2- usage commandline (returns the last 10 newly edited pages) : /showNewFiles "/Dropbox/Notes/" 10