Name: Gödel
Purpose: Functional and mathematical PL with a pure syntax.
Zen: Strive to be orthogonal and linear. To be the lowest overhead and highest purity code.
// This is a top level comment
let x = 10;
let y = 10;
let add = fn x,y -> x+y;
let real = fn x -> if x > 0 { Ok x } else { None };
let divide = fn x,y -> if y == 0 { Error } else { Ok x / y };
let mask = fn x,y -> if x == y { 0 } else { x % y };
let get_10 = fn () -> 10;
let ternary = fn () -> if current_time > 100000 { get_10 } else { 100000 };
let result_array = fn x,y,z -> if x > y * z { Ok {x,y,z} } else { Error };
let factorial = fn n -> if n == 0 { 1 } else { n * factorial (n - 1) };
let multi_line = fn () -> {
let x = 5;
let y = 6;
x + y
let strings = "This is a String";
let list = {0, 1, 2};
// Sets are generated with implicit for systnax { x : [0..2] -> x }
// Or by casting a list to set:
// let set_from_list = {0, 1, 1, 3}.set
// $ {0, 1, 3}
let array = [1, 2];
let new_list = 0 :: list;
let cardinality = #{0, 1, 2};
let elem = array.0;
let Cell = type
| Dormant
| Alive
| Dead
| Health
- For / Set-builder notation
- Sets
- Hashes
- Function piping
- Pattern Matching types
- Union primitive types i.e. Tagged Unions
- Evaluation
- Array access
Identifiers: Sequences of letters, digits, and underscores, starting with a letter or underscore.
Keywords: let, fn, if, else, for, in, union, Ok, None, Error, True, False
Operators: +, -, *, /, ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, |>, ->
Delimiters: {, }, (, ), [, ], :, ;, ,
Int: Signed 64-bit width.
Byte: Unsigned 8-bit width.
Boolean: 0(False) or 1(True)
String: Sequence of bytes
You can natively cast from a Int to String
Syntax: let <identifier> = <expression>;
let x = 10;
let y = 20;
Let X and Y be sets, for a property P pertaining to an object x ∈ X and object y ∈ Y such that (∀x ∈ X) => (∃!y → P(x,y) is true). Then we define the function fn X → Y defined by P on the domain of X and rage Y for which given any x, assigns a unique map fn x → y.
Syntax: let <identifier> = fn <parameters> -> <expression>;
Parameters: Comma-separated list of parameters.
let sum = fn x, y -> x + y;
let real = fn x -> if x > 0 { Ok x } else { None };
let divide = fn x, y -> if y == 0 { Error } else { Ok x / y };
Syntax: <expression> |> <function>
let list_of_ints = parse filepath
|> buffer_to_lines
|> extract_int_from_lines
|> collect_to_list;
If Expressions: Conditional expressions.
Syntax: if <condition> { <expression> } else { <expression> }
let real = fn x -> if x > 0 { Ok x } else { None };
Syntax: for { <variable> in <range> -> <expression> }
for { x <- [0..10] : x * x };
let evens = for { x <- [0..20] : if x % 2 == 0 { x } else { None } };
let factorial = fn n -> if n == 0 { 1 } else { n * factorial (n - 1) };
let factorials = for { x <- [1..5] : factorial x };
List : Composite collection of one primitive type
Syntax: let <type> = [ 'x(0), 'x(1), 'x(2)];
let l0= {1, 2, 3, 4};
let l1 = 0 :: l0;
Union : Sum type that can be one of several variants.
Syntax: let <type> = type | <variant> -> <type> | ... ;
Future release will have tagged types (of Int etc);
let Result = type
| Ok
| None
| Error
Matching is a powerful data inspection protocol, for almost everything except functions.
Syntax: match <expression> in | <pattern> -> <expression> | ... ;
let Cell = type
| Alive of Int
| Dead of Int
| Dormant
let partition = fn cell -> match cell
| Alive n -> attack(n)
| Dead n -> revive(n)
| Dormant () -> ()
let birth = fn () -> Cell.Dead : 0 ;
let Cells = for { x <- [0..64] : birth }
for { cell <- Cells : partition(cell) }
Arithmetic Expressions: +, -, *, /
Comparison Expressions: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=
Function Application: <function> <arguments>
sum x y;
real 10;
divide 10 0;