Class for managing math sets, including inserting and removing items, sets union, complements, intersect and cartesian product. Code - now - is for C++11 only, but in future it should become c++98 compatible.
Just include "Set.hpp" to your project and go on.
#include "Set.hpp"
// Set of ints
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{3,4,5}; // A = {1,2,3}, B = {3,4,5}
Set<int> A1 = A; // A1 = {1,2,3}
Sets can contain repeated elements, so Set.hpp allows you to do so.
Set<int> A{1,2,3,3}; // A = {1,2,3,3}
A.insert(9); // A = {1,2,3,3,9}
A += 9; // A = {1,2,3,3,9,9}
A.insert(10) // A = {1,2,3,3,9,9,10}
A.insert(100).insert(90); // A = {1,2,3,3,9,9,10,90,100}
// Add an element to set only if it doesn't exist
A.insert(9, true); // not inserted
You can remove one or more elements from your Set using the remove() method. It allows you to remove elements by iterator, range or direct value.
Set<int> A{1,2,2,3,3,4};
A.erase(A.begin()); // Removes first element, A = {2,2,3,3,4}
A.erase(2, false) // Remove one '2' element, A = {2,3,3,4}
A.erase(3, true); // Remove all '3' elements, A = {2,4}
A.erase(4); // The short form for A.erase(4, false)
A.erase(A.begin(), A.end()); // Removes all the elements, same as A.clear()
Working with stl functions:
Set<int> B{1,2,2,3,4,4,5};
// Removing all values between 2 and 4
auto it = std::remove_if(B.begin(), B.end(), [](int val){return val >= 2 && val <= 4;});
B.erase(it, B.end());
// B = {1,5}
Set can be joined each other using the '+' operator, without modifying the original ones. They can be joined on the fly or in sub-expressions, allowing you to join Set-to-Set and Set-to-value:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{1,2};
Set<int> C = A+B; // C={1,1,2,2,3}, A and B won't change
Set<int> D = A+1; // D = {1,1,2,3}, A won't change
Set<int> E = (A+B)+((C+D)+4); // same as above
You can also add an entire set, or just one value, to a Set using the '+=' operator. Doing this you will update the Set:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{3,4,5};
A += B; // A = {1,2,3,3,4,5}, B won't change
A += 9; // A = {1,2,3,3,4,5,9}, 9 won't change
The relative complement of A in B, denoted as A \ B, is the set with all elements of B not present in A. You can obtain the relative complements using the '-' operator. It's possible to concatenate more complement as it is possible to make multiple joins. Again, original sets won't change:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{1,1,2};
Set<int> D = A-B; // D = {3}, A and B won't change
Set<int> E = B-A; // E = {1}, A and B won't change
Set<int> D = A-B-3; // D = {}, A and B won't change
It is possible to update a Set, removing one direct value or another Set, using the '-=' operator. It is another form of relative complement:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{1,2};
A -= B; // A = {3}
A -= 3; // A = {}
You can also mix union and complement forms:
Set<int> A{1,2,3};
Set<int> B = A+4; // B = {1,2,3,4}
Set<int> C = B+B+5-(A+A);
Set use iterators to allows you (and stl functions as std::find) to iterate through elements. Also, it provide a find() method that returns an iterator to the first item, if an item with that value is found, or Set::end() otherwise.
Set<int> A{1,2,3,3};
auto it = A.begin(); // iterator to '1'
auto it = A.end(); // iterator to the past-the-end element of A (NOT to '3')
auto it = A.find(3); // returns an iterator to the first '3'
auto it = A.find(4); // it == A.end()
It is possible to count elements of a set with the same value:
size_t n = A.count(3); // returns 2
size_t n = A.count(4); // returns 0
From Wikipedia, the Cartesian product A × B is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Set allows you to make Cartesian Product of two Sets using the '*' operator, which returns a Set<Set<...>>:
Set<int> A{1,2,3};
Set<int> B{2,3};
auto P = A*B; // P is Set<Set<int>>; P = {{1,2},{1,3},{2,2},{2,3},{2,3},{3,3}}
You can know the size of a Set, that is the number of total elements in it. The size is greather-or-equal to 0. Because of there is the concept of "empty set" or "zero set", Set adds the empty() method, which just checks if the size is zero:
Set<int> A{1,1,2,2,3,4};
size_t s = A.size(); // s = 6
A.empty(); // False
A.clear(); // Removes ALL items from A
A.empty(); // True
Two sets are equals if they contains the same items, it is not important if they are repeated. As opposite, two sets are not equals if they does not contain the same items.
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B = A+1, C{2,3};
bool f1 = A == B; // f1 = true
bool f2 = A == C; // f2 = false
bool f3 = A != C; // f3 = true
"The set B is contained in the set A if all elements of B are present in A."
(any math teacher)
Set allows you to check for inclusion through the contains(Set, bool strict) method:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{1,2}, C{1,1,2,3};
bool f1 = A.contains(B, false); // Not a strict check, returns true
bool f2 = A.contains(B); // Same as above
bool f3 = B.contains(A); // returns false
bool f3 = A.contains(C, true); // true, A contains C and C contains A
You can need to take all single values from a Set (of any kind), discarding multiple values. It is possible, but it will remove items from your Set (it is not possible to remove unique values leaving the Set intact).
Set<int> A{1,2,1,3,4,3};
A.unique(); // A = {1,2,3,4}
Set<int> B{3,4,5};
Set<int> C = (A+B).unique(); // C = {1,2,3,4,5}, A and B won't change
Intersection is possible, but will use unique values from both the Sets:
Set<int> A{1,2,3}, B{2,3,4};
Set<int> C = A.intersectionWith(B); // C = {2,3}
- You cannot have Set containing different types, they are for uniform.
So you cannot combine Set<int> with Set<float> or Set<string> or Set<Set<...>>, but you can write your own TypeWrapper to use your custom Set:
class MyTypeWrapper { ... };
Set<MyTypeWrapper> A{MyTypeWrapper(...), MyTypeWrapper(...), ...};
- Set of pointers will not sort/store values properly, because comparing pointers will sort items by memory address and not by value. You will create your own object to compare pointers:
template<class T>
struct PointersCompare {
bool operator()(const T *a, const T *b) const {
return *a < *b;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
Set<int*, PointersCompare<int>> A{}; // an empty set
for (int i=10; i>=1; i--) {
A.insert(new int{i});
// A = {*1, *2, *3, ..., *10}
for (const auto& p : A) {
std::cout << *p << std::endl;
// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3
// ...
// 10
// Release memory
for (auto& p : A) {
delete p;
return 0;