I mainly work on observability related services and clients like AWS X-Ray and CloudWatch Application Signals. I was a maintainer of CloudWatch Agent and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector. I used to work on k8s at PayPal and Google before moving to Canada (Yeah, H1-B visa LoL).
I don't have any actively maintained public repositories right now. I plan to revive my Go and database projects and open source some websites I built using Next.js and Cloudflare, once I clean up all the copilot-generated code... (wait, I wrote cursor generatd code and cursor changed it to copilot when I told it to fix grammar error...)
Outside work, I play tennis at Burnaby and Richmond tennis clubs. You can find a list of courts in BC at search.tennis. If you want to play, you can drop me a message on LinkedIn.
AT15 is a British tank destroyer in World of Tanks, and Badger is the only tier 10 tank I ever got. I used to think I would never get tired of gaming, but I was wrong.