Forked from html-telegraph-poster by mercuree.
Added async support and fixed some bugs (Because my projects need it). New features will be added soon.
Simple python function to post plain html text to allows <a>, <blockquote>, <br>, <em>, <figure>, <h3>, <h4>, <img>, <p>, <strong>,
It also supports embedded youtube and vimeo iframe tags.
About telegram service
pip install html-telegraph-poster-v2
>> > from html_telegraph_poster_v2 import TelegraphPoster
>> > t = TelegraphPoster(use_api=True)
>> > t.create_api_token('Elon Musk', 'Elon', '') # second and third params are optional
{'access_token': '9f3bab568f*************', 'auth_url': '***********',
'author_name': 'Elon', 'short_name': 'Elon Musk', 'author_url': ''}
>> >'Just another funny joke', author='by me', text='<blockquote>Really hard way</blockquote>')
{'path': 'Just-another-funny-joke-06-05-4', 'url': ''}
>>> t = TelegraphPoster(use_api=True, telegraph_api_url='')
>>> t.edit(text=t.text + '<p>some text at the end</p>')
{'path': 'Just-another-funny-joke-06-05-4', 'url': ''}
>>> t.edit(text="<p>new text</p>", path='/Another-one-page-06-05')
{'path': 'Another-one-page-06-05', 'url': ''}
Actually it's a good idea to generate access token and put it inside environment variables.
This command will generate .env file or append TELEGRAPH_ACCESS_TOKEN at the end of it.
Note: script will not set environment variable. You can use python-dotenv,
set it manually or hardcode it when call TelegraphPoster(access_token='access_token_string')
python -m html_telegraph_poster_v2.create_account "Elon Musk" "Elon" ""
Since is not support media uploading anymore, you can configure an image/video storage service.
Current supported services:
- AWS S3
- GitHub
## Utils module
Utils module provides ability to make some pre-process steps before document is passed to the converter.
#### Uploading all images to the
from html_telegraph_poster_v2.utils import DocumentPreprocessor
dp = DocumentPreprocessor(html_string)
dp.get_processed_html() # this should return html string with uploaded and replaced image urls
Optionally you can pass base_url if the document contains images with relative paths
- rewrite the command line interface for simple usage
- add automated test pipeline
- add more services for media uploading
- imgur
- google drive