This is an implementation of a file server capable of handling multiple clients at the same time. This program was written for a lab assignment during my Operating Systems course at IIT Bhubaneswar.
The basic philosphy here is that whenever a new file is requested to be opened, the server forks a new child process and uses it to open the file.
How to run the program>
- Make the directory “data” to store the 100 files which will be created for sending and receiving.
$ mkdir data
- Generate the 100 files inside the data directory starting from 1 using the script as discussed in the class.
$ ./ 1 100
- Compile and run server using the server.c program in terminal window as follows:
$ cc –o server server.c
$ ./server
- Compile and run the client using the client.c program in another terminal window as follows:
$ cc –o client client.c
$ ./client <IP(localhost)> <No. of concurrent clients >
Note: The number of concurrent clients should be less than no of files created using the script.
- The logfile.txt (containing information about each transfer session) will be appended accordingly and saved to the same directory as server.c program.