If Titan got such a cool little brother, "Tiny Titan", why can't Summit have Tiny Summit?
This project is meant to display the use of water cooling in HPC. All prototypes should keep the following componants visible:
- 8 NVIDIA Jetson TX2s (with LEDs on front)
- 1 water reservoir of undecided size with attached radiator (essentially a box)
- Pipage to connect Jetson and resevoir
Other components include
- 1 Raspberry Pi Model 3
- 10 or 16 port Network Switch
- Ethernet cables
- Power supplies for Jetsons, Raspberry Pi, Radiator, and Switch
Available STEP files for components follow:
If there are any questions, please contact us at ugc (at) ornl.gov
Please fork this repository and upload your files as STL and STEP.
Thank you!
Gregory Croisdale, Ben Klein, Joanna Reed