Bundles your vendor directory into a single PHP Archive (PHAR).
edit phar settings:
; http://php.net/phar.readonly
phar.readonly = Off
; http://php.net/phar.require-hash
phar.require_hash = Off
Add Pmt to your project using Composer:
composer require axute/paerius
See Paerius.php at class fields for files that will be deleted (in vendor path).
Run the binary to create/update your PHAR file:
php vendor/bin/paerius
Files in phar archive will be tried to compress.
PHP Extension is required (optionaly).
force special compression (bz2/gz/none)
default is bzip2 (if installed, fallback gzip if installed, fallback none)
bzip2 < gzip < none
php vendor/bin/paerius bz
php vendor/bin/paerius gz
php vendor/bin/paerius none
A new file named vendor.phar
will be added to your working directory (project root).
Update your bootstrap to include ./vendor.phar
instead of vendor/autoload.php
and you're good to go.
$autoload = require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor.phar';
$autoload->addPsr4('[YOUR NAMESPACE]',__DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'src');
To generate vendor.phar
automaticly, add the following lines to your composer.json
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": "vendor/bin/paerius",
"post-update-cmd": "vendor/bin/paerius"