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Repository files navigation


Video catalog admin backend






Monorepo with @core & nestjs

- dev tools
- app node.js + typescript
- domain category entity validation
- unit & integration tests
- use-case & repository

- other entities: genre, cast member, video

- nest.js api rest
- RabbitMQ & Encoder integration
- E2E tests

- Monorepo:

- entity: crucial rules (exist)
- services: app rules (persist)


- how to create end-to-end tests
- speed up end-to-end tests (mysql, migrations)
- error handling
- validation errors
- serialization - data wrapper

TEST /categories
- levantar aplicação (config artefatos e db)
- fazer na prática requisicao HTTP
- verificar resposta HTTP (status code, body, headers, etc)



{ data: {id: 1, name: 'cat1', ...}}
{ data: [], meta: {}}


npm install typescript @types/node --save-dev
npm install [email protected] --save
npm install jest @types/jest --save-dev
npm install @swc/core @swc/jest --save-dev
npm install lodash @types/lodash --save-dev
npm install uuid @types/uuid --save
npm install create-ts-index --save-dev

npm install @swc/jest --save-dev -w nestjs
npm install @swc/core --save-dev -w nestjs
npm install sequelize sequelize-typescript -w @fc/micro-videos --save
npm install sqlite3 -w @fc/micro-videos --save
npm install chance -w @fc/micro-videos --save
npm install @types/chance -w @fc/micro-videos --save-dev

# TODO: check why it was NOT necessary to install
# Test InMemoryRepository part 1 (7:10)
npm install regenerator-runtime --save-dev


❯ cd src/nestjs
❯ nest g resource
? What name would you like to use for this resource (plural, e.g., "users")? categories
? What transport layer do you use? REST API
? Would you like to generate CRUD entry points? Yes
CREATE src/categories/categories.controller.spec.ts (616 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/categories.controller.ts (989 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/categories.module.ts (282 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/categories.service.spec.ts (488 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/categories.service.ts (667 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/dto/create-category.dto.ts (34 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/dto/update-category.dto.ts (185 bytes)
CREATE src/categories/entities/category.entity.ts (25 bytes)
UPDATE package.json (1747 bytes)
UPDATE src/app.module.ts (332 bytes)
✔ Packages installed successfully.


# Build @core
npm run build -w @fc/micro-videos
npm run build -w nestjs

# Start nestjs development
npm run start:dev

# Create index.ts
npm run cti:make -w @fc/micro-videos

# Compile @core --noEmit
npm run tsc:check -w @fc/micro-videos

# Tests @core & nestjs
npm run test
npm run test -- --projects src/@core
npm run test -- --projects src/nestjs

npm run test -w @fc/micro-videos
npm run test:cov -w @fc/micro-videos

# Install @core
npm install -w @fc/micro-videos dotenv

# Install nestjs
npm install -w nestjs @nestjs/config
npm install -w nestjs joi

nest g module config
CREATE src/config/config.module.ts (83 bytes)
UPDATE src/app.module.ts (733 bytes)

# Database module
cd src/nestjs
nest g module database

npm install @nestjs/sequelize -w nestjs
npm install --save-dev @types/sequelize -w nestjs

npm install mysql2 -w @fc/micro-videos

npm install class-transformer -w nestjs

nest g interceptor @share/interceptors/wrapper-data

nest g filter @share/exception-filters/entity-validation-error
nest g filter @share/exception-filters/not-found-error


mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| micro_videos       |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_micro_videos |
| categories             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> describe categories;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id          | char(36)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| name        | varchar(255) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| description | text         | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| is_active   | tinyint(1)   | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| created_at  | datetime     | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from categories;
| id                                   | name  | description | is_active | created_at          |
| 8391590d-159a-4cd1-aa6c-09131e00245a | Movie | NULL        |         1 | 2022-10-08 14:55:39 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


# Run tests only when file changes
npm run test -- --watch

# Add runInBand to run one test after the other, avoiding concurrency
npm run test -w --runInBand --test

node 'node_modules/.bin/jest' --runInBand '/home/node/app/src/nestjs/test/categories/create-category.e2e-spec.ts' -c '/home/node/app/src/nestjs/jest.config.ts' -t 'CategoriesController \(e2e\) POST /categories should create a category'


jest @28.0.3
uuid @8.3.2
class-validator @0.13.2
sequelize @6.20.0
sequelize-typescript @2.1.3
@types/sequelize @4.28.14
sqlite3 @5.0.8
chance @1.1.8
@nestjs/sequelize @9.0.0
mysql2 @2.3.3

Entity generator

There is a script to generate a new entity, similar to 'Category'. It will be replicated.


./ entity-name-singular entity-name-plural [save]


# Do not change, just show the commands to create the "cyclo" entity:
./ cyclo cyclos

# Create the "stage" entity:
./ stage stages save

Without 'save' there will be no changes, just to check generated commands.

With 'save' option you change only files names. You should then use vscode to "replace in files" all category/Category and categories/Categories contents for the corresponding new entity.

After running the script, do some adjustments at:

  • src/@core/.swcrc
  • src/@core/
  • src/@core/package.json
  • src/@core/tsconfig.json
  • src/nestjs/jest.config.ts

And finally run:

  npm run cti:make -w @fc/cyclo-back
  npm run build -w @fc/cyclo-back