Currently Deployed here
This project utilizes the HTML5 getUserMedia API and a few other open source tech to manipulate the Canvas in real-time. Our team has implemented an algorithm that detects green hsl values whether in video streams or image files and allows the users to paint over those objects with primary colors.
- Currently the project is scoped to a single player game that will draw the controller's motion on any given html element.
- Version 0.6
- There will potentially be a lobbying system that will delegate multi-player games in the next version.
- Version 0.8
- The game might get more complex [i.e. follow the leader or draw a specific image]
- Version 1.0
####Seung Lim - seung ####Chad Reed - chadreed-intl ####Tyson Daughtery - gigmania ####Anthony Singhavong - bigthyme ####Philip Rosen - philipjrosen
0.5.9 - Updating master and prepping for soft release
######getUserMedia API demos:
######Algorithm demos:
This game uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Twitter Bootstrap - Great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- node.js - Evented I/O for the backend
- jQuery - Dom manipulation
- Google Web Speech - Unreleased Speech to text api that is native to modern browsers
- Grunt - A javascript automation tool
- Jasmine - Unit testing for javascript