The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow manager to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It supports conda package manager and singularity / Docker containers making installation easier and results highly reproducible.
- Merge : Make a Maximum Intensity Projection of all selected markers for a approximated cytoplasm.
- Split : split this projection and nuclear marker into tiles for better managed memory
- Segmentation : segment this two markers to get a mask of all cells.
- Stitch : Glue together generated tiles
- Compute mask (optionnal) : if cellpose is selected, will transform generated flows into real cells masks.
- Display outlines : Add a new markers in the tiff file to display outlines generated from masks.
- Pyramidize : Make new images pyramidizable (multiple resolution to be able to display it by chunk)
- Quantification : From masks and intensity values, compute feature for each cells in the image.
nextflow run orion/MIA/ --help
N E X T F L O W ~ version 23.04.4
Launching `orion/MIA/` [admiring_blackwell] DSL2 - revision: 3aad0eac48
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This software is currently under active development and the results
have been generated with a non stable version.
The reliability, reproducibility and the quality of the results are
therefore not guaranteed.
/!\ Do not use the results for any kind of projects /!\
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run --images PATH --markers PATH --profile STRING -profile PROFILES
--images PATH Path to input images (must be surrounded with
--markers PATH Path to marker (csv format) one per image (with
same name)
--profile STRING [conda, cluster, docker, multiconda, conda, path, multipath, singularity, test] Configuration profile to use. Can use multiple
(comma separated).
--name STRING Name for the pipeline run. If not specified, Nextflow will automatically generate a random mnemonic
--outDir PATH The output directory where the results will be saved
Available Profiles
-profile test Run the test dataset
-profile conda Build a new conda environment before running the pipeline. Use `--condaCacheDir` to define the conda cache path
-profile multiconda Build a new conda environment per process before running the pipeline. Use `--condaCacheDir` to define the conda cache path
-profile path Use the installation path defined for all tools. Use `--globalPath` to define the insallation path
-profile multipath Use the installation paths defined for each tool. Use `--globalPath` to define the insallation path
-profile docker Use the Docker images for each process
-profile singularity Use the Singularity images for each process. Use `--singularityPath` to define the insallation path
-profile cluster Run the workflow on the cluster, instead of locally
See for a more detailed help about options in command line
The pipeline can be run on any infrastructure from a list of input files as follows:
See the file conf/test.config
to set your test image.
nextflow run -profile test,multiconda
By default (whithout any profile), Nextflow executes the pipeline locally, expecting that all tools are available from your PATH
environment variable.
In addition, several Nextflow profiles are available that allow:
- the use of conda or containers instead of a local installation,
- the submission of the pipeline on a cluster instead of on a local architecture.
The description of each profile is available on the help message (see above).
Here are a few examples to set the profile options:
Run the pipeline locally, using a global environment where all tools are installed (build by conda for instance)
-profile path --globalPath /my/path/to/bioinformatics/tools
-profile cluster,singularity --singularityImagePath /my/path/to/singularity/containers
-profile cluster,multiconda --condaCacheDir /my/path/to/condaCacheDir
For details about the different profiles available, see Profiles.
A marker file is a csv file that provides additional details on the marker of the image. Here is a simple example:
Cycle indicate the laser number used by orion technology (not used), marker name is self explanatory, segmentation is used to create a merge channels with cyto or membrane channels that can help segmentation. Finally normalization is optionnal and will be used to normalize each marker before segmentation and quantification. Other columns can be added but will not be used.
This pipeline has been written by Maxime CORBÉ
For any question, bug or suggestion, please use the issue system or contact the bioinformatics core facility.