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Detection of neoantigens from WES and RNA sequencing data


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Detection of neoantigens from WES and RNA sequencing data

nf-neoAnt pipeline

Nextflow Install with Singularity Container available Docker Container available


The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow manager to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It supports conda package manager and singularity / Docker containers making installation easier and results highly reproducible.

Pipeline summary

The objective of the pipeline is to predict tumor-specific neoantigen based on both DNA and RNA next generation sequencing data from patients.

  • HLA typing is performed by seq2HLA (v2.2) on both MHCI and MHCII, based on the paired RNA fast files.

  • Detection of neoantigen is performed by the pVACtools suite (v4.1.1). The pipeline is divided into two parts, one focusing on DNA-based analysis (pVACseq) and the other one based on fusions events derived from RNAseq data (pVACfuse).

  • MiXCR (v4.5.0) was added to provide a fast analysis of raw T- or B- cell receptor repertoires.


  • Paired RNAseq reads are aligned using STAR (v2.7.6a) on the STAR index using the --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM option to obtain a transcriptome-based alignments BAM file. Per gene and per transcript TPM (transcript per million) are then estimated using Salmon (v1.10.2) with the adequate Gencode GFF3 and transcripts fasta files.

  • Small somatic variants (snvs, indels) were first called using the GATK Mutect2 (v4.1.8.0).

    • Variants were annotated using VEP (ENSEMBL v110.1).
    • Both gene (GX) and transcript (TX) expressions were then added using vatools (v5.1.0) and previously computed expression files
    • RNA depth (RDP) and RNA allelic ratio (RAF) were then added using a combination of bcftools (v1.15.1), GATK SelectVariants (v4.1.9.0) and bam-readcount (v0.8).
  • pVACseq was then run using HLA typing files (for MHCI & MHCII) on the resulting variant file.


  • Arriba (v2.4.0) was run on a subset of the original STAR aligned file containing only reads of putative relevance to fusion detection, such as unmapped and clipped reads.
  • pVACfuse was then run on the list of filtered fusions of interest, using both HLA typing files.


HLAtyping DNAseq RNAseq Fusion

Run the pipeline from a sample plan

Arguments & Parameters

  • sample_plan: csv file containing per-row samples information

  • assembly: the genome assembly for the analysis (example: hg38)

  • genomePath: path containing the different files described in "conf/genomes.config"

  • singularityImagePath: path to singularity images

  • vep_dir_cache: path to the downloaded VEP cache from those instructions (here: species="homo_sapiens" & version="110_GRCh38")

  • vep_plugin_repo: path to the VEP_plugins repository in which the was downloaded.

  • blacklist_tsv: file obtained from downloading arriba archive (in the /database folder) called "blacklist_${assembly}*.tsv.gz"

  • proteinGff: file obtained from downloading arriba archive (in the /database folder) called "protein_domain_${assembly}*.gff3"

  • mi_license: path to the "mi.license" file neeeded for mixcr, free for academic

  • tmpdir: path to temporary folder

nextflow run --samplePlan ${sample_plan} \
                     --genome ${assembly} \
                     --genomeAnnotationPath ${genomePath} \
                     --outDir ${outputDir} \
                     --singularityImagePath ${sif} \
                     --vepDirCache ${vep_dir_cache} \
                     --vepPluginRepo ${vep_plugin_repo} \
                     --miLicense ${mi_license} \
                     --tmpdir ${tmpdirp} \
                     -profile singularity,cluster \
                     -w ${tmp_dir} \

Sample plan

A sample plan is a csv file (comma separated) that lists all the samples with a biological IDs. The sample plan is expected to contain the following fields (with no header):

sampleID, sampleName, normalName, path_to_fastqDnaR1, path_to_fastqDnaR2, path_to_sampleDnaBam, path_to_sampleDnaBamIndex, path_to_vcf,  path_to_fastqRnaR1, path_to_fastqRnaR2, path_to_sampleRnaBam, path_to_sampleRnaBamIndex


Basic steps are the following: HLAtyping, RNAquant, pVacseq, pVacfuse, mixcr. They can be use separately (e.g.: --step HLAtyping or --step RNAquant or --step mixcr) or combined partially (e.g.: --step HLAtyping,RNAquant,pVacseq ; --step HLAtyping,pVacfuse) or all together (default mode ; --step HLAtyping, RNAquant, pVacseq, pVacfuse, mixcr) using the --step option.

HLA typing

If you only want to get HLA alleles (MHCI & MHCII), add the step "--step HLAtyping" to your command line. If you already have the two HLA allele files (MHCI & MHCII), add the full path to the sample plan as follow:

sampleID, sampleName, normalName, path_to_fastqDnaR1, path_to_fastqDnaR2, path_to_sampleDnaBam, path_to_sampleDnaBamIndex, path_to_vcf,  path_to_fastqRnaR1, path_to_fastqRnaR2, path_to_sampleRnaBam, path_to_sampleRnaBamIndex,path_to_HLAI_file,path_toHLAII_file

RNA expression

If you only want to get transcript/gene based expression files (tpm), add the step "--step RNAquant" to your command line. If you already have the two gene-based and transcript-based expression files, add the full path to the sample plan as follow:

sampleID, sampleName, normalName, path_to_fastqDnaR1, path_to_fastqDnaR2, path_to_sampleDnaBam, path_to_sampleDnaBamIndex, path_to_vcf,  path_to_fastqRnaR1, path_to_fastqRnaR2, path_to_sampleRnaBam, path_to_sampleRnaBamIndex,path_to_HLAI_file,path_toHLAII_file,path_to_gene_tpm_file,path_to_transcript_tpm_file

or, if you want to run the HLAtyping step (--step HLAtyping,RNAquant,pVacseq)

sampleID, sampleName, normalName, path_to_fastqDnaR1, path_to_fastqDnaR2, path_to_sampleDnaBam, path_to_sampleDnaBamIndex, path_to_vcf,  path_to_fastqRnaR1, path_to_fastqRnaR2, path_to_sampleRnaBam, path_to_sampleRnaBamIndex,,,path_to_gene_tpm_file,path_to_transcript_tpm_file


Run the pipeline on the test dataset that will launch HLAtyping:

nextflow run -profile test,singularity --outDir ${outputDir} --singularityImagePath ${sif} -w ${work_dir}


This pipeline has been written by Institut Curie bioinformatics platform CUBIC (E.Girard, N.Servant). The project was funded by IMMUcan, the integrated European immuno-oncology profiling platform.


For any question, bug or suggestion, please use the issue system or contact the bioinformatics core facility.


Detection of neoantigens from WES and RNA sequencing data







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Contributors 3
