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biomguler edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 2 revisions
  • Welcome to the G-WASPiper wiki!

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  • A handy pipeline for GWAS/genotyping data analysis.
  • It can be easly used without having coding skills.
  • Each pipelines are general indipentent , and can be highly modified by changing R scripts.

Short description and main usage

What is G-WASPiper?

  • This repository is my collection of pipelines written in R to simplify, please cite original tools/approaches referred in the pipelines. The main idea here is putting every step in a pipe to ensure repredociblity and simplyfy all process.
  • The pipeline designed to start from genotyping results to create ancestery / GWAS / TWAS / PRS / MR / xQTL / GWIS / FINE mapping (will be updated) analysis.
  • The main idea here creating standart pipeline for all process.

Main scripts

  • There diffrent scripts for diffrent aims which written in R. python or bash.
  • There is not any correct order to run any script it is highly depented aim and input file
  • This pipeline is designed very flexible to start any step and go to the other
  • But, please carefully read the instruction and check arguments in the scripts. If needed please change it!

Script 1: Final report to plink files: finalreport2plink.R

  • Input: Illumina final report, strand file (usually availble in genotyping proviers web page)
  • Functions:
    • Takes illumina final report files and convert it to pplink binary files. Checking and aligning all variants to TOP+ strand
    • Filter low quaility variants GC Score > 0.15 (if neseccery please change it in the script before running)
    • Check report and strand file structure
  • Outputs
    • final2plink/ (Igen files - Pheno01.fam Pheno01.lgen, ped/map files (Pheno02.log Pheno02.nosex Pheno02.ped), non-TOP+ SNPs (flip.missnp)
    • raw_plink/ plink binary files (Pheno03.bed Pheno03.bim Pheno03.fam Pheno03.log Pheno03.nosex)

Basic Usage:

Rscript --no-save finalreport2plink.R --frn <final_report_name> --pfr <final_report_path> --sfn <strand_file_name> --psf <strand_file_path>


Rscript --no-save finalreport2plink.R --frn FinalReport.txt --pfr /path/to/final/report/ --sfn strand_file.csv --psf /path/to/strand/file/

How to run in the R:

system ("cd G-WASPiper/scripts ;  Rscript --no-save finalreport2plink.R --frn FinalReport.txt --pfr /path/to/final/report/ --sfn strand_file.csv --psf /path/to/strand/file/")

Please change --frn (final report file names), --pfr (path for final report), --sfn(name of strand file, --psf (path for strand file)

  • List of arguments:
Argument Default Explaination
--frn FinalReport.txt Name of final report
--frp data Path for final report
--sfn strand_file.csv Name of strand file
--psf data Path for strand file
  • Important notes
    • Please add phenotype and sex information by modifing R script to .fam file if it is availble
    • Before running this script you need to find correct strand file from service provider

Script 2: Final report to plink files: finalreport2plink.R

  • Now you should have plink binary (bfile) files and wants to do basic quality control for individual and genotyping level
  • To make easy and systematic we will use in the each step Pheno[XX] naming, from previous step we have Pheno03 .fam .bim .bed in the raw_plink folder
  • If your bfiles has different name please change it Pheno03 to do this step and continue next steps
  • Please add phenotype and sex information to fam file if you didnt put it in the first step
  • Before the removing any SNPs or individuals, we need to understand the data. How many individual do you have?

How to check number of individual the Terminal?:

wc -l Pheno03.fam
  • The pipeline created for large scale studies, so sample size should be minimum ~500 the conduct this QC steps
  • If you sample size below to this numbers, please dont use very strick tresholds to filter variant and individual (e.g. MAF, relatedness)
  • If you sample size too small consider to merge public data set to run same QC steps
  • The very first step of QC is make a decision for the MAF, mind, geno, hwe


system("cd raw_plink ; plink --bfile Pheno03 --missing --freq --hardy ; cd .. ; mv raw_plink/plink* results")


plink --bfile raw_plink/Pheno03 --missing --freq --hardy
mv raw_plink/plink* results

output: plink.frq plink.hh plink.hwe plink.imiss plink.lmiss plink.log plink.nosex

Generate plots and tables to visualize the genotyping rate, maf, hwe

system ("cd scripts ; Rscript --no-save basic_stat.R")


Step 2: QC

system("cd raw_plink ; plink --bfile Pheno03 --missing --freq --hardy ; cd .. ; mv raw_plink/plink* results")

Generate plots and tables to visualize the genotyping rate, maf, hwe

system ("cd scripts ; Rscript --no-save basic_stat.R")

Remove SNPs (and individuals) with high levels of missingness, low MAF and hwe

system("cd raw_plink ; plink --bfile Pheno03 --geno 0.02 --mind 0.02 --maf 0.01 --hwe include-nonctrl 5e-08 --make-bed --out Pheno04 ; cd .. ; mv raw_plink/Pheno04* QCsteps")

Check for sex discrepancy

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --check-sex ; cd .. ; cp QCsteps/plink* results")

Create list of individuals with sex discrepancy

system("cd QCsteps; grep PROBLEM plink.sexcheck| awk '{print$1,$2}'> sex_discrepancy.txt")

This command removes the list of individuals with the status “PROBLEM”.

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --remove sex_discrepancy.txt --make-bed --out Pheno05")

Select autosomal SNPs only (i.e., from chromosomes 1 to 22).

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --autosome --make-bed --out Pheno06")

Generate a plot of the distribution of the heterozygosity rate of your subjects.

system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --exclude scripts/high-LD-regions-hg19-GRCh37.txt --range --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.3 --out indepSNP ; mv indepSNP* QCsteps/") #highld region for 37 and 38 provided

Calculate heterozygosity and remove outliers

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno06 --extract --het --out check")

Plot of the heterozygosity rate distribution

system("Rscript --no-save heterozygosity.R")

Remove heterozygosity rate outliers

system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --remove results/fail-het.txt --make-bed --out Pheno07 ; mv Pheno07* QCsteps")


Step 4: Relatedness, PCA, ancestry inference, 1000 Genome Merge

a) Related Individual

Check for relationships between individuals with a pihat > 0.2.

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno06 --extract --genome --out pihat ; cd .. ; mv QCsteps/pihat* results")

Plot of the relatedness rate distribution

system("Rscript --no-save Relatedness.R")

To remove this individual (if there is any) run code below

system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --remove results/relatedness_fail.txt --make-bed --out Pheno08 ; mv Pheno08* QCsteps")

b) PCA, ancestry inference, 1000 Genome Merge

Download and proccess 1000 genome data are avaible on the plink2 webpage

system("Rscript --no-save 1000G_download.R")

Merge your study population with 1000G

system("Rscript --no-save 1000G_merge.R")

Run fraposa

system("bash scripts/")

Summary of fraposa

system("Rscript --no-save scripts/fraposa.R")

Subset sample with an ancestry (Defult EUR)

system("Rscript --no-save scripts/ancestry.R")

Pre Topmed/michigan imputation

system("bash scripts/")

cd topmed

Unzip and make copy

TopMed store the imputation results for a week

It is good idea to make copy of the this raw files before doing any modification/filter

Optional make copy of raw files

mkdir topmed_raw cp *zip topmed_raw

After you do not have need this files you can safely delete them

cd topmed mkdir topmed_raw cp *zip topmed_raw

Now we can continue with files in the topmed folder

Unzip files

Please change "your-password" argument with password that you get from topmed after your imputation done via email

system("bash scripts/")

#!/bin/bash for ((chr=1; chr<=22; chr++)); do unzip -P 'your-password' chr_${chr}.zip done

download reference genome and decompress

wget -O GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa.zst zstd --decompress GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa.zst

#concat combines all the chromosomes into a single file #view filters by info score #norm normalises indels. Split multiallelic sites into biallelic records. SNPs and indels merged into a single record #create final gzipped VCF file and annotate. Remove original SNP ID and assign new SNP ID as chrom:position:ref:alt

bcftools concat chr*.dose.vcf.gz -Ou | bcftools view -Ou -i 'R2>0.3' | bcftools norm -Ou -m -any | bcftools norm -Ou -f hs37d5.fa | bcftools annotate -Oz -x ID -I +'%CHROM:%POS:%REF:%ALT' -o allchr.converted.R2_0p3.vcf.gz

#--double-id means that both family and within-family IDs to be set to the sample ID

plink --vcf allchr.converted.R2_0p3.vcf.gz
--allow-extra-chr 0
--maf 0.0000001
--out allchr.converted.R2_0p3.MAF_1e7

#You can also include these other flags - depends on what you want to do

If you want to filter by minimum posterior probability

--vcf-min-GP 0.9 \

If you have any spaces in your IDs, it converts to _ because plink does not allow spaces in IDs

--vcf-idspace-to _ \

QC of imputed data

system("bash scripts/QC_impute.R")

info score




1) Marees, A. T., de Kluiver, H., Stringer, S., Vorspan, F., Curis, E., Marie‐Claire, C., & Derks, E. M. (2018). A tutorial on conducting genome‐wide association studies: Quality control and statistical analysis. International journal of methods in psychiatric research, 27(2), e1608.

Explanation of the main script

This script create a final_PhenoXX plink files and ancestry inference results.

After getting QCed and genetic ethnicity your target and 1000G data will be

merged for the assocation study. The 1000G samples (same genetic ancestry)

will be used as control to increase statictical power.

The script use R, plink and python and bash commands.

You can see these four language sign at the beging of the each code.

Of course you need this softwares/packages installed before.

Because we want to keep track each step your output name will be changed in

the some steps like final_Pheno03,final_Pheno04 ... here Pheno is your phenotype

or trait.

If your plink files (bed, bim, fam) different then this format, I strongly

recommend to use this format.

Note if you are running this script in LSF cluster use the bsub

Setup your working directory


Please create a new empyt folder and mv your data to this folder

For example "mkdir data" will create a data folder and your path will be "HOME/{user}/data}"

Please set your working directory

setwd("HOME/{user}/{path/folder containing your final report}")

Step 1: Final report to plink files

Optinal- If your data in the plink format skip this step.

If you have Finalreport file and want to convert it to plink (bed, bim,fam)

Illumina final report to Igen files

Note please change input name and path in the R script

Please add phenotype and sex information by modifing R script to .fam file if it is availble

Before running this script you need to find strand file from service provider

Please change strand file link before running!!!


folder name: final2plink/ flip.missnp Pheno01.fam Pheno01.lgen Pheno02.log Pheno02.nosex Pheno02.ped

folder name: raw_plink/ Pheno03.bed Pheno03.bim Pheno03.fam Pheno03.log Pheno03.nosex

folder name: your main folder/ InfiniumOmniExpress-24v1-4_A1.csv

Step 2: QC

Now, you should have Pheno03 .fam .bim .bed in the raw_plink folder

If your data alread in the plink format you can start from this step

Please add phenotype and sex information if you didnt put it in the first step

The before removing any SNPs or individuals, we need to understand the data.

The pipeline created for large scale studies, so sample size should be minimum 1000s the conduct this QC steps

If you sample size below to this numbers, please dont use very strick tresholds to filter like MAF

Also please change this thresholds accourding to your aim and consider to merge your data with public data if possible

The very first step of QC is make a decision for the MAF, mind, geno, hwe

system("cd raw_plink ; plink --bfile Pheno03 --missing --freq --hardy ; cd .. ; mv raw_plink/plink* results")

output: plink.frq plink.hh plink.hwe plink.imiss plink.lmiss plink.log plink.nosex

Generate plots and tables to visualize the genotyping rate, maf, hwe

system ("cd scripts ; Rscript --no-save basic_stat.R")

output(s): outputs in the results folder

genothreshold.txt: shows how many SNP will remain after setting --geno filter with certain threshold

mindthreshold.txt: shows how individual will remain after setting --mind filter with certain threshold

missing.pdf: Histogram of genotyping rate both individual and SNP level

hwethreshold.txt: Show how many SNP will remain after setting --hwe filter. all, aff(cases only),unaff(controls)

hwe.pdf: Two pages. First page: histogram of x=P values y=SNP count, second page x=P values y=SNP percentage

mafthreshold.txt: shows how many SNP will remain after setting --maf filter with certain threshold

mafsummary.txt: show number of SNP in the MAF categories below:

MAF >= 0 & MAF < 0.001 ~ "very_rare", MAF >= 0.001 & MAF < 0.005 ~ "rare", MAF >= 0.005 & MAF < 0.05 ~ "low_freq", MAF >= 0.05 & MAF <= 0.5 ~ "common

maf.pdf: Two pages. First page: histogram of x=MAF y=SNP count, second page x=MAF y=SNP by= categories

Remove SNPs (and individuals) with high levels of missingness, low MAF and hwe

Warning! if your sample size less thound or only a few hundered be carefull to apply maf filter may results loss of too many variant

By default the --hwe option in plink only filters for controls. Please check hwethreshold.

To hwe all samples --hwe include-nonctrl can be used.

Alternatively two step hwe filter can be conduct first for control and than all

system("cd raw_plink ; plink --bfile Pheno03 --geno 0.02 --mind 0.02 --maf 0.01 --hwe include-nonctrl 5e-08 --make-bed --out Pheno04 ; cd .. ; mv raw_plink/Pheno04* QCsteps")

#outputs: Folder: QCsteps/ Pheno04.bed Pheno04.bim Pheno04.fam Pheno04.hh Pheno04.log

Check for sex discrepancy.

Subjects who were a priori determined as females must have a F value of <0.2, and subjects who were a priori determined as males must have a F value >0.8. This F value is based on the X chromosome inbreeding (homozygosity) estimate.

Subjects who do not fulfill these requirements are flagged "PROBLEM" by PLINK.

Be carefull and check also ycount and y-only argument of plink.

Assing chr25 to PAR regions if not assinged correctly

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --check-sex ; cd .. ; cp QCsteps/plink* results")

#outputs: Folder: results/ plink.sexcheck

Remove individuals with sex discrepancy.

Before removing any individual please check ycount and do LD-pruning

If you can not solve sex-mismatch problem then remove these samples

This command generates a list of individuals with the status “PROBLEM”.

system("cd QCsteps; grep PROBLEM plink.sexcheck| awk '{print$1,$2}'> sex_discrepancy.txt")

This command removes the list of individuals with the status “PROBLEM”.

Optional(if needed): system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --remove sex_discrepancy.txt --make-bed --out Pheno05")

Select autosomal SNPs only (i.e., from chromosomes 1 to 22).

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno04 --autosome --make-bed --out Pheno06")

Generate a plot of the distribution of the heterozygosity rate of your subjects.

And remove individuals with a heterozygosity rate deviating more than 3 sd from the mean.

Checks for heterozygosity are performed on a set of SNPs which are not highly correlated.

Therefore, to generate a list of non-(highly)correlated SNPs, we exclude high-LD-regions.

The parameters ‘50 5 0.3’ stand respectively for: the window size, the number of SNPs to shift

#the window at each step, and the multiple correlation coefficient for a SNP being regressed on all #other SNPs simultaneously.

!!! IF your sample size not bigger than a few hundered please change parameters to less strong

In the case of small sample size please use --read-freq to use external freq

In the case of small sample size please do not remove any individual before merging your data with public data like 1000G; see 1000G steps

system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --exclude scripts/high-LD-regions-hg19-GRCh37.txt --range --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.3 --out indepSNP ; mv indepSNP* QCsteps/") #highld region for 37 and 38 provided

Calculate heterozygosity and remove outliers

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno06 --extract --het --out check")


Plot of the heterozygosity rate distribution

system("Rscript --no-save heterozygosity.R")

Output: results/heterozygosity.txt heterozygosity.pdf fail-het.txt

add more detail

Remove heterozygosity rate outliers (optinal,small sample size can skip)

Optional(if needed): system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --remove results/fail-het.txt --make-bed --out Pheno07 ; mv Pheno07* QCsteps")

############################################################################# ############################################################################# #############################################################################

Step 4: Relatedness, PCA, ancestry inference, 1000 Genome Merge

a) Related Individual

It is essential to check datasets you analyse for cryptic relatedness.

Assuming a random population sample we are going to exclude all individuals above the pihat threshold of 0.2 in this tutorial.

Check for relationships between individuals with a pihat > 0.2.

Recent shared ancestry for a pair of individuals (identity by descent, IBD) can be estimated using genome-wide IBS

data using Plink. (IBD=pi_hat in plink)

The expectation is that :

IBD = 1 for duplicates or monozygotic twins

IBD = 0.5 for first-degree relatives,

IBD = 0.25 for second-degree relatives

IBD = 0.125 for third-degree relatives

Genotyping error, LD and population structure cause variation around these theoretical values and it is typical to remove

one individual from each pair with an IBD > 0.1875 (halfway between the expected IBD for third- and second-degree relaIves).

For same reasons an IBD > 0.98 identifies duplicates.

system("cd QCsteps ; plink --bfile Pheno06 --extract --genome --out pihat ; cd .. ; mv QCsteps/pihat* results")

Output : results/ pihat.genome pihat.log

Plot of the relatedness rate distribution

For the practical reason IBD based relatedness threshold can be vary but so thresholds below used to identify related and relatedness_degree

PI_HAT >= 0.1875 ~ "releted",

PI_HAT < 0.1875 ~ "unrelated"))


PI_HAT >= 0.95 ~ "duplicates_monozygotic twins"

PI_HAT >= 0.45 & PI_HAT <= 0.55 ~ "first-degree"

PI_HAT >= 0.20 & PI_HAT <= 0.25 ~ "second-degree"

PI_HAT >= 0.120 & PI_HAT <= 0.1875 ~ "third-degree"

system("Rscript --no-save Relatedness.R")

Output : results/ relatedness.txt relatedness_degree.txt relatedness_missing.txt relatedness_fail.txt relatedness.pdf

After checking results related individual need to be removed

The R script will create relatedness_fail.txt which select related individuals with lowest genotyping rate

To remove this individual (if there is any) run code below

Optional(if needed): system("plink --bfile QCsteps/Pheno06 --remove results/relatedness_fail.txt --make-bed --out Pheno08 ; mv Pheno08* QCsteps")

b) PCA, ancestry inference, 1000 Genome Merge

Download and proccess 1000 genome data are avaible on the plink2 webpage

This script will download and convert raw files to plink

Before runun script check filter parameters like maf (line 23)

system("Rscript --no-save 1000G_download.R")

Outputs: Folder 1000G/ 1000g.bed 1000g.fam 1000g.bim 1000g.log

You can delete all other raw files (all_phase3.pgen all_phase3.pvar clean.bed clean.fam genetic_map_b37 phase3_corrected.psam raw.bim raw.log

all_phase3.pgen.zst all_phase3.pvar.zst clean.bim exclude.snps raw.bed raw.fam)

Merge your study population with 1000G

Please open R script before running it and check what script doing.

Script checking strand inconsistency and positions

Trying to solve strand problem by flipping them

Finally removing SNPs that are unsolved

system("Rscript --no-save 1000G_merge.R")

Output(s) : Folder: QCsteps/ final_1k_merged.bed/bim/fam/log common_1000g.bed/bim/fam/log common_Pheno06.bed/bim/fam/log

Run fraposa

system("bash scripts/")

Outputs: Folder fraposa/Pheno06_stupref.png Pheno06_stupref1.png Pheno06_stupref.popu Pheno06_stupref1.popu

Summary of fraposa

system("Rscript --no-save scripts/fraposa.R") #Outputs !!!!

Subset sample with an ancestry (Defult EUR)

system("Rscript --no-save scripts/ancestry.R")

Pre Topmed imputation

This script checks ref allele aligment to reference (defualt hg37)

Fix strand issues and report

Convert to vcf by chr

system("bash scripts/")

#Outputs: Folder: QCsteps/vcf files for each chr to updated TOPMed imputation server

Please download you imputation results to contineu next steps

please download your topmed files in the topmed folder

cd topmed

Unzip and make copy

TopMed store the imputation results for a week

It is good idea to make copy of the this raw files before doing any modification/filter

Optional make copy of raw files

mkdir topmed_raw cp *zip topmed_raw

After you do not have need this files you can safely delete them

cd topmed mkdir topmed_raw cp *zip topmed_raw

Now we can continue with files in the topmed folder

Unzip files

Please change "your-password" argument with password that you get from topmed after your imputation done via email

system("bash scripts/")

#!/bin/bash for ((chr=1; chr<=22; chr++)); do unzip -P 'your-password' chr_${chr}.zip done

download reference genome and decompress

wget -O GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa.zst zstd --decompress GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa.zst

#concat combines all the chromosomes into a single file #view filters by info score #norm normalises indels. Split multiallelic sites into biallelic records. SNPs and indels merged into a single record #create final gzipped VCF file and annotate. Remove original SNP ID and assign new SNP ID as chrom:position:ref:alt

bcftools concat chr*.dose.vcf.gz -Ou | bcftools view -Ou -i 'R2>0.3' | bcftools norm -Ou -m -any | bcftools norm -Ou -f hs37d5.fa | bcftools annotate -Oz -x ID -I +'%CHROM:%POS:%REF:%ALT' -o allchr.converted.R2_0p3.vcf.gz

#--double-id means that both family and within-family IDs to be set to the sample ID

plink --vcf allchr.converted.R2_0p3.vcf.gz
--allow-extra-chr 0
--maf 0.0000001
--out allchr.converted.R2_0p3.MAF_1e7

#You can also include these other flags - depends on what you want to do

If you want to filter by minimum posterior probability

--vcf-min-GP 0.9 \

If you have any spaces in your IDs, it converts to _ because plink does not allow spaces in IDs

--vcf-idspace-to _ \

QC of imputed data

system("bash scripts/QC_impute.R")

info score



  • It is my personal reposotry to keep track all pipeline that I am using.
  • Of course anyone can used as it or with modifaction.
  • I will acknowledge any resourse/pipeline/code inclueded this codes.

What is NOT G-WASPiper?

  • It is not automatic pipeline or click and run pipeline!
  • You need to modify some arguments (MAF, INFO, HWE, p value etc.) in the codes, so please be carefull before running any pipeline.
  • Some steps and pipelines are need strong computational resources and running this process with out any paralellization/optimization running pipelines as it will waste your time.
  • If you have access to any HPC, please run this analysis in side to HPC. The pipelines not optimazated for parallel work.
  • It is not a novel package/software, published work. I will try to answer/fix any question/bug, but it would be regulary basic.
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