This module is created for use with GoStream Devices.
To manually build the latest version for your machine:
yarn install
The GoStream protocol (GSP) is a TCP based request-response like protocol with a push functionallity. Data is send in JSON encoded datastructures and content is little-endian encoded. There is no handshake procedure for connection (other than normal TCP handshake) and no keep-alive messages or similar, so quite a minimalistic API. Communication is based on set/get of state variables using the following datapacket format
struct GoStreamCommand:
id: string
type: string
value: U8[]
each command is embedded in a packet with a header and a CRC 16 modbus sum
struct GoStreamPacket:
header: U16 => 0xA6 0xEB
protoid: U8 => currently 0
length: U16 => Total lenfth of data to follow, including crc
command: GoStreamCommand
crc: U16
The GoStream device might send several GoStreamPackets in same Ethernet frame, each Packet might be split in several parts depending on TCP load et.c.