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E-Commerce Web Application with Serverless Architecture

This is an e-commerce web application built using a serverless architecture with AWS services. It allows users to browse products, add them to their cart, and complete purchases. The frontend is built with React and TypeScript, while the backend is powered by AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and API Gateway.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used


  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript for adding static types.
  • React Router: For routing between different pages.
  • Styled-Components: For CSS-in-JS styling.


  • Node.js: JavaScript runtime for server-side logic.
  • AWS Lambda: For serverless functions.
  • DynamoDB: NoSQL database for storing product data and user orders.
  • API Gateway: For routing HTTP requests to Lambda functions.
  • Apollo Server: For setting up GraphQL APIs.


  • AWS S3: For serving static assets like product images.
  • AWS CloudFront: CDN for fast content delivery.
  • AWS CodePipeline: For automated deployment through CI/CD.

Setup and Installation


  • Node.js: Make sure Node.js and npm are installed on your machine.
  • AWS CLI: Install and configure AWS CLI with your credentials.
  • Serverless Framework: Install globally using npm install -g serverless.
  • Docker (optional): For containerized deployments.

Steps to Set Up the Project:

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd ecommerce-serverless
  2. Frontend Setup

    • Navigate to the frontend directory and install dependencies:
      cd frontend
      npm install
    • Set up the .env file to point to your API Gateway URL (for API calls from React).
  3. Backend Setup (Serverless)

    • Navigate to the backend directory and install dependencies:
      cd backend
      npm install
    • Set up the serverless.yml configuration file (you may need to customize it for your AWS region, Lambda functions, etc.).
  4. Deploy Backend: Deploy the backend to AWS using the Serverless Framework:

    serverless deploy

    This command will create the Lambda functions, API Gateway, and DynamoDB table based on the configurations in serverless.yml.

  5. Frontend Development:

    • Build the React app:
      npm run build
    • Deploy the build folder to AWS S3 (for serving static files):
      aws s3 sync build/ s3://your-bucket-name --acl public-read

Frontend Development

  • The frontend is built with React and TypeScript.
  • The app includes multiple pages such as Home, Product Details, Cart, and Checkout.
  • Routing is handled using React Router, and styled-components is used for styling.
  • Axios is used to make API calls to the backend (AWS Lambda).

Running Locally:

npm start

Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the app in development mode.

Backend Development

Key Functions:

  1. getProducts: Fetches a list of products from DynamoDB.
  2. getProduct: Fetches a single product’s details from DynamoDB.
  3. addToCart: Adds a product to the user's shopping cart.
  4. checkout: Processes the checkout request, typically integrates with a payment service.
  5. createProduct: Allows the admin to add a new product to the store.
  6. updateProduct: Allows the admin to update the details of an existing product.
  7. deleteProduct: Allows the admin to delete a product from the store.

Lambda Functions:

All backend logic is implemented in AWS Lambda functions, which are triggered via API Gateway.

Running Locally:

You can test the Lambda functions locally using the serverless-offline plugin:

serverless offline start


Frontend Deployment

The frontend is built and served using AWS S3 and CloudFront. You can deploy the static build files to an S3 bucket and set up CloudFront for fast delivery.

Backend Deployment

Deploy the backend (Lambda functions) using the Serverless Framework. Simply run:

serverless deploy

This will automatically set up the necessary infrastructure on AWS, including:

  • Lambda functions
  • API Gateway
  • DynamoDB tables

Key Updates:

  1. New Functions: The backend now includes createProduct, updateProduct, and deleteProduct functions to allow admin users to manage products.
  2. CI/CD Pipeline: The section on setting up CI/CD with GitHub Actions has been included with detailed instructions.
  3. Deployment: The README includes clearer instructions for both frontend and backend deployment using AWS services.

CI/CD Pipeline

Setting Up CI/CD with GitHub Actions

  1. Create a .github/workflows/deploy.yml file in your repository.
  2. Set up actions to build the frontend, deploy the backend via Serverless, and sync the frontend to S3.

Example GitHub Actions Workflow:

name: CI/CD Pipeline

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: npm install

    - name: Build frontend
      run: npm run build

    - name: Deploy Backend
      run: |
        cd backend
        serverless deploy

    - name: Deploy Frontend to S3
      run: |
        aws s3 sync build/ s3://your-bucket-name --acl public-read

Testing and Monitoring

  1. Testing Locally: You can test the backend locally using the serverless-offline plugin.
  2. CloudWatch Logs: Use AWS CloudWatch to monitor Lambda function executions and debug any issues.
  3. X-Ray: Use AWS X-Ray to trace and debug performance issues within Lambda.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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