A cookiecutter template for ML research in Python.
This template aims to combine Python software development best practices with useful research extensions.
From inside the directory you wish to generate a repository (e.g. cd $HOME/code
), run:
cookiecutter https://github.com/blustrini/cookiecutter_research.git
This template generates a project with the following structure.
envs/ # Environment files e.g. pip, Conda and Docker.
notebooks/ # Sensible place for Jupyter notebooks.
example.py # An example script
config/ # Folder to store Hydra configuration files.
src/ # Python package location for your project.
tests/ # Contains example tests using the Pytest framework.
.env # Used for storing env vars. Kept out of version control.
.editorconfig # Used to define code formatting conventions.
.pre-commit-config.yaml # Configures automatic checks that run before git commits
.gitignore # Identifies file patterns to exclude from git
pyproject.toml # Python configuration file
setup.cfg # Package installation configuration file.
This cookiecutter repo was forked from Jonathan Carter's research repo cookiecutter: https://github.com/joncarter1/cookiecutter_research.git
That cookiecutter draws heavily on Audrey Feldroy's Python software package template: https://github.com/audreyfeldroy/cookiecutter-pypackage