Setups up a Polipo Proxy on an LXD container. Currently I am using it to speed up test kitchen runs, but once its setup and running (using kitchen-lxd_cli) it run can be used with any machine that has network access this container:
lxc list proxy-ubuntu-1404
- Clone this project
git clone
- Run bundle install
bundle install
- Run test-kitchen to install and verify proxy
bundle exec kitchen verify
- Add the following to .kitchen.yml file of any other recipe
name: chef_zero
Polipo FYI)
A) To verify that Polipo is operational and being used you use its web server:
Working (as far as I can tell):
- Caching apt packages
- Caching chef install ( if chef_omnibus_url is specified, doesn't seem to cache when using default url which is https )
Not Working (as far as I can tell):
- Caching Rubygems
- Caching for Kitchen Verify ( ServerSpec gem installs doesn't seem to hit proxy either )
Not much will be done, but I'd like to update Rakefile, so an ip, default gateway can be passed in. Then I'll update the .kitchen.yml file to use and environment variable. So a polipo box can be easily installed on any network. For now manually edit/override the .kitchen.yml file with your own .kitchen.local.yml
Example of getting ENV variables/ruby code in .kitchen.yml:
Author:: Braden Wright ([email protected])