A node.js package for astrology/numerology esoteric science calculations.
$ npm install numerologic
Get general astrology info by birth date:
var numerology = require('numerologic');
var zodiacSign = numerology('13.08.1989').zodiacSign();
{ code_number: 5,
code_name: 'LEO',
element: 'fire',
planet: 'sun',
decade: 3 }
Calculate a "Pythoagoras Square" by birth date. Date must be only in "dd.mm.yyyy" fomat:
var numerology = require('numerologic');
var pythogorasSquare = numerology('13.08.1989').pythogorasSquare();
{ '0': 2,
'1': 4,
'2': 1,
'3': 3,
'4': 0,
'5': 0,
'6': 0,
'7': 1,
'8': 2,
'9': 3 }
This result means:
1111 | - | 7 |
2 | - | 88 |
333 | - | 999 |
Calculate a "Life way number" by birth date:
var lifeWayNumber = numerology('13.08.1989').lifeWayNumber();
console.log(lifeWayNumber); // 3
Calculate a "Moon day" by birth date:
var moonDay = numerology('13.08.1989').moonDay();
console.log(moonDay); // 12
Calculate three chakras ("physical", "emotional", "intellectual") one month ahead from current date by formula:
B = (sin(2 * PI * (t - f) / P)) * 100, P = {23,28,33}
You get three arrays as result, its a daily bio-points from days with indexes 0..N, where N - today number in next month.
var bioRhythms = numerology('13.08.1989').bioRhythms();
{ physical:
[ -0, -27, -52, -73, -89, -98, -100, -94, -82, -63,
-40, -14, 14, 40, 63, 82, 94, 100, 98, 89,
73, 52, 27, 0, -27, -52, -73, -89, -98, -100, -94 ],
[ 100, 97, 90, 78, 62, 43, 22, 0, -22, -43,
-62, -78, -90, -97, -100, -97, -90, -78, -62, -43,
-22, -0, 22, 43, 62, 78, 90, 97, 100, 97, 90 ],
[ 62, 76, 87, 95, 99, 100, 97, 91, 81, 69,
54, 37, 19, 0, -19, -37, -54, -69, -81, -91,
-97, -100, -99, -95, -87, -76, -62, -46, -28, -10, 10 ] }