AS A coding boot camp student
I WANT to tune out by using an application that can search for my favorite music, books, podcasts and video games.
SO THAT when I need a break or get stuck, I can TuneOut
GIVEN I need a distraction when my work gets overwhelming
WHEN I go to the TuneOut app
THEN I presented with a search option
WHEN I enter in my favorite music/band, author/book, podcast or video game
THEN I am presented with a description and YouTube link for my favorite search
WHEN the description comes up on screen
THEN the app shows recommendations in the same category as what I searched for
WHEN I search for news, I am given categories of Music, Books or Movies
THEN articles are displayed on the page
- JavaScript
- Materialize CSS
- Moment.js
- TasteDive Music API
- NY Times News API