Our data comes from the DREAM (Database for Reaching Experiments And Models) project: http://klab.smpp.northwestern.edu/wiki/index.php5/Database_for_Reaching_Experiments_and_Models_(DREAM)
This is hosted by CRCNS (Collaborative Research in Computational NeuroScience): http://crcns.org/data-sets/movements/dream/
To get our data, go here:
accept the terms of use and log in anonymously. Select "data_sets" and then "Flint_2012". You should find:
Flint_2012.pdf (952027)
Flint_2012_e1.mat (365440251)
Flint_2012_e2.mat (580620783)
Flint_2012_e3.mat (1095873686)
Flint_2012_e4.mat (881613651)
Flint_2012_e5.mat (563731035)
Info.txt (1530)
Please collect them all :)