A media player view controller for tvOS similar to AVPlayerViewController, but not limited to AVPlayer.
This framework is used by the MythTV app for tvOS, which uses libVLC instead of AVPlayer.
Instantiate a MediaPlayerViewController
with an object conforming to the MediaPlayerType
Use the canvasView
property of the MediaPlayerViewController
to present content.
public protocol MediaPlayerType {
func pause()
func play()
/// The current item being played.
var item:MediaItemType { get }
/// The rate of playback. 1.0 is the standard rate.
var rate:Float { get set }
/// The position between 0.0 and 1.0. Setting the position
/// causes playback to move to the new position.
var position:Float { get set }
/// During playback, call this closure at intervals frequently
/// enough to allow the scrubber to update smoothly, if visible.
var positionChanged:((position:Float) -> Void)? { get set }
public protocol MediaItemType {
var title:String { get }
var subtitle:String? { get }
/// The length of the media item in seconds.
var length:Double { get }
You can optionally provide thumbnails on the scrubber by setting the thumbnailDelegate
on the MediaPlayerViewController
public protocol MediaPlayerThumbnailSnapshotDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
A thumbnail image is requested at the given position and size.
- param position: The position of the requested snapshot.
- param size: The size of the requested thumbnail image.
- param handler: A thumbnail handler to deliver the image to.
func snapshotImageAtPosition(position:Float, size:CGSize, handler:MediaPlayerThumbnailHandler)
The delegate should produce a thumbnail image at the requested position and pass it to the MediaPlayerThumbnailHandler
public protocol MediaPlayerThumbnailHandler: NSObjectProtocol {
Deliver a thumbnail image for the specified position.
- param image: The thumbnail image.
- param position: The position represented by the image.
func setSnapshotImage(image:UIImage, forPosition position:Float)
Carthage is the recommended means of including this framework in a project.