This is an embedded-hal-async driver for the Bosch BMI260/270 inertial measurement unit.
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/// Create a new Bmi270 device using I2C with its alternative address (0x69).
/// Configure the max data burst to 255 bytes:
/// - used for the upload of the configuration during initialization.
/// - This is a limitation from your device or its HAL.
let mut bmi = Bmi270::new_i2c(i2c, I2cAddr::Alternative, Burst::Other(255)).await;
/// Get the chip id. Should be 0x24 or 36 in decimal
let chip_id = bmi.get_chip_id().await.unwrap();
/// Initialize the senor.
/// During this process a configuration of > 8kB is uploaded to the sensor.
/// Enable power for the accelerometer and the gyroscope.
let pwr_ctrl = PwrCtrl { aux_en: false, gyr_en: true, acc_en: true, temp_en: false };
/// Read the raw data
let data = bmi.get_data().await.unwrap();
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