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A Redux reducer and actions to help create controlled input fields.

Sometimes you just have a single field that you want to keep track of without having to create custom actions. Or when you want to control individual form fields like with Redux.

If you want to save form progress one field at a time locally or direct to server this is for you.

This library can help make it easier to have the user edit fields inside a table grid.


First step is to add the reducer.

import fieldReducer from 'redux-field'

const reducers = combineReducers({ form: fieldReducer })
const store = createStore(reducers)

If you want to wrap a React component that injects actions and props look at the redux-field-connect module.


Reducer State

  • blur: false - When true the field is open but does not have focus or is inactive.
  • dragCount: 0 - Needed for nested divs to keep track of active focus status.
  • error: null - String usually. Could be object for more complex error if you wanted.
  • focus: false - When true the field is open and it has focus.
  • id: null - String. Used as a unique key/id for this specific field value. So the prefix component prop can stay the same but the field changes. Editing an entity (prefix is entity id) one field at a time (id is field id) is a good example use for this.
  • initialValue: null - The value when the field was initialized. Would be the saved (server) value.
  • invalid: {} - Index of known invalid values. If checking against an API for validity this will persist previously found invalid results. Up to the developer to decide how it to represent the field value as a key. The invalid value is an error string or other data needed to render the error message/notice.
  • meta: null - Any value you want to keep track of related to field state.
  • savedProgress: 0 - Percentage. Integer between 0-99.
  • savedValue: null - If the backend changes the value and you want to show the difference you can place that updated value here.
  • isSaving: false - Is there an active request attempting to save the field value?
  • isTouched: false - Have there been blur, drag, focus, open, close, or value interactions with the field. Running submit on an otherwise untouched leaves it untouched.
  • valid: {} - Index of known valid values. Responses from a backend or API.
  • value: null - The value of the field goes here. Probably the most important state property.

Calculated Props

  • errorMessage: The error message string.
  • hasError: There is an error and/or an error message is available.
  • initialValue: The initial value.
  • invalidValue: Result in the invalid index for the current field value.
  • isEditing: User is editing the field value. There is focus and it's not pristine.
  • isClosed: The field is closed.
  • isDirty: Field value does not match the initial value.
  • isValid: An update (dirty) value that does not have an error.
  • isOpen: The field has blur or focus.
  • isPristine: The current field value matches the initial value.
  • isSaved: The savedValue is the same as the current field value. Might need a better name.
  • status: A machine text string representing status. (success, error) Can store status property to the error index for this value to customize.
  • suggestion: When there is a suggestion property on the error index for current field value.
  • validValue: The value of the valid index related to the current field value.



Handlers for input field triggers.

  • onBlur - When the input has been exited.
  • onChange - Every time value changes.
  • onDragEnter - Drag and drop enter.
  • onDragLeave - Drag and drop leave.
  • onFocus - When the input has (been clicked on) focus.
  • onInput - Alias of onChange.
  • onSubmit - Return key inside a form.
  • onDrop - Not implemented. Best to handle this yourself and use an onChange or other to update state as needed. Submit an issue if you disagree and have an idea of what the reducer should do.


Actions related to the field and/or its container.

  • clear - Close the field. Reset all values to default.
  • clearError - Reset error to null.
  • close - The field has been "closed". Allows you do something like display the field in its finished form instead of as an input.
  • error - Async error result. Sync errors should be calculated in container. See derivedState().
  • invalid - Set values that are known invalid. Useful to keep track of previous results from API calls. Makes feedback faster and prevents unnecessary requests..
  • meta - Set metadata about the editing process or field. Here if you need a place to put extra information.
  • open - The first thing that is called to initiate editing of a field. Toggle the preview and input displays of a field. You can overwrite id value, and initialValue here.
  • save - When an async request has been made that is saving the updated value to the server.
  • saved - Current value has been saved.
  • savedProgress - Record upload/save progress. If saving a file and you want to keep track of how much has been uploaded.
  • valid - Similar to invalid. Save that a value is valid. Probably the result of an async request. Could also store temporary meta info about the value here.


Same as formEvent but on replaced with handle. handleBlur, handleChange, handleDragEnter, handleDragLeave, handleFocus, handleInput, handleSubmit


  • selectForm(state): state.form
  • selectFieldState(state, prefix, selectFormState = selectForm): Please note that it will return defaultState if there is an invalid prefix.
  • getFieldState(state, props): selectFieldState(state, props.prefix, props.selectForm)


Redux form field reducer and actions







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