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cms-derived-datasets: added external scripts to generate NanoAODRun1 …
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nancyhamdan committed Jan 29, 2024
1 parent 9699a44 commit ebbb275
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Showing 2 changed files with 818 additions and 0 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions cms-derived-data/external-scripts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# code from

#This file is from the one, named as '' in cms software github(
#only the lines here given as 300-301, are replaced by the line, 302, because of 'dict_values' issue
#usage: e.g., python3 --doc=ANYNAME test.root
#usage: e.g., python3 --size=ANYNAME test.root
#usage: e.g., python3 --json=ANYNAME test.root

from builtins import range
import sys, os.path, json
from collections import defaultdict
import six
import ROOT
ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True

class FileData:
def __init__(self,data):
self._json = data
for k,v in six.iteritems(data):
self.Events = self.trees["Events"]
self.nevents = self.Events["entries"]

class Branch:
def __init__(self, tree, branch):
self.tree = tree
self.branch = branch = branch.GetName()
self.doc = branch.GetTitle()
self.tot = branch.GetZipBytes()/1024.0
self.entries = None;
self.single = True
self.kind = "Unknown"
if branch.GetNleaves() != 1:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot parse branch '%s' in tree %s (%d leaves)\n"%(branch.GetName(), tree.GetName(), branch.GetNleaves()))
self.leaf = branch.FindLeaf(branch.GetName())
if not self.leaf:
sys.stderr.write("Cannot parse branch '%s' in tree %s (no leaf)\n"%(branch.GetName(), tree.GetName()))
self.kind = self.leaf.GetTypeName()
if "Idx" in
self.kind+="(index to %s)"%((["_")"Idx")]).title())
if self.leaf.GetLen() == 0 and self.leaf.GetLeafCount() != None:
self.single = False
self.counter = self.leaf.GetLeafCount().GetName()
def toJSON(self):
return (, dict(name =, doc = self.doc, tot=self.tot, entries=self.entries, single=self.single, kind=self.kind, counter = getattr(self,'counter','')) )

class BranchGroup:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.tot = 0
self.entries = None;
self.subs = []
self.kind = None
self.doc = ''
def append(self, sub):
self.tot += sub.tot
if not self.doc: self.doc = sub.doc
def getKind(self):
if self.kind: return self.kind
if len(self.subs) == 1:
if self.subs[0].single: self.kind = "Variable"
self.kind = "Vector"
self.counter = self.subs[0].counter
allsingles, commonCounter = True, True
counter = None
for s in self.subs:
if not s.single:
allsingles = False
if counter == None: counter = s.counter
elif counter != s.counter:
commonCounter = False
if allsingles:
self.kind = "Singleton"
elif commonCounter:
self.kind = "Collection"
self.counter = counter
self.kind = "ItsComplicated"
return self.kind
def toJSON(self):
return (, dict(name =, doc = self.doc, kind = self.kind, tot = self.tot, entries = self.entries, subs = [ for s in self.subs]))

def inspectRootFile(infile):
if not os.path.isfile(infile): raise RuntimeError
filesize = os.path.getsize(infile)/1024.0
tfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(infile)
trees = {}
for treeName in "Events", "Runs", "Lumis":
tree = tfile.Get(treeName)
entries = tree.GetEntries()
trees[treeName] = tree
branchList = tree.GetListOfBranches()
allbranches = [ Branch(tree,branchList.At(i)) for i in range(branchList.GetSize()) ]
branchmap = dict((,b) for b in allbranches)
branchgroups = {}
# make list of counters and countees
counters = defaultdict(list)
for b in allbranches:
if not b.single:
b.entries = entries
c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1","c1")
for counter,countees in six.iteritems(counters):
n = tree.Draw(counter+">>htemp")
if n != 0:
htemp = ROOT.gROOT.FindObject("htemp")
n = htemp.GetEntries() * htemp.GetMean()
branchmap[counter].entries = entries
for c in countees:
br = branchmap[c]
br.entries = n
# now we start to create branch groups
for b in allbranches:
if in counters:
if len(b.doc) > 0:
continue # skip counters
if "_" in
head, tail ="_",1)
head =
if head not in branchgroups:
branchgroups[head] = BranchGroup(head)
for bg in six.itervalues(branchgroups):
if in toplevelDoc:
bg.doc = toplevelDoc[]
kind = bg.getKind()
bg.entries = bg.subs[0].entries
if kind == "Vector" or kind == "Collection":
elif kind == "ItsComplicated":
for counter in set(s.counter for s in bg.subs if not s.single):
allsize_c = sum(b.tot for b in allbranches)
allsize = sum(b.tot for b in six.itervalues(branchgroups))
if abs(allsize_c - allsize) > 1e-6*(allsize_c+allsize):
sys.stderr.write("Total size mismatch for tree %s: %10.4f kb vs %10.4f kb\n" % (treeName, allsize, allsize_c))
trees[treeName] = dict(
entries = entries,
allsize = allsize,
branches = dict(b.toJSON() for b in allbranches),
branchgroups = dict(bg.toJSON() for bg in six.itervalues(branchgroups)),
break # only Event tree for now
return dict(filename = os.path.basename(infile), filesize = filesize, trees = trees)

def makeSurvey(treeName, treeData):
allsize = treeData['allsize']
entries = treeData['entries']
survey = list(six.itervalues(treeData['branchgroups']))
survey.sort(key = lambda bg : - bg['tot'])
scriptdata = []
runningtotal = 0
unit = treeName[:-1].lower()
for s in survey:
if s['tot'] < 0.01*allsize:
tag = "<b>Others</b><br/>Size: %.0f b/%s (%.1f%%)" % ((allsize - runningtotal)/entries*1024, unit, (allsize-runningtotal)/allsize*100)
scriptdata.append( "{ 'label':'others', 'tag':'top', 'size':%s, 'tip':'%s' }" % ((allsize-runningtotal)/entries, tag) )
tag = "<b><a href=\"#%s\">%s</a></b><br/>" % (s['name'],s['name']);
tag += "Size: %.0f b/%s (%.1f%%)" % (s['tot']/entries*1024, unit, s['tot']/allsize*100);
if (s['kind'] in ("Vector","Collection")) and s['entries'] > 0:
tag += "<br/>Items/%s: %.1f, %.0f b/item" %(unit, float(s['entries'])/entries, s['tot']/s['entries']*1024);
scriptdata.append( "{ 'label':'%s', 'tag':'%s', 'size':%s, 'tip':'%s' }" % ( s['name'], s['name'], s['tot']/entries, tag) )
runningtotal += s['tot']
return (survey, "\n,\t".join(scriptdata))

def writeSizeReport(fileData, stream):
filename = fileData.filename
filesize = fileData.filesize
events = fileData.nevents
survey, scriptdata = makeSurvey("Events", filedata.Events)
title = "%s (%.3f Mb, %d events, %.2f kb/event)" % (filename, filesize/1024.0, events, filesize/events)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<a name="top" id="top"><h1>{title}</h1></a>
<canvas id="mainCanvas" width="800" height="300">[No canvas support]</canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = [ {scriptdata} ];
""".format(title = title, scriptdata = scriptdata)); ## must split into two write calls, since the javascript confounds str.format
window.onload = function() {
values = [];
labels = [];
keys = [];
tips = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
values.push( data[i].size );
labels.push( data[i].label );
keys.push( data[i].label );
tips.push( data[i].tip );
var chart = new RGraph.Pie("mainCanvas", values)
.Set('exploded', 7)
.Set('tooltips', tips)
.Set('tooltips.event', 'onmousemove')
.Set('key', labels)
.Set('key.position.graph.boxed', false)
<h1>Event data</h1>
stream.write("<tr class='header'><th>" + "</th><th>".join([ "collection", "kind", "vars", "items/evt", "kb/evt", "b/item", "plot", "%" ]) + "</th><th colspan=\"2\">cumulative %</th></tr>\n");
grandtotal = filedata.Events['allsize']; runningtotal = 0
for s in survey:
stream.write("<th title=\"%s\"><a href='#%s'>%s</a></th><td style='text-align : left;'>%s</td><td>%d</td>" % (s['doc'],s['name'],s['name'],s['kind'].lower(),len(s['subs'])))
stream.write("<td>%.2f</td><td>%.3f</td><td>%.1f</td>" % (s['entries']/events, s['tot']/events, s['tot']/s['entries']*1024 if s['entries'] else 0))
stream.write("<td class=\"img\"><img src='' width='%d' height='%d' /></td>" % (s['tot']/grandtotal*200,10))
stream.write("<td>%.1f%%</td>" % ( s['tot']/grandtotal * 100.0))
stream.write("<td>%.1f%%</td>" % ( (runningtotal+s['tot'])/grandtotal * 100.0))
stream.write("<td>%.1f%%</td>" % ( (grandtotal-runningtotal)/grandtotal * 100.0))
runningtotal += s['tot'];

# all known data
stream.write("<th>All Event data</th>")
stream.write("<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><b>%.2f</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td>" % (grandtotal/events))
stream.write("<td class=\"img\"><img src=\"\" width='%d' height='10' />" % ( grandtotal/filesize*100.0))
stream.write("</td><td>%.1f%%<sup>a</sup></td>" % (grandtotal/filesize*100.0))

# other, unknown overhead
stream.write("<th>Non per-event data or overhead</th>")
stream.write("<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>%.2f</td><td>&nbsp;</td>" % ( (filesize-grandtotal)/events))
stream.write("<td class=\"img\"><img src='' width='%d' height='%d' /></td>" % ( (filesize-grandtotal)/filesize * 100, 10 ))
stream.write("<td>%.1f%%<sup>a</sup></td>" % ( (filesize-grandtotal)/filesize * 100.0 ))

# all file
stream.write("<th>File size</th>")
stream.write("<td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><b>%.2f</b></td><td>&nbsp;</td>" % (filesize/events))

Note: size percentages of individual event products are relative to the total size of Event data only.<br />
Percentages with <sup>a</sup> are instead relative to the full file size.
<h1>Events detail</h1>
for s in sorted(survey, key = lambda s : s['name']):
stream.write("<h2><a name='%s' id='%s'>%s</a> (%.1f items/evt, %.3f kb/evt) <sup><a href=\"#top\">[back to top]</a></sup></h2>" % (s['name'], s['name'], s['name'], s['entries']/events, s['tot']/events))
stream.write("<tr class='header'><th>" + "</th><th>".join( [ "branch", "kind", "b/event", "b/item", "plot", "%" ]) + "</th></tr>\n")
subs = [ fileData.Events['branches'][b] for b in s['subs'] ]
for b in sorted(subs, key = lambda s : - s['tot']):
stream.write("<th title=\"%s\">%s</th><td style='text-align : left;'>%s</td><td>%.1f</td><td>%.1f</td>" % (b['doc'],b['name'], b['kind'], b['tot']/events*1024, b['tot']/s['entries']*1024 if s['entries'] else 0))
stream.write("<td class=\"img\"><img src='' width='%d' height='%d' /></td>" % ( b['tot']/s['tot']*200, 10 ))
stream.write("<td>%.1f%%</td>" % (b['tot']/s['tot'] * 100.0))

def writeDocReport(fileData, stream):
stream.write( """
<title>Documentation for {filename} </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
stream.write( "<tr class='header'><th>Collection</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n" )
groups = fileData.Events['branchgroups'].values()

# groups.sort(key = lambda s : s['name'])
# for s in groups:
for s in sorted(groups, key = lambda s : s['name']):

stream.write( "<th><a href='#%s'>%s</a></th><td style='text-align : left;'>%s</td></tr>\n" % (s['name'],s['name'],s['doc']) )
stream.write( "</table>\n\n<h1>Events detail</h1>\n" )
for s in groups:
stream.write( "<h2><a name='%s' id='%s'>%s</a> <sup><a href=\"#top\">[back to top]</a></sup></h2>\n" % (s['name'], s['name'], s['name']) )
stream.write( "<table>\n" )
stream.write( "<tr class='header'><th>Object property</th><th>Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n" )
subs = [ fileData.Events['branches'][b] for b in s['subs'] ]
for b in sorted(subs, key = lambda s : s['name']):
stream.write( "<th>%s</th><td style='text-align : left;'>%s</td><td style='text-align : left;'>%s</td>" % (b['name'], b['kind'], b['doc']) )
stream.write( "</tr>\n" )
stream.write( "</table>\n" )
stream.write( """
""" )

def _maybeOpen(filename):
return open(filename, 'w') if filename != "-" else sys.stdout

if __name__ == '__main__':
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] inputFile")
parser.add_option("-j", "--json", dest="json", type="string", default=None, help="Write out json file")
parser.add_option("-d", "--doc", dest="doc", type="string", default=None, help="Write out html doc")
parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size", type="string", default=None, help="Write out html size report")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1: raise RuntimeError("Please specify one input file")

if args[0].endswith(".root"):
filedata = FileData(inspectRootFile(args[0]))
elif args[0].endswith(".json"):
filedata = FileData(json.load(open(args[0],'r')))
else: raise RuntimeError("Input file %s is not a root or json file" % args[0])

if options.json:
json.dump(filedata._json, _maybeOpen(options.json), indent=4)
sys.stderr.write("JSON output saved to %s\n" % options.json)
if options.doc:
writeDocReport(filedata, _maybeOpen(options.doc))
sys.stderr.write("HTML documentation saved to %s\n" % options.doc)
if options.size:
writeSizeReport(filedata, _maybeOpen(options.size))
sys.stderr.write("HTML size report saved to %s\n" % options.size)

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