0.49.0 (2024-02-09)
- add a general preference for a popup logging level (7b532c1)
- add a link to NMRium videos channel (4ddf7fe), closes #2883
- detect baseline zones automatically (6358e89)
- display horizontal line at y = 0 for phase and baseline correction (fda80c5), closes #2870 #2871
- improve resurrect spectrum from publication string and avoid crash (#2879) (004d983)
- improve SVG exportation (#2882) (a974c15)
- invert actions (#2862) (3b18b4e)
- resize baseline zones (a3291b7)
- show assignment atoms over ranges (#2869) (63e7785)
- sort ranges by chemical shifts (d88c8c2), closes #2866
- split pseudo2D inversion recovery spectra (#2846) (ab43ee2)
Bug Fixes
- baseline correction options (44261ae)
- correct rollback spectrum behaviour (4f316a3), closes #2876 #2889
- prevent the refresh of the scale in baseline correction (cdeb286), closes #2872
- reorder sub matrices from bruker data n fix varian loading (#2847) (ef7e1b3)
- spectra preferences validation (788cb45)