Releases: cheminfo/nmrium
Releases · cheminfo/nmrium
0.51.0 (2024-03-16)
- edit range peaks (#2953) (bcddb6e)
- enable spectrum selection only when the zoom tool is activated (#2957) (a650eac)
- improve multiple spectra analysis (#2946) (acce39e)
- two dimensions phase correction filter (#2930) (adb8098)
- zoom in/out with the mouse wheel (#2964) (a54569f)
Bug Fixes
- clear zoom history and hide filter options panel when apply FFT (#2947) (e7fb21f), closes #2923
- do not raise an error if no 1D trace spectra are found (#2944) (c141116)
- improve peak picking (#2949) (f169495)
- improve wrapping of small prediction panel toolbar (#2954) (31be6ba)
- pass the data to the filter before the filter affects it (#2948) (d8341e9)
0.49.0 (2024-02-09)
- add a general preference for a popup logging level (7b532c1)
- add a link to NMRium videos channel (4ddf7fe), closes #2883
- detect baseline zones automatically (6358e89)
- display horizontal line at y = 0 for phase and baseline correction (fda80c5), closes #2870 #2871
- improve resurrect spectrum from publication string and avoid crash (#2879) (004d983)
- improve SVG exportation (#2882) (a974c15)
- invert actions (#2862) (3b18b4e)
- resize baseline zones (a3291b7)
- show assignment atoms over ranges (#2869) (63e7785)
- sort ranges by chemical shifts (d88c8c2), closes #2866
- split pseudo2D inversion recovery spectra (#2846) (ab43ee2)
Bug Fixes
- baseline correction options (44261ae)
- correct rollback spectrum behaviour (4f316a3), closes #2876 #2889
- prevent the refresh of the scale in baseline correction (cdeb286), closes #2872
- reorder sub matrices from bruker data n fix varian loading (#2847) (ef7e1b3)
- spectra preferences validation (788cb45)
0.48.0 (2024-01-26)
- allow save range with no signals (6f7bfad)
- allow to delete and info.solvent (8fcfb77), closes #2823
- improve matrix exportation (8b57b9f), closes #2837
- select spectrum from the displayer (313c3bd), closes #2849
Bug Fixes
- copy image to clipboard in Firefox (21ce320)
- create info1D for projections (#2841) (1571b50)
- disable auto-translate of the NMRium component (#2859) (d5e178e)
- plotting the derived value (f176fc0), closes #2834
- reapply filters when applying spectra processing filter (14b344c), closes #2835
- refresh local molecule state after past a new one (1162900)
- refresh the X domain after hiding all spectra and then showing one (b7a80af)
- remove empty values from search key array (7fe44d2), closes #2831
- set a fixed virtual scrolling height for spectra table rows (15084d7), closes #2824
- validate spin system data (47c5fba)
0.46.0 (2023-12-14)
- load files in parallel (82a15d4)
- remap existing assignments when molecule is edited (#2779) (840c3e5)
Bug Fixes
- auto phase correction (82a15d4)
- auto phase correction (#2787) (82a15d4)
- check spectrum has imaginary part before calling xMultiply (e8d736b)
- could loose assignement of expanded hydrogens (#2793) (cde96e1)
- filter out bruker experiments without required files to process (a40c318)
- inverted fft spectrum-migration to 6 version (#2766) (1995e6d)
- large negative spectra peak scale (3262b0d), closes #1657
- large negative spectra peak scale (19fd560), closes #1657
- negative peak picking (c35089f)
- render the info value correctly in the info block (d51ce3d)
- set the first FT spectrum for 2d projection if none selected (#2770) (2d3fcd8)
- title block field filter (0345ccb), closes #2778
- update react-science with Modal fix (5a74af1)
- zero filling size list (d44f519)
- zoom out (76fb39b)
0.45.0 (2023-11-24)
- The NMRium component is no longer rendered inside an isolated shadow DOM. I depends on a style reset such as the one done by TailwindCSS (available in
) to function correctly. - remove commonJS build and update TS to 5.2 (#2670)
- change mouse event to pointer event (5f65a4c)
- delete the phase correction trace (0a8331d)
- display spectrum vertically for the vertical phase correction (af0d95b)
- hide the integrals within ranges by default (7257d84), closes #2656
- hide the peaks within ranges by default (5492f8a)
- oxford instrument jcamp by filters (#2706) (42bc8e8)
- phase correction 1d traces (6b88bc4)
- phase correction traces for both directions (c625982)
- scale 2D phase correction traces (9cb5a1f)
- set two dimension pivot point (f530827)
- spectra multiple analysis chart (8cd9122)
Bug Fixes
- add peaks in manual range picking (#2668) (50de770)
- add range with no signals (#2703) (0365fdf), closes #2687
- build esm, not cjs (#2712) (00ac175)
- correct ranges-preferences to generate acs string (#2684) (d7c2dc1)
- detect negative in auto range picking (#2719) (86530ac)
- display title block correctly in Safari (a281edd), closes #2677
- Fid plotting (b67dfe7)
- filter spectrum columns correctly (785850a), closes #2675
- generating real data in the vertical slicing (7991f19), closes #2693
- integrals vertical zooms (cacfff4)
- jcamp tree filtering n wrong scale on F1 (#2761) (72447eb)
- load jcamp files correctly (#2752) (1a32500), closes #2751
- load spectrum n assignment from jcamp (#2754) (c8bee9c)
- manual peak picking pointer head position (4dfa666)
- open the log history automatically if we have error or fatal (5c7629e), closes #2755
- phase correction 2D slices (#2748) (110998a)
- read gyromagnetic ratio correctly (db978d9)
- resolve the conflict of the analysis modal correctly (#2727) (fe6a81c)
- set active spectra (4f0626b)
- shift spectrum 2D (#2744) (bd77ab4)
- slicing 1d left trace clip width and its container's zindex (f7e976a)
- support nmredata extension (#2692) (a2736cf)
- traces (0a8331d)
Miscellaneous Chores
0.44.0 (2023-09-13)
- rename key prefix 'origin' to 'original'
- control the visibility of NMRium header items (7a24c77)
- delete range peak (045418d)
- display ranges peaks (5655c02)
- helper function to create action column (123377c)
- improve bruker files loading (#2662) (d3d231f)
- improve peaks and integrals preferences (123377c)
- improve ranges preferences (a8b397f)
- improve signal kinds for ranges and integrals (a8ca174), closes #2600
- improve zones preferences (4966d90)
- toggle 'ranges peaks' visibility and displaying mode (133de16)
- validate the option and the spectra based on the selected options (f5eb365)
Bug Fixes
- check peaks array before mapping (a43bfb7)
- consecutive selection (53fff90), closes #2664
- define sum options for ranges and integrals when initiating the spectrum (d1fc56f)
- do not raise an error if no 1D trace spectra are found (ac56101), closes #2643
- extract the number correctly from the editable column value (0e11fd6)
- full zoom out (#2640) (ff0361f), closes #2639
- integrals in fid data (1291818)
- recalculate integration when toggling or deleting filter (81d4388), closes #2637
- reduce min resolution for smart range picking (#2630) (f01d0e4)
- spectra calibration (f5eb365), closes #2566
Code Refactoring
- rename key prefix 'origin' to 'original' (adfe8d3)