Angular App that will apply skills learned, specifically in regards to consuming HTTP Services.
Angular application that will display a list of the followers of an authenticated user.
- End point:
- Example:
Each following user line item will include the user's avatar, name, and GitHub url.
- Angular - Typescript-based Framework
- Angular CLI - Command Line Interface.
- Bootstrap - CSS-based Framework
May include any or all of the following subjects related to Consuming HTTP Services
- JSONPlaceHolder
- Getting Data
- Creating Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- OnInit Interface
- Separation of Concerns
- Extracting functionality to a Service
- Handling Errors
- Handling Unexpected Errors
- Handling Expected Errors
- Throwing Application-specific Errors
- Handling Bad Request Errors
- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods
- Global Error Handling
- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method
- Extracting a Reusable Data Service
- The Observable Class Map Operator
- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates
- Observables vs Promises
- Web Site
- Code
- Hosted on Netlify utilizing GitHub's Netlify App
Curt Grogan - Full Stack Web Developer
- GitHub:
- LinkedIn:
Udemy - Angular Crash Course by Mosh Hamedani - Via this course, they provided the instruction that helped develop the knowhow on working with Angular