An easy way to conduct filter-pruning for convolutional layers and fully connected layers!
You can use it to determine the sensitivity of individual convolutional & fully connected layer to pruning.
Github repository link for github page visitors:
Please visit my co-researcher's github as well!
This script is for training an initial model and log the training history in csv files and graph images.
Please note that batch_size and learning_rate highly influence the performance of the trained model.
You can fine-tune the batch_size, learning_rate, and epochs for training.
Different values for hyperparatmeters return different performances of models.
The table below shows the history of training an initial model for my case.
Model | Dataset | Training epochs | Validation accuracy |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 50 | 85% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 100 | 84% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 150 | 85% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 200 | 89% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 250 | 90% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 300 | 90% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 350 | 91% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 400 | 91% |
VGG16 | Cifar10 | 450 | 93% |
This script enables you to prune each convolutional & fully connected layer by a pre-defined value and plots graphs to visualize the results.
You can use the graphical information to determine the sensitivity of individual convolutional & fully connected layer to pruning.
This script enables you to prune overall layers (inclusive of both Conv & Fc layers) based on the sensitivitiy analysis, by simply changing the target pruning accuracy threshold in the script.
Model folder contains model architectures.
👽At this moment, only vgg16-cifar10 architecture is included.
For Resnet and Geometric median pruning method, please take a look at my co-researcher's github!
Original VGG16 model takes an input image of size 224x244, and gives outpus of 1000 classes.
VGG16-cifar10 model takes an input image of size 32x32, and gives outputs of 10 classes (depends on what dataset you used).
Cifar10 and MNIST datasets are currently available from the dataset_loader script.
We use mean&std to standardize the dataset.
If you do not want to use the mean&std standardizaton, you can just simply comment out the line.
e.g) # x_train, x_test = normalize(x_train, x_test)
You can also simply uncommnet the below lines to normalize the data to [0, 1] range.
# x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255. 👉 x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255.
# x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255. 👉 x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255.
Our code utilises keras-surgeon package by BenWhetton.
Please refer to his github link for details.
Currently, L1 norm is used to determine the importance of the filters.
Currently, L1 norm is used to determine the importance of the filters.