Full workflow is divided in several stages:
- Production of skims reading from RAW/AODSIM. It processes and stores trigger and tracker information.
- Production of ntuples reading from the skimmed datasets.
- Analysis, including histogram plotting, fitting and limit derivation.
- Statistics checks
Each part is described below, but a set of example commands to reproduce some of the plots of the analysis is collected in Section Running the analysis.
Recommended machine and CMSSW version are uaf2-3-4 and CMSSW_13_3_0:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cmstas/run3_scouting.git
To keep consistency for the fitting and combine in both local and condor we use singularity:
cmsrel CMSSW_13_3_0
push CMSSW_13_3_0/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
pushd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout v10.0.2
scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b # always make a clean build
scram b
The skimming code resides in batch/
The skimming code runs on RAW data sets, and produces a skimmed RAW data set as output with additional information, mainly:
- HLT and L1T flags;
- tracker information (number of expected muon tracker layers, position of displaced vertices relative to tracker modules).
The C++ looper resides in cpp/
The looper runs on skimmed RAW data sets, and produces a flat tree as output.
Please, refer to README
in cpp/
for further instructions.
Condor submission is set up in condor/
Quick submission (for both 2022 and 2023):
runScoutingLooper_onCondor.sh looperOutput_Dec-04-2023
runScoutingLooper_onCondor.sh 2023 looperOutput_Dec-04-2023
Histograms are filled by fillHistosScouting.py
, and written in a ROOT output file.
This PyROOT looper optionally applies selections on multi-muon system kinematics and displacement.
Condor submission is set up in condor/
Histograms are defined in utils/histDefinition.py
please, add your histograms there, following the existing structure.
Example to run the histogram filling for 2022 (default) and 2023:
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_allCuts
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh 2023 /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_allCuts
... with some selection e.g. the lxy range in [6.5, 11.0] cm:
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_6p5to11p0_allCuts --lxySel 6.5 11.0
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh 2023 /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_6p5to11p0_allCuts --lxySel 6.5 11.0
... with a cut not applied e.g the impact parameter selection:
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_6p5to11p0_noMuonIPSel --lxySel 6.5 11.0 --noMuonIPSel
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh 2023 /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_Dec-04-2023/ outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_6p5to11p0_noMuonIPSel --lxySel 6.5 11.0 --noMuonIPSel
For plotting output histograms: plotHistosScouting.py
- in order to plot/compare different eras from directory with same selection:
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data --inDir /ceph/cms/store/user/mmasciov/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Aug-02-2023_all/ --doRatio --shape --doRatio --logY
- in order to plot/compare data with different selection (i.e., from different directories), e.g., with different lxy selections on the dimuon system:
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data --inMultiDir /ceph/cms/store/user/mmasciov/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Aug-02-2023_dimuonMass2p95to3p25_relaxedSVselection_onlyDiMuon/ /ceph/cms/store/user/mmasciov/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Aug-02-2023_dimuonMass2p5to2p95-3p25to3p4_relaxedSVselection_onlyDiMuon/ --inMultiLeg "J/#psi" "J/#psi sidebands" --doRatio --relaxedSVSel --dimuonMassSel 2.5 3.4 --shape --doRatio --logY --noPreSel --noFourMuon --noFourMuonOSV --outSuffix JPsi
- in order to make a simple comparison data and signal (assuming 1 pb xsec):
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-2p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-7p0_ctau-10mm Signal_ScenB1_30_9p9_4p8_ctau_10mm --inDir run3out/outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_allCuts --logY --dimuonMassSel 0.0 11.0 --weightSignal --outSuffix 2022_weighted_allCuts
- in order to make a simple comparison data and signal (normalized to unity):
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-2p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-7p0_ctau-10mm Signal_ScenB1_30_9p9_4p8_ctau_10mm --inDir run3out/outputHistograms_Dec-09-2023_allCuts --logY --dimuonMassSel 0.0 11.0 --shape --outSuffix 2022_norm_allCuts
In order to get help with all (optional and required) arguments, just execute the script with no argument:
python3 plotHistosScouting.py
Other scripts to hadd
histogram files from a directory, or to merge histograms with different selections (i.e., in different directories) are available in scripts/
: tohadd
histogram files from a directory;mergeHistograms.py
: to merge histograms with different selections.
scripts to locally submit jobs are avaiable in the same directory.
E.g., to hadd
histograms within a directory for all data sub-samples:
source scripts/submitLocalAddHistosScouting.sh
To run a set of fits just run:
cmssw-el8 --bind /ceph/cms/store/
cd CMSSW_13_3_0/src
cd ../../
root -b -q -l -n cpp/doAll_fitDimuonMass.C
Remember to properly set the period and input paths inside before running
Then launch with condor with:
sh condor/limits/runLimits_onCondor.sh <datacard directory> <limit output directory> <year>
model and other parameters are specified in the corresponding .sub file.
To wrap the limits results:
python3 combineScripts/readAsymptoticLimits.py <model> <limit output directory> <year>
which will create a txt file with the relevant upper limits in the previous limit output directory.
To plot them:
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py <model> <limit output directory> <ctau> <year>
which will create the png limit plot.
Running bias tests run for hZdZd model.
- To run bias tests on a single point:
# python3 combineScripts/submitBiasTests.py datacards_all_Oct-19-2024_2022 output /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Sep-30-2024_2022/limits_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_2022.txt HTo2ZdTo2mu2x 5 5 100
python3 combineScripts/submitBiasTests.py datacards_all_Oct-19-2024_2022 output /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Sep-30-2024_2022/limits_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_2022.txt HTo2ZdTo2mu2x 5 5 100
- To run over the whole masked grid use condor:
# sh condor/limits/runBiasTests_onCondor.sh <input datacards> <output dir> <year> <txt with asymptotic limits> <injected r>
sh condor/limits/runBiasTests_onCondor.sh datacards_all_Oct-20-2024_2022 biasTests_Oct-20-2024_r5 2022 /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Sep-30-2024_2022/limits_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_2022.txt 5
- To plot results and summary after running with condor.
<input dir>
is<output dir>
from previous command.
# python3 python/plot_biasTestsSummary.py <input dir>
python3 python/plot_biasTestsSummary.py /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/biasTests_Oct-20-2024_r5
This set of commands assumed that we are taking the ntuples as starting point (skimmer and looper should have been run before). Latest sets of ntupels are available here:
2022: /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_2022_Feb-05-2024/
2023: /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_2023_May-26-2024/
You may need to setup the environment as described above in the relevant setions
Init with:
source cpp/setup.sh
To obtain general plots for 2022 and 2023 you have to run the filler. Cuts are applied automatically, and TH1D
's and a RooDataSet
s for each Signal Region (SR):
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_2022_Feb-05-2024 outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts
sh condor/runScoutingHistos_onCondor.sh 2023 /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/looperOutput_2023_May-26-2024/ outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts
Then run the plotter on the generated outputs e.g.
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-2p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-5p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-7p0_ctau-10mm --inDir /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts --logY --outSuffix 2022_allCuts_shape --year 2022 --extraLabelBold "Dimuon" --extraLabel "All cuts" --pdf (--shape)
python3 plotHistosScouting.py --inSamples Data Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-2p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-5p0_ctau-10mm Signal_HTo2ZdTo2mu2x_MZd-7p0_ctau-10mm --inDir /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts --logY --outSuffix 2023_allCuts_shape --year 2023 --extraLabelBold "Dimuon" --extraLabel "All cuts" --pdf (--shape)
If you want to go directly to fitting, you can just fill the spectra and RooDataSet
's in the filling step.
Follow the steps above to run the fitting within a cmssw-el8 env.
To fit the mass windows, modify the lines within cpp/doAll_fitDimuonMass.C
to define period
and inDir
. With the examples below:
2022: period=2022, inDir=/ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts
2023: period=2023, inDir=/ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/outputHistograms_Jun-14-2024_allCuts
Then run once for each period:
root -b -q -l -n cpp/doAll_fitDimuonMass.C
Which will create fitResults_2022
and fitResults_2023
python3 make_datacards.py 2022
python3 make_datacards.py 2023
Make sure you have followed the steps for setup in #{combine-in-condor} and
sh condor/limits/runLimits_onCondor.sh datacards_all_Jun-14-2024_2022 limits_Jun-14-2024_2022 2022
sh condor/limits/runLimits_onCondor.sh datacards_all_Jun-14-2024_2023 limits_Jun-14-2024_2023 2023
Then, for extracting the result in the output directories:
python3 combineScripts/readAsymptoticLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2022 2022
python3 combineScripts/readAsymptoticLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2023 2023
And finally for plotting (may be needed to change options in the script):
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2022 1 2022
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2022 10 2022
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2022 100 2022
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2023 1 2023
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2023 10 2023
python3 combineScripts/plot1DLimits.py HTo2ZdTo2mu2x /ceph/cms/store/user/fernance/Run3ScoutingOutput/limits_Jun-14-2024_2023 100 2023
This is a draft of some potential analysis code, based on uproot and coffea.
To install on the uaf, run source bootstrap.sh
(only required once).
Then, ./shell
will start the singularity container.
Inside scouting/
, run python minimal.py