Generate a set of nix derivations from a mix.lock file.
Mix2nix is a commandline utility to create a set of nix package definitions based on the contents of a mix.lock file. It makes it a little easier to manage Elixir dependencies with nix.
To understand where it fits in with other tools used to package Elixir libraries and releases for Nix, please read the Packaging BEAM Applications section of the Nixpkgs Manual.
Generate an expression set and save it to a file:
$ mix2nix > deps.nix
You can also specify a path to your mix.lock file:
$ mix2nix /path/to/mix.lock > deps.nix
You can import your generated package set into your own package definition like any other function. An example default.nix could look something like:
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
with pkgs; with beamPackages;
deps = import ./deps.nix { inherit lib beamPackages; };
buildMix rec {
name = "example-package";
src = ./.;
version = "0.0.0";
beamDeps = [
If you are packaging your application as a release:
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
with pkgs; with beamPackages;
mixRelease {
pname = "example-release";
src = ./.;
version = "0.0.0";
mixNixDeps = import ./deps.nix { inherit lib beamPackage; };
You can override any package by passing in an overrides
deps = import ./deps.nix { inherit lib beamPackages; overrides = overrideDeps; };
overrideDeps = (self: super: {
package1 = super.package1.override {
enableDebugInfo = true;
compilePorts = true;
Currently, only public packages from are supported. If you have any dependencies from git, private repositories, or local sources, you will need to manually specify those.
To create a development environment:
$ nix-shell
To build without adding to global environment:
$ nix-build
To install in your environment:
$ nix-env -f ./ -i