Typescript React-native + Graphql and redux offline sample App.
Requires GitHunt API server https://github.com/apollographql/GitHunt-API to run on localhost:3010 (default)
This sample app...
- Downloads Graphql Schema from graphql server (GitHunt API server)
- Combines all *.graphql files into documents.json
- Generates src/schema.ts types for graphql queries based on graphql server schema and documents.json
- Uses redux to store react-apollo state
- Redux-offline automatically stores apollo requests in AsyncStorage...
- ...then rehydrates store (with all previous requests data) on app start
git clone https://github.com/codeamigos/rn-ts-graphql-redux-offline.git
cd rn-ts-graphql-redux-offline
npm install
npm run ios // just once to build and install app on device
npm start // to start app
There are could be errors like Generic type 'AsyncIterator<T, E>' requires 2 type argument(s).
in graphq subscriptions types, its okay. Hope it will be fixed soon