Although it's a simple task with just one screen, I am proud that the app used the concepts of hooks, modularity, helpers, integration with react navigation(just one stack but I would have loved to integrate more complex flow with stacks, tabs, bottom tabs), splash screen, formatters. As the app's state was not complex, I refrained myself from going for the redux which I have always used in my previous apps as the application state was more complex. I feel you shouldn't use something just for the sake of using. Here in this assignment, the task was simple and so was the application state, for that reason I chose not to use class components and redux. I have also setup the splash screen and code formatter with pre-commit hook. I think the pre-commit hook is very important as it paves way for consistent code formatting.
If given some more time, I would love to setup locale mapper so with en_ca, fr_ca files which would not only pave way for different languages but also help in storing all the messages and labels in separate file(currently, they are hardcoded in the JSX which is strict NO)
Finally, please refer to the screenshot.png
Applicants for the Mobile engineer role at Wave must complete the following challenge, and submit a solution prior to the onsite interview.
The purpose of this exercise is to create something that we can work on together during the onsite. We do this so that you get a chance to collaborate with Wavers during the interview in a situation where you know something better than us (it's your code, after all!)
There isn't a hard deadline for this exercise; take as long as you need to complete it. However, in terms of total time spent actively working on the challenge, we ask that you not spend more than a few hours, as we value your time and are happy to leave things open to discussion in the onsite interview.
You can write your app using your favorite language, tools, platform, etc. Whether that means something native or something hybrid is completely up to you.
Send your submission to [email protected]. Feel free to email [email protected] if you have any questions.
- Fork this project on github. You will need to create an account if you don't already have one.
- Complete the project as described below within your fork.
- Push all of your changes to your fork on github and submit a pull request.
- You should also email [email protected] and your recruiter to let them know you have submitted a solution. Make sure to include your github username in your email (so we can match applicants with pull requests.)
- Clone the repository.
- Complete your project as described below within your local repository.
- Email a patch file to [email protected].
In this project, we're going to be creating a simple app that shows a Wave user the products that they can charge for on their invoices.
You'll be using the public Wave API in this challenge. You can find the documentation here. You will specifically be interested in the products endpoint, and using an access token with the API.
Your Wave contact will supply you with a business ID and a Wave API token before you begin.
- Your app must retrieve the list of products for the specific business ID sent to you by your Wave contact
- The list of products should be fetched and shown to the user in a list view when the app is launched.
- Each item in the list view should show the product name and price (formatted as a dollar amount.)
You are not required to add any interactivity to the app -- i.e. you do not need to send the user to a detail view when they touch one of the list items.
Your app is allowed to render nothing if there is no internet connection when it loads.
Once you're done, please submit a paragraph or two in your README
about what you are particularly proud of in your implementation, and why.
Evaluation of your submission will be based on the following criteria.
- Did your application fulfill the basic requirements?
- Did you document the method for setting up and running your application?
- Did you follow the instructions for submission?