Gravity SMTP v1.6.1 Changelog
Added a feature that obfuscates sensitive settings field values if those fields are set via a defined constant.
Added resend email button to the activity log.
Added support for SQLite in the System Report.
Added the ability to set Primary and Backup integrations via the constants GRAVITYSMTP_INTEGRATION_PRIMARY
Fixed a bug that causes warnings or errors due to undefined array keys.
Fixed an issue that can cause email sends to fail when providing a BCC or Reply-to address while using the Mailchimp connector.
Fixed an issue that causes fatal errors with the Google Integration when there is a token error.
Fixed an issue that causes PHP notices if the from name of an email is empty in the Generic Integration.
Fixed an issue where the app size was incorrect when the menu is auto folded.
Fixed an issue where the tracking pixel url is generated with a slash.
Updated the resend email functionality to be confirmed through a confirmation dialog before resending the email.
You can’t perform that action at this time.