An introductory exploration of utilizing Spotify's API to access song and streaming data.
This serves as an introduction to working with APIs for data sourcing, working with a version control software (git), and maintaining a properly documented project from start to finish.
The project will focus on Mac Miller's discography, and take a look at how his music style changed as he matured and began working with more experimental sounds and genres.
These are the questions I hope to answer throughout this project.
- In what way can music be measured quantitatively? How can these values be found, assigned, and used?
- How did Mac's music change over time? What periods represented the largest changes?
- What sub-genres emerge from analysis of his discography? Can songs be assigned accurately using a clustering algorithm?
Using the data aforementioned, my goal for this model is to build a model that can identify what album or time period a track stems from.