Contributors: creativeartbd Tags: newsletter, email newsletter, simple newsletter, min- newsletter, send email, email send Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPL2
Send email to registered email addresses.
Min Newsletter, where you can send a custom message as well as the latest post of your blog. You can send 1 to 10 latest post. If you choose custom message then you can send a custom message too.
From your WordPress dashboard
Visit Plugins > Add New Search for “Mini Newsletter” Install the “Mini Newsletter” plugin Activate “Mini Newsletter” from your Plugins page
After that, you can see a new menu called "Mini Newsletter" to the list of the admin menu bar. There is 3 sub-menu available:
- Mini Newsletter
Under this Mini Newsletter page, you can change the default settings.
- Email List
Under Email List page, you can see all subscribers email list. Here you can delete the email too.
- Send Newsletter
Under Send Newsletter page, You can send email to the custom email address or to your subscribers. You can send a custom email or the latest number of post.
To get any technical related help of this plugin just send me an email to [email protected]. Support can be given If only there is any errors or bugs.