Golang DIYRobocars based on the Donkeycar hardware http://www.donkeycar.com/
We will have a race track, with 4 cars available to be programmed for races, either human-steered or perhaps self-driving...
Check out https://github.com/hybridgroup/gophercar for more info.
We will have the following drones for your flying activities:
- DJI Tello
- Parrot Minidrone
In additional to these drones to be to be coded/flown, we will also have Dualshock3-clone controllers for flight control. Post your awesome videos!
We will have 2 different IoT sensor kits available for use:
- Intel UpSquared (aka Up2) Grove IoT Development Kit
- Arduino Starter Kit
Thanks to our awesome colleagues at Intel, we have the new Intel Movidius Myriad 2 Neural Compute Stick (https://www.movidius.com/myriad2).
This USB device contains a Video Processing Unit (VPU) the lets you perform low power execution of deep neural networks.
We will have Sphero SPRK+ robots.
'nuff said!
Copyright (c) 2015-2018 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the MIT license.