Additional data supporting Swift et al. "Anaerobic fungi are an untapped reservoir of natural products"
Folder "antiSMASH": AntiSMASH results GBK file for A. robustus, C. churrovis, N. californiae, and P. finnis. GBK file has been edited to only show core biosynthetic genes.
Zipped folder "trees": Phylogenetic trees in Newick format constructed by Fasttree from the NRPS condensation domains and PKS ketosynthase domains of A. robustus, C. churrovis, N. californiae, P. finnis and up to top 10 best homologs. Full names of sequences for each tree are given in the folder “Full names.” File prefixes are as follows: S4=A. robustus, Caeco=C. churrovis, G1=N. californiae, Finn=P. finnis.
Folder "graphml": Molecular networks that can be uploaded directly into Cytoscape for visualization.