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Employee Analysis

This project was accomplished using SQL for data analysis, feature enegineering and data preprocessing.

Techniques used:

  • SQL funtions
  • Views
  • Subqueries
  • Foreign keys
  • Joins

Steps involved:

  • Create the tables
  • Data preprocessing
    • Rename columns
    • Change datatypes
    • Rename values in columns; gender and marital_status
    • Drop rows with null type values in each column
  • Perform eda
  • Feature engineering
    • Creating new columns (salary_after_tax, years_of_service) and re-arranging columns


  • There are 8 genders

    • Males have the highest count present in the data; 358
    • Males have the highest maximum salary after taxing; 396,498.00
    • Males have the highest number of employees in terms of positions
    • Genderfluid has the highest average and minimum salary after taxing; 327,876.00 and 230,787.00
    • Agender in position cto has the highest average salary after tax; 396,348.00
  • There are 4 types of marital_status

    • Algeria has the highest number of married employees
    • Bahrain, Denmark, New Zealand, Ukraine and Cyprus has the highest number of single employees
    • Morocco has the highest number of widowed employees
  • There are 12 positions present

    • cto and ceo have salaries above 350000 after taxing
    • cto's in male, female, agender, polygender, bigender, genderqueer and genderfluid have maximum salaries above 380000
    • An intern in male and female suffers loss after taxing their salary
    • ctos highest number of years of service with 16 ctos present
    • Position of vp, director, cto, cmo, cfo and ceo with a salary above 200,000, live in houses that ranked above 20
  • Employees are from 99 countries

    • The country Bahrain has the highest number of employees present; 16
    • Indonesia, Thailand and Croatia have lowest number of employees present; 2
    • It seems Bahrain average salary after taxing is pretty low; 188,554.31. They could be of a lower position? Panama has the highest average salary after taxing
    • Apparently, not much employees are of high position from this country. So which country has the most number of employees in high positions; namely cto, ceo, cmo, cfo and vp? Panama only has employees in ceo, cto and vp position. Hence, their average salary will be high (less spread in data points)
    • Italy & Guatemala has the highest number of ceo's; 3
    • Germany has the highest number of cfo's; 3
    • Tunisia & Uruguay has the highest number of cmo's; 3
    • Poland and Algeria has the highest number of cto's; 4
    • Myanmar (Burma) has the highest number of vp; 4
  • Looking the branches

    • Bahrain has the highest number of branches; 20
    • One of Democratic Republic of the Congo's branches amongst other countries has the highest maximum revenue generated; 9,992,041
    • One of Chile's branches amongst other countries has the lowest revenue generated
    • Kuwait has the highest average revenue generated

NB: Currency is in dollars and use the code format below to insert values for each table using SQL Shell (psql);

\copy employee_details (employee_id, FIRStname, Lst_namE, EmaIL, gender,placeOFBirTH, "PositiON",salArY,Date_hired, "Material Status", CAr_owned, HOuse_owneDD) FROM 'C:\\file_path\\employee_details_salary_added.csv' WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';

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