Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyber Infrastructure (OOI CI)
Integrated Observatory Network (ION) - OOINet
Marine Integration source code repository.
(C) The Regents of the University of California, 2010-2014
See LICENSE.txt for license.
This is the repository that contains the implemention for all marine integrations
including drivers and transforms.
$ git clone git://github.com/oceanobservatories/mi-instrument
$ git clone [email protected]:<your_github_uname>/mi-instrument
brew tap homebrew/science
brew install python --framework --universal
brew install git
brew install libevent libyaml zeromq rabbitmq hdf5 pkg-config netcdf freetype spatialindex udunits
pip install -U pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
add this to the end:
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/virtenvs
. /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
source ~/.bash_profile
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.7 ooi
workon ooi
pip install numpy cython
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd into mi-instrument and then type the command below:
conda env create -f conda_env_other.yml
source activate mi
conda env create -f conda_env_linux64.yml
source activate mi
nosetests -a UNIT --processes=4 --process-timeout=360
Source code is organized in directories by instrument vendor. The following is a listing of currently deployed instruments by make.
Instrument location
ADCP teledyne.workhorse.adcp
ADCPS teledyne.workhorse.adcp
BOTPT noaa.botpt.ooicore
CAMDS kml.cam.camds
CAMHD subc_control.onecam.ooicore
CTDBP-NO seabird.sbe16plus_v2.ctdbp_no
CTDPF-Optode seabird.sbe16plus_v2.ctdpf_jb
CTDPF-SBE43 seabird.sbe16plus_v2.ctdpf_sbe43
D1000 mclane.ras.d1000
FLOR wetlabs.fluorometer.flort_d
HPIES uw.hpies.ooicore
MASSP harvard.massp.mcu
NUTNR satlantic.suna_deep.ooicore
OPTAA wetlabs.ac_s.ooicore
PARAD satlantic.par_ser_600m
PCO2W-A sunburst.sami2_pco2.pco2a
PCO2W-B sunburst.sami2_pco2.pco2b
PHSEN sunburst.sami2_ph.ooicore
PPSDN mclane.ras.ppsdn
PREST seabird.sbe54tps
RASFL mclane.ras.rasfl
SPKIR satlantic.ocr_507_icsw.ooicore
THSPH um.thsph.ooicore
TMPSF rbr.xr_420_thermistor_24.ooicore
TRHPH uw.bars.ooicore
VADCP teledyne.workhorse.vadcp
VEL3D-B nobska.mavs4.ooicore
VEL3D_B nobska.mavs4.ooicore
VEL3D-C nortek.vector.ooicore
VEL3D_C nortek.vector.ooicore
VELPT nortek.aquadopp.ooicore
ZPLSC kut.ek60.ooicore
Deploying a release of the mi-instrument package involves the following steppes:
- update version
- push changes to repository (mi-instrument)
- tag release
- build anaconda package
Release notes (RELEASE_NOTES) should include the Version and number on a line by itself, followed by a list of issues with a brief description. Prepend updates to the beginning of the file. E.g.:
Version 1.2.3
* Issue #12345 - Fix ctdbp parser to read new format xyz
The setup file (setup.py) must be updated with the appropriate version:
version = '1.2.3'
Set the new tag:
git tag -a v0.4.0
git push upstream master --tags
Get the current tags from remote repository (to see the currently available tags):
git fetch upstream --tags
See the ooi-config repository for instructions.