This is a python module aiming to interact with the Chamberlain MyQ API.
Code is licensed under the MIT license.
from pymyq import MyQAPI as pymyq
myq = pymyq(username, password, brand)
def is_supported_brand(self): """Return true/false based on supported brands list and input."""
def is_login_valid(self): """Return true/false based on successful authentication."""
def get_devices(self): """Return devices from API"""
def get_garage_doors(self): """Parse devices data and extract garage doors. Return garage doors."""
def get_status(self, device_id): """Return current door status(open/closed)"""
def close_device(self, device_id): """Send request to close the door."""
def open_device(self, device_id): """Send request to open the door."""
def set_state(self, device_id, state): """Send request for request door state change."""
The code here is based off of an unsupported API from Chamberlain and is subject to change without notice. The authors claim no responsibility for damages to your garage door or property by use of the code within.